;f,T.-" I V'jr ' " V1 nf W " T -V--V ? ."? . , 9 "fTf 'Zf' "V " " ' ' jpv Y'-l4B!'' '" fl. 4 ' Zbc 2) a il tfUbraeftan n T (a " BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Student 1r 13 Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper X ' While Doing So. ART GOODS Ross P. Curtice. BARBER SHOP Green's, Palace and Mogul. BICYCLES-ATHLETIC GOODS Si dle. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store. Uni. Book Store. BOOKB1NDL.G Gillespie. BOW1 ING ALLEY Crescent. CIGARS Powell, Royal and Walttor. CLOTHING Armstrong. Mngee & Deemei, Unlnnd. COA1 Gregory, P. 1). Smith, White breast. CONFECTIONERY Maxwell. Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DRUGGISTS Stclner, Woempener, Brown, Mann. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Ross Elec tric Co. EXPRESS Liiuoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzel. A. M. Davis, Hardy. GROCERS Keystone. HABERDASHERY $2..")0 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudge & (Juenzel, F. E. I ahr. HOTEI S Llndell. .TEWEI ERS Tucker Fleming. Wolff. LAU7NDRIES Yule Bros. MANDOLIN INSTRUCTION Mrs. R. W. Rhone. MILLINERS The Famous. OPTICIANS Dr. J. J. Davis. . o!lY. PIANOS Ross P. Curtice Co. POOI AND BILLIARuS B. P. Pow ell. The Ideal. PRINTING George Bros , New Cen tury. Ivy Press, Review Press, Grif fin & Greer. RESTAURANTS-Weslei (leid Home Catc. Uni School of Music Cafe, Good Health. SHOES Sanderson. SHINING PARI.OR-The Lincoln Shining Parlor. STENOGRAPHER Fiank E. Lee. V HJITORllTM Welipr, Sauluip fc Wood f TAI1 ORS Unland, Union College Tailorft. Franke E. Lee. Public Stenographer and Notary. Mimeographic letters; perfect Imitation. 501-502 Richardb Blk. Auto 1155. Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. AkSarBen Festivitres Omahn, Sept. 2S (o Oct. 8 j Electrical Parades, Confetti Battles, Gland Illumination and Many Special Attrac tions. - - The Union Pacific will sell round trip tickets at one fare plus 50 cents lor the round trip. Tickets on sale October 3rd to 7th inclusive, good, for return ing October 10. Inquire of E. B; SLOSSO Hah Aral kvpnt .., H B M j.' i,:.l. CONVENTION OF EDITORS. ' College Editors Meet in St. Louis This Summer. ( ollege of of the liiR The first national convention of col lege editors was held In tho Hall of Congresses, of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition on July 22, 1904. Tho meet ing of the editors was presided over by Dan McFnrland, of the M. S U. Independent, with J. A. Porter, of "The Wabash" ac ting as secretary. About eighty editors were present and at tended the uusiness sessions during which various problems of journalism were discussed. . Although not every section country nor a large number schools were represented. nevcrtheleF3 for a start In organization a ery creditable representation both by sec tionK and by schools was made Representatives from the Universi ties of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri. Stan ford. Michigan, Drake. Chicago, Col umbia Illinois. Indinna, Pardu and Ohio were present, together with a laige number of representnthes of smaller colleges. The editors attended In a body the first contest of the recently organized National Oratorical association, nfter which over sixty editors sat at the I aiKjuet table presided oor 1. Dan M( Far! and Among the subjec ts discussed at the business session were 'The Position of the College Paper in the School," by H. G. Fisher of Drake University; "The Dailv Paper in College Journalism." by H. M. Pratt, of Iowa University: "The Exchange Column," by L. R. Whipple of Missouri University; "The Pulitzer School of Journalism," by the editor of the Columbia . University Spectator Plans for a permanent organiz.Htlon of college editors were discussed by a committee composed of S M. Frank of the Independent, J. H. Palmer and W. II. Tucker An informal organization was formed with the purpose of holding another com en -tion next jenr at which a full scheme of oigani.ation should be adonted K F Nelson, of the University of Mis souri, was elected president of the As sociation, with H W. Pratt, of Iow-n secretarj. These men with an ex ec. uthe committee of five chosen from the different geographical sections, are to push the work for another con ention and for a formal organization The editors were shown courtesies by the exposition management and the arious concessionaires which were thoroughly appreciated. It was largely due to the exposition that it was pos sible to hold the convention, although convention is clue to the work of Mr. J. A. Porter, of Wabash College, who first concehed of the idea. Miirouri Independent. OFFERS PRIZES. Chicago Uni. Offers Prizes for Short Essays. t The Unlveislty of Chicago has of lered three cash prizes aggregating $6,000 for the three best monographs upon the subject. "The German Ele ment In the United States, with Spe cial Reference to Its Political, Moral. Social and Educational Influence." It is enabled to do so through the gen erosity of Mrs. Catherine Seipp, who has established the competition in the memory of her husljand. Conrad Seipj. The monographs are to-be finished and delivered to-thTTGermanlc depaitment of the University of Chicago on or be fore the 22d of March. 1907. They may be written In either English or Ger man. The successful author will re ceive one-half of proceeds from sale of the book In the first ten -years. Com petition open to all. There will be three Judges of the competition. One of these will be Hau. Carl Schurz, and a second will prob ably be Embassador Andrew D. White. These two will select a third. The com;etltfon Is open to all. Inquiries should be addressed to Dr. H. K. Becker of the Germanic department of the University of Chicago. Sam. Westcrfield Proprietor of "SAM'S CAFE" Serves the Famouo LITTLE OEM HOT WAffLES . And Caters to Stuient Trade Special Table for Ladies. 117-121 N 13th Street IT WILL PAY STUDENTS TO SEE H. W. BROWN BEFORE BUYING cc--c--. TEXT BOOKS & SUPPLIES m J 27 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET M'J'IMtW! Rent a Remington at student rate and keen your notes In eood form. Office, Corner oW)IIvo Theater Bldg.i $5.00 for $4.00. Good Health Cafe. tf5&Q&i& TRY A TON OF I Cardiff Coal i Sif bOO Heating Stove $ Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Refunded. Whitebreast Co. I I0 60 STREET AUTO 'PHONE 3232 BELL 'PHONE 234 JZ&&izxz?&ffl Low Rates East October 11, 1904. One fare plus $2 for the round trip to many points In Indiana, and Ohio, and to some points In Kentucky. Good to return for 30 days. Via tho - Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Through train service to Chicago from all points on the main line of the Union Pacific Railroad. Jlou'te ofTEe Overland Limited. A t Three trains daily, Omaha to Chicago. For Freo Books and Folders Kindly Fill Out This Coupon aud Mall Today to F. A. NASH, G. W. A. 1524 Farnam St, Omaha Name . . . . Street Address .". . r. : ,.r, r. . Clty---- 'State. !........ '........,: "Probable Destination ' .. . 4.7 :. 'W M Jr. P ' 4 : " : ' i.. 't r ' J '&V&iarffcV ft JkL tj&il$'M )jtid t'A..ttMt&&tkAij&i., Jj -M.' ' " ' .!) S"?T-gW j