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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1904)
;"l '" Sbc D a i I flebr Jiilkan Ce Ddp Ilebraskan A rtinoUditIiin f Tim Hi-BiM'rinn, Vol. Ill Tin- Ni-brnHloiii, Vol, 10 Scnrliit nrt Urenin, Vol. . Klltor In Chief HnHlr.fH MmiHir r Clrniliitor .John D. WIit A U. Sf-liri Hut A. K. Hc.-l(fr ASSOCIATE EDITORS Nwi - ' - - P. A. EwlnK Athletic - - ' J- W. Hoar Literary - Dorothy Green Reporter!- D. P. DeYounR and Raymond H. McCaw (IIVcm-h; Kdllonnl, I' MM1,, Hnslne-, U 21 1 ' I'ohI Oflloe, Box III, Station A Uneeiln. Hntiwriiitlnn Price. JL' pi-r -tr In uiUnncr Kntcn-d at the jjomUjMit it Lincoln. Nelirnxkn iih s-onl cIhhm mull matter Editorial Remarks THE CLASS OF '04. Another year of history of our I'ni versity Is drawing to a (lose and mi1 other hnnd of graduates will oon go forth to take their places in thn world. There must come a separation of friends and of interests- bonds whith ( nn never be reunited. While here the members of the present (lass have had ommon experience, being bound to get her into one organization, and having had similar Ideals They have lived in the same general atmosphere All have striven together, and al though some have forged abend the difference Is but a matter of distance admitting of easy communication and not absolute separation Some hae won honors and aie proud in conse quence. In a. word, some fun e at hierd speilnl distinction and others hne not lint now none have speclul advantages exc cpt what outside influences have given them, or what thev ma hae mic t eecled in gaining for themselves The great majority must go forth to pc u the opportunity that they may have found or have" vet to find, but all the distinctions that any hao won here In college, as meiely such, will not nvall them when it comes to find ing a place. However, if they are aide to put to another more practical use the talents and qualities that enabled them to win honors litre, then indeed will their expeiif me hae pioed valu able Kac h graduate has a destinj to wotk out. and it is in the hands of each to haw a part in shaping it If each one has been true to himself and made the best use of the advantages offered him heie, he has shown charac t eristics that bode well for the future. The in (luence of these past four years' train ing has made itself profoundly felt by many, ami It will doubtless extend Its nvny over the future lives of these. Hence the common love and interest in the alma mater, thus inspired, will bind many together in spirit, al though the material reunion of all can never be. The general atmosphere of our Uni versity is democratic. As the class proceeds along the road from the first j car to the last In ever dwindling num bers, the survivors are drawn closer together and because of the fewness of numbers dining the last stage are en abled to know each other better The distinguishing badges and spe ial func tions all have their places in drawing thrin Into closer union But It is not until the time has come for separa tion that they come to realize this in a mo&t vivid sense Then with the if collections of the scenes that thej have left behind them and the uncer tainly ns to what the future has in SUMMER SHIRT WAISTS ftfteipcOikcivaiQ SHIRT WAIST SUITS Tftmks, Suit Cases and Bags We've gathered ;i -houinu cif these I ra (ding necessjt ie-s tlinl will pirn,, flu- prospective u er to !i decree. Keeeiit uddit ions io the stock luive been made oi late, and with improved facilit for showing, a depart nient of the highest order offers strong inducements for vour approval. 'o mailer what the want, he it Irunk, suit ease, or traveling hag, it's to vour interest to fill it here. Why leeaise rr ieeahilit considered, we sive vmi nioiiev. I nveM igafo. Mm iv specially good values are shown sneh as I lii trunk, with flat lop, Japanned seel cor ners and clumps Monitor lock, iron hotiom. deep I rn with covered hat l canvas cov ered priced: l's inch, $:V.7 ; :'.) inch, $:.::;' .'Il' inch, $:;.'.:; :!l incdi, $:!.!i7 : and :i-inch, $-1.4 7. . , ,. Trunk with canvas cover, flat lop. Japanned steel corner hunipers, hras- Monitor lock, heavy 'ide hedts, covered trav with two compartments- -price: oO-indi, $1.!7; -JJ inch, $". !"; :!4-iuch, $.V.7 ; -'iii indi, $('. 1.1. Tiimk with canvas cover, flat !p. Japanned steel corners and (damps. Monitor lock, heavy leather -traps, deep trav with covered hat hox -price: J.vinch, $-!.!:; :'r2 incdi, $.". 17; .'.-l incdi. $i.-l.": :;'. incdi, $ii.!l."i. A full line of Sialic N a i row Slat, Iiurcau aucl Steamer Trunks in an a-sori nienl d great merit. 1'iices range to, each ip.JO.OO SI II ( 'ASKS, made of genuine cowhide ; hruss locks and catches; extra 'vvcdl made: er low priced, in si(.s ), 24, 2(5, at $:.!);, $i.T unci $r,.ji."). I.aige !i--nrinu-ni of Suit Ca-es f ;,H desciip fioiis prices range from $i,:; to $.'.)0. Traveling ;,,.. f,, jm, ;M ; vj(.v , ,.;,.,.,! at ."0c- Io $ 1 ;.()( I. ' stoic, the ate obliged to let 1 icgict that all must end wi soon This is not in lelerenev to an in c ldent unique in itself, but to a 1 1 -ctimstance rejieatcd eail When the time (onies to part, then is risponsi bilitj. even fiaughl with sadness, felt And now the outgoing c lass must en counter the trials of separation and bid farewell to an institution and a cause that they have learned to love and tevere. Hit it is within their pown to reflect ciedil and honor upon their alma mater, by ever being true to the pie-trpts that have been taught them heie, a,nd striving with noble aims and purposes to establish as a venty that the world will be better for their having lived. Then let them go forth with their faces toward the ligTit and ma it guide their wa to high and noble achievements And when t he battle or life' is over ma) thej have made the good fight and nmu io dwell with the vie iois at the last c Such vv llnlasW loindlu pnupnpj Jflliij-j TO The Hardware Store for Hardware The Drug More for Drugs HUT UNDBLAND'S, the specialist in ra zors strops, hair brushes, combs, Man icure goods, cosmttlcs and toilet ar ticles of all kinds. Ask Your Harber! 210 So. 12th St. Lincoln 151G Dodge St. Omaha Don Cameron's lunch counter foe food service. TURPIN 1 H !F- H H 1 Iv ' 1 ' sm 1 H L.s MMi X I ARROW COLLAR I I IS CENTS, 2 FOR 20 CENTS I I CLUETT, PEABODY A. CO. H MAKXM Or CLUITT AMO MOHAJICH (HINT H This Space Reserved by Btimstead ruZZ2m Hotel Walton n 4U Wfc!JV'e-i TL . l5f5 Str' pfaonc 566. uiotfiuif Lileanedaod Pressed i tooroom-beBtiow-priMd houioiiyy Phouo 7Q. Northoaat t)or 11th And 0. ' RATE5 $, pcr Day ami Up, -.A!... --- n ,, '-h A L Bfe1. J.t iAvw Urm'-