The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 01, 1904, Image 1

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Xlbe 3Daih IFtebraefcan
Vol. IV, No. 5
Price 5 Cents
First Real Game of The Season
Occurs This Afternoon.
Mailcly Field Will Not Interfere With
Game. llooth TftlkB.
The drizzling rain yesterday after
noon not only prevented any final prac
tice for the game this afternoon, but
put the field in a very soggy condition,
which will doubtless result in a much
closer score than would result if the
field were dry. Indeed, it promises to
be such another gumo as that with
Knox two yeaiE ao, which resulted
in a store of 1-0, and throughout the
length of which th-1 rooters were kept
on the uneasy seat for fear of a toucn
down by the Galesburg men.
Of course, the mud will cause some
fumbles, but these, will only add ex
citement for the rooters, and If it is
cloar this afternoon the east bleachers
will be packed with a howling bunch
of rooters. The first team will be put
Jn for Nebraska at the start, and with
every man In perfect condition a close
and exciting game Is assured.
Coach. Booth said last .night, that
. while prospects for a good game to
morrow had boen excellent during the
week, the wet weather of yesterday
and today will hamper the team great
ly and make a closer score probable
than would otherwise be the cas-j. In
regard to the team, the coach ex
pressed the opinion that indications
had never been brighter. He spoke
especially well of the work of Bonder
and Benedict, but rapfed a little on
some of the other old men who seem,
he said, a little too confident.
Mr. Booth Is much disappointed at
the condition of the field. The cutting
down of space by the physics build
ing hampers the players In every de
partment of the game. In addition to
this, the ground just north of the
building has been used during the sum
mer as a sort of stono quarry and is
full of chips and brick bats. To remedy
this the south end of the field was
covered with loose dirt last week, but
this has made matters worse than
ever, making that end much higher
than- the other ono, without accom
plishing the object at which it was
aimed. "The time has come," the
coach" said." when tile university must
make better arrangements for her
athletics. Sport cannot live long under
such conditions as are now rapidly
piling up."
The Grinnell men nrrived last night
at 7:20 over the Rock Island, and are
being entertained at the Undoll. They
report themselves In fine condition and
are confident of scoring on the Corn-
' buskers even if they do not. win. The
' rooting leaders will- be there with
fresh voices and big megaphones, and
' if the rooters do their share victory is
- Captain Benedict announces the fol
lowing line-up- for his team:
Grinnell. Nebraska.
Mugskens Center Mills
McDonald . . . Right Guard Borg
Glark ' Lof t Guard Barta
Shifllet Right Tackle BurnB
Ble'amaster . . Left Tackle . . Mason Cy
Clark' Right End . . . Robertson
Carlson Left End Johnson
Auracher (C.) .. Q.-B. .. Benedict (C.)
Spencer Right Half Bonder
Joqua Left Half Eager
Little Full Back Mason, G.
Mason, coach. Booth, coach.
The athletic board will next Mon
day night elect managers for baseball,
basketball and track teams. All can
didate must hand in their names to
Dr. Clapp before the meeting. It Is
not necessary to bfe a player to be a
manager, -and, Indeed, sometimes not
desirable to be one. Any man who
has the time and the enorgy Is fitted
to become a manager.
I Nebraska vs.
Nebraska Field at 3:3o
Tickets at Harley's
The Early Indications in Debating
Look Promising.
Of the six men who took part In
the debates with Kansas and Wash
ington universities last spring but two
are back this fall. Thqse are Mr. G.
A. Lee and Mr. C. A. Sawyer. Mr.
Lee will not take part In debating this
year, however, as ho Is carrying heavy
work in the law school, Is assisting
Piofessor Fogg In the dopartment of
rhetoric, and has charge of the now
course In argumentation at the Lincoln
Academy. Mr. E. R. Bucknor, who has
taken so prominent a part in debating
at NobfaskV for the past threo years,
is now at Harvard, together with Ira
Ryner. 03, C. E. Shorey. '03, Guy
Peters, '02, and 0. A. Mather, ex-'05.
Sawyer will debate again this year, and
I evy and Clark, alternates last year,
are also back.
Mr. W. W. Bride, of Georgetown,
D. C, a graduate of Georgetown Uni
versity Law School, and one of George
town's champion debaters, is taking a
year of graduate work In the ""Nebraska
College of Law. Mr. Bride was a mem
ber of Georgetown's three victorious
teams which cleared up everything in
the east, and will provo a great ad
dition to Professor Fogg's pupils hero.
Mr. A. C. Hough, of Ottawa University,
Kansas, is also at Nobraska this year.
Mr. Hugh represented his school In
the Kansas lnterrollogiate league last
Mr. G. L. Campboll, formerly of
BMlevue, who has also done intorcolr
lfplate work, has registered hero thie
At presort two debates have already
l-cen arrungod lv These aro with
KanSas University, at Lawrence, and
Washington UriverM'y, of St. Louis,
a". Lincoln. Poth f these schools wnj
'n.aton b Nebraska last year, and the will doubtless b1 repeated next
spring, l'hoy will tuko place SDni-3-what
earlier than last year.
An exhibit which attracts much at
tention at. the St. Louis, fair this sum
mer was composed of pictures of Ne
braska's famous seven victorious
squads, and posters anpunclng each de
bate. This was supplemented by a
larger placard: "Seven debates soven
victories. University of Nebraska,
The registration in the courses in
argumentation is larger than ever be
fore almost double last year's.
Lincoln High School Man Would
be '08 President.
A new candidate for the presidency
of the Freahman class has been an
nounced. Mr. Ray Ralnbolt of Lincoln,
is the courageous youth In question. It
Is reported on good authority that the
Lincoln freshmen have combined on
Mr. Ralnbolt as there choice, and that
an active campaign will be started Im
mediately In his Interests.
Jt Is not known whether the Sopho-,
mores have been consulted In regard
to Mr. Ralnbolt's chances for election.
Rent a-Remington at student rate
and, keep your notes lfl good form.
Office, Corner of Olive Theater Bldg.
This Afternoon.
Drug Store.
Additional Names are Reported
to Yesterday's List.
The following pledges to several of
the sororities and fraternities of the
university have been reported to us,
slnco the publication of the list in yes
terday's Nobraskan:
Delta Delta Dolta:
Florence Butler,' '08 : . . . Lincoln
Lena Campboll, '08 . Lincoln
Myrtle Hudson, '08 Lincoln
Nellie Rothwoll, '08 : Lincoln
Pauline Whltcomb . Lincoln
Ethel MorrlB, '08 Wayne
PI Beta Phi:
Nellie Schwap, '08 Sutton
Georgia Irwin. 08 Load City
Myrtle Lawton, '08 Lead City
Sarah Hutchlns, '08 Fall City
Alpha Omlcron Pi:
Minnie Baumon. '08 West Point
Florence Parmeleo. '08 Omaha
Loulso Parmelee, '08 Omaha
Alpha Tau Omega:
G. A. Nelson, '08 Harlngton
W. L. Lemon, '08 Harlngton
"Ttrremon; '08 Harlngton
Lawrence Wlntorling, '08
Sheridan, Wyo.
McKnight. '08 .... Buffalo, N. Y.
J. R. Caley, '06 Crelghton
J. C. Laird, '06 law Tabor, la.
Beta Thota PI.
Mai tin Dirks. '07 , Auburn
L. L. Dort, '08 Pawnee City
Paul Bell, '08 Lincoln
J. C. Balrd. '08 New Castle. Wyo.
J. Fitchpatrick, '08 Falrbury
We are also requested to publish tho
following list of fraternity colors,
which will bo of use In determining
Phi Delta Theta Asuro and argent.
Sigma Chi Old gold and light bluo.
Kappa Kappa Gamma Light and
dark blues.
Bota Thota Pi Pine and blue.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Royal purple
and olLgold.
Delta Gamma Bronze-pink and blue.
Delta Tau Delta Purple-white and
Delta Delta Delta Light blue, "old
gold, sllvor.
Alpha Thota Chi Mouse and old
Pi Beta Phi Wine, silver, blue.
Kappa Alpha Theta Gold and block.
Kappa Sigma Scarlet, white, emer
ald green.
Alpha Tau Omega Sky blue and old
Phi Gamma Dolta Royal purple.
Delta Upsilon Old gold, peacock
Chi Omega Cardinal and straw.
Alpha Omlcron PI Plain red.
Phi Kappa Psl Pink and lavender,
Phi Rho Sigma (medical) Scarlet
and gold.
ALL CANDIDATES for the basket
ball team report for practice on Tues
day and, Thursday at 4 p. m. and on
Saturday-" nt 2:30 p. m.
J. C. Mitchell, a student here last
year, is npw principal of the Eustls
high school.
Lincoln Transfer Co.; baggage.
Phone 17G.
The No-Meat Place. Good Health
Temple Fund Pledges Must All
be in This Evening.
Tho Kxplrntlun of Tlmo for IUUInff the
Ilockefellor HuUtllng Money.
Today tho time set for the raising
of tho university's portion of the
Tomplo building fund oxplros. Tho
Y. M. C. A. nnd Y. W. C. A., as well
aB tho various literary eocletles of tho
university, havo been at work for a
week rounding up tho individual
pledges that go to make up their sums
and already the building Ib assurod.
Mr. Wyer said last night that It could
almost certainly bo stated that tho en
tire $33,000 would either bo in the
hands of tho committee or oaBlly avail
able when needed.
Preliminary plans for tho building
have already boen drawn un and elu
sions taken showing tho probablo
appearance of the building. If final
plans can bo secured in time, excavat
ing will bo commoncod this fall. It Is
considered unlikely that this can bo
done before noxt spring, however,
owing to tho rush of business that Is
occupying architects all over the coun
try at present. It Is intended that
plana bo submitted from various firms
In order that the best available may bo
Should It prove Impossible to begin
work thlB fall. It will bo commenced
as soon as the frost Is out of the
ground noxt spring, and pressed with
an possime speed.
Tennis People May Arrange Big
Tournament Here.
vThc tennis meet that had boon ar
rangod between the teams of Minne
sota and Nebraska, to take place In
Mlnneapollsthls fall, has been post
poned until next April, on account of
tho lateness of tho northern season.
The Nebraska men are considering tho
proposition of writing Missouri, Kan
sas and Iowa universities to send teama
here Instead, to participate in a Joint
tournament some time noxt month. It
is thought that tho severance of ath
letic relations hetweon tho two former
schools and Nebraska would not do
away with this scheme, on account of
tennis not receiving the support of the
athletic authorities hero. It is not
known yet, however, whether Kansas
and Missouri would care to enter the
meet, and definite arrangements have
acocrdingly not been completed. It
will be remembered that Nebraska and
Iowa met on the courts last spring,
and a return match with the Iowans
could probably be arranged. Scrlbner
and Cassady, Nebraska's" stars" last
year, are both back and ought to play
even better tennis than they did last
spring, on account of the practice both
havo had during tho summer.
At the last meeting of the athletic
board "N.'b" were granted to these
two men in recognition of their work
In the Nebraska-Minnesota meet' In
tho spring.
Lemming's Dairy for Ice Cream,
Milk and Confectionary.
Meals served in 3 minutes. Good
Health Cafe.
The .first number of thj Academy
News appears today.
If you got It at Armstrong's, It's
$5.00 for $4.00. Good Health Cafe.
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