The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 30, 1904, Image 1

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Vol.JVt No. 4
Price 5 Cents
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Long Lilt of . Fraternity and -Sorority
Pledges Announced.
Th Oreelr fcittoi1 BolU Swell Their
Natnbor .by Kow Addition.
Stella Trimble Pall City
All Freshmen.
Vern Leet, '08 Lincoln
Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Florence WoodB, '08 Lincoln
Alpha Amlcron PI.
Annie Jones Lincoln
I Jla Le Gore Lincoln
Following is a list of pledges to the
various ritornaties and sororities of
the university; so far as they have been
announced It -will, bo noticed that a
few of the socleties-especially some
of the sorprltips are- not represented
in this list ThiB is for the most part
owing- to several being made on the
quiet, and not tor present publication:
Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Residenco,
1228 R. street
G: Teeters Beatrice
H. Shallhorn Lincoln
Roy Cook Lincoln
N. Barnes Lincoln
R. Buries n Lincoln
A. Schmidt ,-.- Beatrice
H, Wilson Salaam
B. Jones Salaam
W. Wilhelm' .- Lincoln
T. Mills' Osceola
G. Camoron Lincoln
A. Lyons ...,. Fall City
Sigma Chi. Residence, 1142 K. street.
W. W. Bride Georgetown, D. C.
R. E. Peacock Falls City
Dolta Tau Delta. Residence, 1G43 Q
Atthur Hazjewood, '07 Lincoln
ierno Howard. '08 , Fromont
Delta Ups'llon'. . ResfdenM 1486 - F
Gilroy . . . Lead, S. D.
Charles Lussler Lead, S. D.
Will Lundin Lead, S. D".
Cloyde Matson Lincoln
A. Black , Salt Lake
Peterson Chicago
All Freshmen.
Phi Delta Theta, Residence, 1604 F
Fred Harris, '08 Omaha
Hugo Blrkmer, '08 Lincoln
H. MCLaufhJim, '08 Lincoln
W. Trimble. '.08 Hastings
B. Koehler, '08 Hastings
G. Lantz, 0G Kearney
Alpha Theta Chi., Residence 2548 Q
JUex Marriott, '08 Omaha
-J.- Clyde Mooro, 06 Omaha
Alex Van Orsdell, '08 . . Portland, Ore.
Wm. J. McCabe, '08 Wayne
Ray Pool, '06 Weeping Water
Fred Naughton, '08' Omaha
PJbl Kappa Psi. Rosldonco 226 N.
Twenty-sixth street.
George Redlck Omaha
R. Durkee -r-, Omaha
Ed .Johnston Omaha
Jack Dumont Omaha.
L. Callahan ..., ..x Omaha
Delta. Gamma.. Residence 719 S. Six
teenth street.
Ellen Lun, '08 Omaha
Edith Wright, '08 Schafer
RUth Jackway '08 .'..,, Lincoln
Jessie Gibson, '08 Fromont
Abblo, Stuart, '03' Blair
Kappa Kappa Gamma. Residence 623
S. Fourteenth street.
Missi Extelle (Phi Beta Kappa)
Tennessee graduate from Vassar.
Verne "Hall, '08 Creston, Iaf
Ruth Baker, '08 Lincoln
Edna Baker, '08 Lincoln
Mary Minor, '08 . . . v. . . Lincoln
Kappa Alpha-'Theta. Residenco 1035
J street
Helen Lawes .., ,.. Lincoln
, S. Stuart Lincoln
2 Emma Swezoy Lincoln
V Agnes, Langeven ; Fall City
s ' Jessie 'Eowfera -4k.,... York
President Wolf Appoints Fresh
man and Other Committees.
Foot Bail Men Beginning to Show
Rapid Improvement.
Tho Tentn Is Rounding Into Shnpo for
the Orlunell Ginie.
Yesterday Presldont Wolf, of the
Sophomore class responded to tho res
olution made at the last class mooting,
that a committee be appointed to take
charge of the Freshmen during their
attempts to organize. For obvious
reasons, it was thought wise to keep
these appointments secret, but tho.
Nebraskan has good authority as to
tho authenticity of the following list,
although we can assume no respon
sibility for it: B. F. Rush, J. I. Bar
nard. C. C. McWIUlams. C. Johnson.
H. D. Lapp, I. T. Rhorer, H. L. Mantor
W. E. Flake, Campbell, and 9.
Other committee appointments made
were as follows:
Hop Committee Chairman, Charles
A. Sunderlin; master of ceremonies,
B. Jones, Mary Morgan, Rosalie Stew
art. Anita Hazelwood, Leo P. Howard,
Nelllo A. Syoyer, Lloyd DottsloW,
Alma Ettlng, R. L. Moss, A. Meyer,
Paul Jonos, H. G. Myers, Glenn Ma
son, Claude Robertson, A. M. Levy, O.
S. Copeland.
Sombrero Committee Chairman. D.
P. Do Young, Helen Anderson, A. H.
Cap Committee Chairman. R. H.
Findley; Alice Ageo Imogene Brewster.
JBo4nar,ciraye,-cMaryWJHiams. D
A. Kerr. A. Manning, W." E". "Stand-
Manager basketball team R. L.
Manager football team C. M. Dunn.
Commissioned Officers are Ap
pointed in Cadet Battalion.
Tho following commissioned officers
were appointed at drill last evening:
To be Cadet Captains:
L. A. Sheldon, assigned to Co. A.
JLH. Whlto, assigned to Co. B.
W. C. Ramsey, assigned to Co. C.
J. Hyde, asslgnecT to Co. D.
To bo Cadet, First Lieutenant and
R. A. Towne.
To bo CatSd First 1 ieuterrants:
E. W. Crltes, assigned to Co. A.
H. B. McCallum, assigned to Co. B.
E. B. Adams, assigned to Co. C.
Jas. McGeachin, assigned to Co. D.
To be Cadet Second Lieutenants:
R. R.. Hill. asslgnQd to Co. A. -
P. Laner assigned to Co, C.
- L. P. Stone, assigned to Co.- D.
Other commissioned and non-commissioned
pfllcera will be appointed
next week.
Captain Chase has received a request
for applications for the headship of
the military department of the Mobile
Military Institute, at Mobile, Ala. Here
is a good chance for some experienced
cadet. '
The football men camo out with an
extra supply of energy last evening,
after tho day's rest, and despite the
heavy fleld tho scrimmage was fast
and unusually free from fumbling, con
sidering tho muddy fleld. Tho old
standby, Dean Ringer, had donned his
moleskins again and took the guards
in hand, and under his supervision
they showed markod improvement,
even durinc the one hour. Barta es
pecially Is improving rapidly, and is
getting Into tho gamo with a vim
which almost Insures him a place on
tho team. Borg also Is doing well and
promises to make as good a guard as
he Is a center. Mills was on the field
again after a couple of days out, due
to an injured rib, and his speed is in
creasing steadily. Last night he broke
through tho scrub line overy play and
several times stopped his man. The
tacklbsare giving tho mot trouble.
Cy Mason is a fixture and is playing
in his old time form. Burns Is being
tried onthe other side, and although
light may make good, as ho "Is a hard
man to box up. Robertson has left
his tacklo position to try for end, and
is becoming, more certain in his
tackl'ng. Bill Johnson, Standqvon and
Denslow are also being played reg
ularly on practice. In the back fleld
pBened'ct i Axed, at quarter. Bender
at-ono nan anu uien mason- ai iuii.
Fenlon, Eager and Marsh are fighting
It out for tho other half. On the whole
the prospect is decidedly good for this
early season, and were it not for tho
light line the best team of Booth's
reign could be predicted.
The football management tried to
arrange for a mass meeting at chapel
time today In order to rouso enthu
siasm, for the Gclnnoli game, but the
convocation committee had made other
Manager Davis is in Omaha on busi
ness connected with the Crelghton
game, to be played there on the 15th.
An excursion may bo run at that time
to take up any university supporters
who may wish to go.
Munn. who was showing up well at
end, will be out of the gamo on ac
count of his father's objection to the
rushed to training quarters at Whit
more lake."
Tho following yell will bo intro
duced at Saturday's game. Evorybody
learn It:
U Rah Rah
No1 bras ka
U Rah Rah
No bras ka
U Rah Rah
No bras ka
Hooray !
Hold Love Feast in Chapel and
Choose Officers.
The Junior class mot yostordoy
morning at convocation tlmo In Me
morial hall and In ton minutes olected
tho following Blato: ProBldont, Laur
ence Sidwoll of Omaha; vfco-presldcnt,
L. S. Lo Gro of South Omaha; secretary-treasurer,
Miss Lillian Bennett of
Lincoln; sergeant-at-arms, ex-President
W. H. Smith of Tobias. The beat
of fooling prevailed throughout the
meotlng, and each officer was chosen
by acclamation.
An amusing Incident occurred in
connection with the choice of the
secretary. A certain gojitlcman of the
class was nominated for the office, and
since no other names woro offered.
some one made a motion to close nomi
nations and declare the aforesaid gen
tleman the unanimous choice of the
class. Some wag at once set up a
demand that a girl bo elected for the
position, and the whole class took up
the cry. A vote resulted in ono man
not tho nominee signifying the lat
ter as his choice, and the rest of the
class voting, for Miss Bonnett. The
lman In tho case" fervently thanked
tho class for this mark of apprecia
tion, and wob mot with a storm of ap
Plausel !:!
President Sidwoll announces that the
Junior Prom, committee will be named
in The Nebraskan some timo next
The Famous will give a special dis
count of 10 per cent to university stu
dents on all purchases of millinery,
kid gloves, corsets,' etc.
Music in Chapel.
Today the first musical program of
the year will be given at convocation.
The following will bo the program.
Toccata and Fugue tJ, Bach
In Paradise Dubois
Gavotte Thomas
Nuptial March Guilmant
Fanfare Lemmens
A recent number of tho Chicago
Tribune comments briefly as follows
on tho football situation at Illinois,
Minnesota and Michigan:
"Illinois University: Outlook en
couraging. Tho heavy spring rains
have, evidently stunted tho growth of
Uie crop In tills section. There is an
Tho Young Women's Christian asso
ciation of tho university extends a
cordial welcome-to both the old and
new students.
At tho beginning of the rear, among-
abundance of raw material, but it Isthe various Interests that claim the
The University School of- Music
Cafe, Meals a la carte. Everything
first cjass; fine chef, good service.
Take lunch with us.
Fleming, 1211 O St., la showing a
nice line of Jewelry.
Meals or Lunch. Good Health Cafe.
uniformly light In weight, and has not
filled properly. Much of it is green
and inexperiences. The coaqhes main
tain cheerful attitudes, but hold out
no roseate hopes.
"Minnesota University: Insufficient
bulletin's as yet. but outlook by no
means discouraging. Reports also con
flicting. Material said to be light, and
at the same time reported to weigh
on an average 190 pounds. One recent
consignment of 280 pounds for the
position of left guard has helped to
make the general feeling more opti-
"Michigan University: Reports de
cidedly .bullish. Materia said to av
erage 200 pounds, with occasional ship
ments which grade from' 205 to as
high as 260 pounds. Over 50 per cent
of the visible supply is made up of
well seasoned material from last year's
product Early deliveries are being
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Opening reception of Young Wo
men's Christian association to alj uni
versity girls, Friday, September 0.
8 to 10:30, at tho governor's mansion,
M46 H street
attention, this is one of the most im
portant, as it has for Its object tho
throe-fold development of character.
All young women of the university
are invited to attend the devotional
meetings bold every Sunday after
noon at 3 o'clock In, No. 106; ftlso the
noon prayer meeting held oyery; dky
at 12:20 in the Y. W. C. Av tpbmf
The courses offered in mission study
AQd Bible study are. such as will In
terest students of all classes.
The Y. W. C. A. girls will be glad
to have the young women call at their
room, which is east of the front en
trance to University Hall, and become
acquainted with them and with each
other; that as friends, all may co
operate for the interest of the highest
and best
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