The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 28, 1904, Image 1

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ZCbe S)atl 1Flebaekan
Vol. IV, No. 2
Price 5 Cents.
College Settlement Board Will
Submit Constitution This
New Member to be Klefted. l'rof.
Cnldwell Will Talk.
The convocation period this morning
will be given over to the college set
tlement board. A mnBS meeting has
been called, to which all members of
the faculty and Btudent body are In
vited: Reports of tho past year's work
will bo presented by. tho treasurer.
Professor H. W. Coldwell, and by the
president, Professor Grummann An to All-vacancies
n the. board of directors, in accord
ance with the constitution and by
laws published below, which will be
submitted to the meeting for adoption.
One faculty member, and four student
members are to be chosen.
The name of this association shall
be "The College Settlement Associa
tion of Lincolnh-Nebroska."'
Article U. Objects.
The. objects of this association shall
be (1) to maintain a college settlement
house In the city of Lincoln in the
State of Nebraska; (2) to encourago
students to reside In such house; (3)
to promote and organize non-resident
work In the- njorhwJiflidJaccnt to
said house, and (4) in general to pro
mote and direct the spirit of helpful
ness and ministry to others.
Article III. Organization.
The membership of this society shall
consist of all members of the faculty
and student body of the University of
Nebraska who have contributed to Its
-support, and all other persons 'who
contribute $2t00 or more annually. The
government of this society shall be
. Tested In a board of directors consist
ing of ten members, four of whom
fahall bo students of the State Univer
sity elected by the student body, three
of 'whom shall bo elected by the uni
versity faculty from their own num
ber, and four of whom shall be elected
from among other citizens of Lincoln
by tho board of dlroctors. The stu
dent members of the board shall hold
ofnee-for one year. The faculty and
citizen members of the board shall
hold office for three years and their
terms of office shall bo so arranged
that one4 new membor shall be elected
annually from the faculty and one
from the non-unlverslty membership.
" ThQ board 'shall elect by ballot from
their own number a president and a
8e.cre.tary. They shall also elect a
.' treasurer. The board shall have power
to appoint such committees as It may
deem expedient to carry on tho work
of (he society. Tho board Bhall have
power also to Mce and appolnt-jesl-dent
and other assistants to conduct
the work of the society. It shall be
the duty of the board of directors to
manage the property and control the
funds of the society, to take suitable
measures for tho attainment of the ob
jects of thoaocioty, and to submit a
' written report of the year's work at
the annual mooting. The board shall
adopt its own by-laws and shall have
full power to act for the Interest of
the society in any oxlgency not pro
vided for by this constitution.
Article IV. Meetings.
. The anpuoj meeting for. the election
of faculty ' and student members of
tho board and hearing of reports of
officers shall bo held during the first
three weeks of tho firtt semester of
tho college year. Special meeting may
be called on three days' notice by the
president or three members of the
hoaid. At a meeting for the election
of the members of the board a quo
rum shall consist of five members of
the faculty and ten members of the
student body At a meeting of the
board of directors five members shall
constitute a quorum.
Article V. Amendments
Amendments may be adopted by a
two-thirds vote of those present at
n -annual "meeting of tho -society-op
at a special meeting provided that
notice of the Intention to make an
amendment has been given In the call
for the meeting.
Article L Order of Business.
Article 11. Meetings.
Tho regular meetings of the board
of directors to be hold on the first
Saturday of each month at the Col
lego Settlement. Special meetings of
the board may be called at any time
by tho president or by any three menu
bors, provided nptlce bo given
Article III Funds of the Society.
All funds of tho society shall be
turned over to the treasurer and he
shall keep as near as possible a list
of the names of thoso who have con
tributed and a record of all other
sources of revenue. Tho funds shall
bckcpt In a bank and paid out only
on checks. Bills will not be paid un
til they have been allowed at a moot
ing of the board of directors and
counter-Bigned by the president. The
treasurer shall make an annual report
for tho year ending August 31st. His,
report shall Include the sources- of .all
receipts and a classified list of all ex
penditures and an account of contribu
tions other than cash received during
tho year.
Athletic Board Defers Base Ball
Election Again.'
The athletic board met last night In
Dr Clapp'8 office and transacted busl
nops of considerable Importanco. Tho
date of the proposed Alumni game
was definitely fixed as Wcdtt&aday,
October 12. A special committee, con
sisting of the football manager and
coach was appointed to arrange other
mid-week games.
The prices for the Grinnell gamo
next Saturday were fixed at 50 cents
for general admission and 75 cents for
grandstand tickets,
It was decided to play the Haskell
Indian game ut Kansas City according
to the schedule, and final arrange
ments were discussed. Nothing was
determined upon as to an excursion
to the game.
Tho election of a baseball captain,
which was deferred last spring, and
the choosing of baseball and track
team managiMS, was made the speclul
oider of bnsLess for the next meet
ing or the boaid, to be held in Dr.
Clupp's office next Monday evening.
Candidates tor these positions are re
quested to hand their names to Dr.
Clapp before that time.
John Bender and Clarence Steen
are presumed to be candidates for the
uasehall captaincy. Murray Townsend
Is not In school this year Earl Eager,
J. F. Allen and Fred A. Sweeloy are
understood to bo after the "baseball
managerment, while John Morrison,
assistant manager of tho football
team, and A. T. Charlton want to run
tno track, toam.
Innocents Meet.
.Tho Innocents met yesterday morn
ing for the first time this year. The
principal business transacted was the
.elbction qf.Jofon Allen as chief-yell
leader, and Will Ramsey as assistant
It was also decided that rooting
squads should at onco bo organized,
aud that practice rooting should be
conducted every afternoon at football
practice. This is to be begun as soon
as possible.
$5.00 fpr $4.00. Good Health Care,
Lincoln High School Holds Corn
huskers Down to Three
Hliow Blurb llelter F6rm Tlinu Omnil
lilnuil Collegian.
A surprlso was sprung on tho small
crowd which gathered on Nebraska
field yesterday afternoon to hce the
Cornhuskers. experienced by one col
logo game, wlpo tho earth with the
Lincoln High School team In the ganle
postponed from September 17. For
whereas most of the crowd looked for
TTgcWEovon -gnmTtfr than that rolled
up against Grand Island last Saturday,
the High School lads not only hold the
score to 0-0 In the first half, but really
had the hotter of the gamo. Only
when an entirely fresh first team was
put In against tho tired Lincoln boys
at the beginning of the second half
did tho Scarlet and Cream score bo
gin to grow, but evon when the game
closed tho score was only 17-0, as
compared with E3-6 In the opening
Bam" oer-Hgo. Howovor, the dif
ference In bcqjo Ib more due to the
fact that the halves were fifteen and
ten minutes In length than to any
fault In the Cornhuskers' game, al
though fumbling was a little too fre
quent and would have proved costly
In a harder game.
For the High 8chool Captain Saults
at right end played the star game, es
I eclally on defense; and only once
did the slippery Bender get around
him. Rathbone made tho longest gain
for the Lincoln boys, and Uhl hit the
line fiercely on tackle bucks. For tho
University Burns played an excellent
game at the tackle position, and
Roddick .brppght forth a round of ap
plause In the flist half by a very
pretty flying tackle. The most sen
sational stunts of the game were two
spilnts for a touchdown by Bender
and Fenian, qn. two successive first
downs. "iTGuJan Is Doing tried at half
DacK. wnore nis weignt ana nis Hpeea
after onco getting started make him
one of the most likely candidates. Ben
der has lost none of his dodging abil
ity, and promises to be as elusive as
he was last year.
The game opened with the High
School kicking to Roddick, who re
turned ten yards. Two plays netted
only three yards, and Drain was forced
to punt, the ball going out of bounds
on Lincoln's forty-yard line. Uhl took
three yards through tackle, but the
Unhersity held "and forced a punt to
Rcddlck, who was downed In his
tiucks. Two more small gains and
Drain again punted thirty yards, w1th
no return. Rathbone and Uhl present
ed the team with a first down, and
then tho former broke through tackle
and gained fifteen yards until downed
by Roddick. Then and there a brace,
and the Wlgh School punted fifteen
yards and regained the hall on a fum
ble and then reciprocated. Drain was
forced to another punt immediately,
tho ball going out of bounds on the
forty-yard line. A mass on tackle gave
Uhl -five yards, and another b rough
two more. Tho half ended with the
ball in Lincoln's hands in the center
flold and honors evon. Score, 0-0.
For the short second half Booth
put in all his old stars, leaving only
Burns and Richardson in. Bender
jUukexL to tho fifteen-yard line and
downs his own-man; The H S. puntea
at once and tho ball went out of
bounds at the thlrty-flve-yard lino.
Fenlon failed to gain around the end,
Bonder made three yards through
tacke and three more around cend.
Fenlon made four through tacn.e, and
Bender made It first down. A center
buck by Mason only gave two yards.
but Fenlon carried the plg-skln ten
yards In a mnss-on-tacklo. Bonder
made fivo moro. and by a bad fumble
on tho flfteon-ynrd lino Fonlon lost
the ball. After two unsuccessful lino
bucks tho H. S. punted to Bonodlct,
who returned fifteen yards to tho forty
yard line. Fenlon drow 10 yards and
Oobhardt forced Bonder out of bounds
on n loft shift with no.galn.. Tlpio was
taken out. during which Lincoln re
lieved Burns at-tackle, and than Fon
lon skirted right end for twonty yards
to a touchdowu. Benedict kicked a
very pretty goal from tho corner of
tho flold. During tho intermission
Johnson went In at end in place of
The High School kicked to Bondor,
who rotumed five yards, and onr tho
first play Fonlon hVoko ' Iooho and
raced down tho field to a second
touchdown. Benedict addod a pretty
goal. Woller delloVed Fonlon. High
School again kicked to Bonedlct and
this tlmo Bonder finally managed to
cscapo Saults and made another
touchdown. Tho goal was too easy,
however, and Bonedlct missed ' It.
Again the High School kicked to Bene
dict, who made a return punt to the
ton-yard lino, and on tho first forma
tion time was called. Score, 17-0.
The llno-up was as follows:
High School. University.
Bronson Donslow, Standevon
Loft ond.
Hlldobrand Lundin, Mason
Left tackle.
Sommerhnlder Harvey. Spear
Loft guard.
Collins Rlcharlson, Borg
Bowers Shaak. Richardson
Right guard.
Harrison Burns
Right tackle.
Sanity. Ryan. Johnson
Right end.
' Reddlck, Benedict
Rathbone Fonlon, Wellor
Loft halfback.
Uhl . .' Drain, Bonder
Right halfback.
Gebbardt Klmmol. Mason
Referee Condra.
Umpire Weatover
Choose Their Entire Ticket by
'A largo number of Sophomores as
sembled In Memorial hall at chapel
time yesterday morning and elected a
complete list of officers with not a
trace of tho rag-chewing that marked
tho deliberations of last year's second
year people.
Considerable Interest "had been
laroueed In tho meeting, from the fact
that It was the first class meeting or
the year, to which tho prospect of a
lively fight added materially. To tho
surprise of everyone, howovor, tho en
tire llBt was chosen by acclamation,
and with no bickerings whatever. A'
number of Freshmen, Junlprs and
8eniors were present, but oercd no
Interference with tho proceedings of
tho Sophomores. .
Mr. Albert Wolf, of Odell. was
chosen president. The remainder of
the officers were as follows: Vice
president, D. L. Cramer; secretary and
treasurer. Flossy Erford; attorney. Mr.
Grinnell. The name of Mr. R. H. Flnd
loy, who had beon prominently men
tioned for the presidency, was not
The University School of .Music
Cafe. Meals a la carte. Everything
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Take lunch with us.
The Famous will give a special dis
count of 10 per cent to university stu
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kid gloves, corsets, etc.
Chapln Bros.. Florists. 127 So. 13th.
' K
, VI
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