The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 27, 1904, Image 1
lm . tlhe aito IRebraekan VOL. IIL NO. J56. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, MAY 27, J904. PRICE 3 CENTS i&l w v TOWiUUZfeK W . J t OUR UNI. SHEWING Dr. Barbour Back After! Installing Educational Exhibit at Fair. Dr Barbour and Miss Carrie Barbour have returned from St. Ixniis. where they have been busily engaged the imst month In arranging the Nebraska edu cational exhibit at the world's fair. Dr. Barbour's stay on the exposition grounds was one of the busiest periods of his life, and hiB energies were con stantly taxed by the urgent need of rushing with the greatest rapidity the work In which he was engaged. Yes terday afternoon he was beset by a host of visitors, but found a few min utes leisure to discuss matters for the benefit of the readers ..of the Nebras- kan. Dr. Bnrbour was well pleased with all the Nebraska, exhibits. He said that they showed off to fine effect, ranking up well. Four Nebraska exhibits received a grade of 100 per cent. These were the agricultural, educational, horticultural and mines and mining exhibits. The lowest grade received by a Nebraska txhlbit "was 96 per cent, and even this waa showing up well. In all three carloads of material and some extra packages sent by express constituted the educational exhibit, of which Dr. Barbour had charge. Upon arriving upon the grounds he found that It would bo necessary to have all the material in the proper places by April 30th or a forfeit would be re quired. In view of the shortness of th time this seemed Impossible. In the first place the city of St. Louis and the state of Missouri had claims upon the space allotted for the educational ex hibit. Tne difficulty was adjusted by Dr. Barbour's consenting to use ouiei space. Then began the grand rush. The force of employees with Dr. Barbour's co-operation succeeded In getting things Into shape before the limit ex pired, but there was hardly a mlnuto to spare. Much of the material had to be deposited whereever it could con veniently rest and still make a present able appearance. Pictures had. to be hung wlthm&Jprder or taste, but finally everythintfTiad an abiding place But after the limit expired, a little rear rangement being permlssable. the party was at Its leisure, to undo ltB work and fix thlngB up In proper style so that our exhibit was one of the best pre sented of its kind on the grounds. All Qf the educational exhibits are or Education. state normal schools, other colleges and the University are grouped as the top of our state educatlonad system. The University exhibit 1b up to n high staadard. The electrical engin eering department has furnished a few sets of viewB and some of its apparatus for display. There are a number of Inrg.1. finely colored photographs of the buildings about our campus, views of public school buildings finished in the same way, and a large collection of photographs of school buildings and school children, if s well as statistics concerning them. Exhibits were also sent from the agricultuial experiment station and from the S hool of Music. The forestry department sent Borne beautiful speci mens of sections of young pine trees and pine cones and seeds. The V S. department of forestry station on the great forestry reserve In Cherry coun ty, mad? a display of young pine trees with which they are foresting the sandhills region. These range from seedlings a year old to specimens large enough for transplanting. It also had on exhibit photographs of the treeless sandhills In Cherry county, of sand hills devastated by fire and sandhills covered with a force of workmen plant ing pines, and of the first of the well established pine forests in the treeless regions. It must be remembered that in the allottment of space the public schools received first consideration, the Uni versity being obliged to take what wa.s left The great features of all our state exhibits are the moving pictures repre senting the agricultural and other re sources of Nebraska. These are serv ing as a great attraction, overshadow ing some of the exhibits in the vlclnty In the matter of attracting intention St Louis has a $25,000 exhibit on one side of It, which does not attract a third of the attention It does. Nebraska has accomplished more with .the $800 expended on the educa tional exhibit than others have lon with mflch greater amounts. Every cent has been sient to advantage, and considering the limited means at the disposal of Dr. Barbour, we have n right to feel proud of our showing. Concerning the fair. Dr. Barbour said, "It is an Immense project. It far outranks Paris, and Is greatly superior to Chicago. It Is a stupendous af fair. I must Bay." Dr Barbour reports meeting many Nebraskans on the grounds. He ex pects to return soon again to St. 1 ouis to look after the interests of our exhibits. MATTERS ATHLETIC What the Track Men and Base ball Players are Doing. The trak mon are putting in thrir final work In preparation for the meet with South Dakota Monday. Wednes day night a number of the men worked out In the rain in order that they might lose none of their training, and yesterday they took advantage of I he fine weather to practice. The track was soft from the rain of the day be tore, but conditions were good for pole aultlng and Jumping The effect of the train ride to Ver million on the mm Is causing some speculation, but It Is doubtful if the effect will bo of any consequence, as moBt of the men have been through Mich experiences before housed In the Palace which Is shaped like a great keystone. and Ib the first ever built at any ex position. It covers seven acres of ground and is a building of Immense proportions, but great asit 1b it was entirely Inadequate to moot uie uK manda for space. An open court con taining two acres had been left in the center, but It was found necessary to roof it over and utilize the space. A buUQIng covering thirty acres could not haye provided all the room -desired, and ltwas necessary to economize on apace 'bo that we received much less than we could have used. The rules governing the standard to which exhibits must obtain were very strict. Exhibits had to be select, con densed ami well classified, bound In books., and portfolios. Diagrams, pho tographs, statistics and the like are displayed mostly In swinging frames, which help to economize the space. A great deal of work 1b displayed on the walls. In addition there are counters, book shelves, cases; desks and lockers. nnr school system from the kinder garten to the University is represent ed. There la a wide range of material on hand, representing art, music, lit erature drawing-, science, manuaj m I. j nil 1 A raining, etc. .xne won, w .. miles of all BChoolB has been grouped. making a continuous exhibit. Tlitf. Exposition Number Tomorrow OwMng to the faot that tomorrow's Nebraskan will be the last one for the year, we havo decided to make It a special Exposition number. We have secured several excellent engravings of some of the handsomest buildings on the World's Fair grounds, and these will bo given a prominent place. In order to accommodate them, as well as several other special features which we have arranged for, the Issue will contain eight pages Instead of the usual four. Baseball practice has been lagging much this week. This Is partly due to the rainy weather and the lack of In terest displayed by the men. It Is cer tain that the men from Havelcck will put up a good article of ball Monday, and It would be bad for our team to give them any advantage by fulling to piactlce. The teum will bo minus two of its regular players In Monday's game as Bender and Fenlon will go to Ver million with the track team. Miller will do the .backstop work for him and a substitute will play In the left gar den. Captain Townseud has a sore thumb, which Is by no means a con venience In ball playing. Tomorrow a number of our men will play under the colors of the Lincoln Original against the Beatrice Cream ery team. The nucleus of our team will play with the Originals the coming sea son. Bender. Townsand. Steen. Fen lori. Hammill, Morse and Adams will be found with the new aggregation this summer. "Willie" Wilson will come all the way from his home In Iowa to lend strengtht this all-star bunch of prize winners. Bliss, who formerly played such brilliant ball for the Uni versity, will also be found on the roll of honor. At present the conference colleges are occupied with the race for the In tercollegiate championship. At present Illinois leads, with Wisconsin a close second. Minnesota has defied the dope artists by defeating Bololt, and Michi gan beat Wisconsin, although she was beaten by teams that the latter has downed. The race Is exciting and 1h attracting much attention from the outside. Iowa and Kansas have shown a good change In form and both have vonsomo fine games. our estimates must bo exact or accom modations will be uncertain-. Members of the faculty and students will con fer a favor on tho University office by reserving promptly wthMr. Westor mann. . The University Cadet band will ac oompany the train and watoe up old Missouri. This decision-was reached. Thursday evening and will add much pleasure to the trip-- Remember thla is M daylight trip going over tho Bur lln'gton and returning by ICansftH City over the Missouri Pacific. Congenial patties' may reserve suites of rooms if they prefer. Prof. E. H. Barbour has returned from the' exposition and will prepare a careful itinerary for the four. days the UnlverBfty party will be at the ex position. This will be invaluable In saving time and strength. Friends are not obliged to dine at the hotel. This Is entirely optional. Although the director has taken great palnB to secure a splendid train service and the very best hotel ac commodations at a remarkably low fig ure, he can not be responsible for Inte reservations. The sooner these are made the better for all concerned. It may not be known that both train and lodgings are furnished at absolute cost by the University. The train will bo decorated with Uni versity colors and photographed on Us departure from the Burlington depot. This excursion is an event in the his tory of the University and will cer tainly be the cheapest and most enjoy ablo outing available to University peo ple. Preparations are being made for a Nebraska program of music and speeches one evening of the four. Y. W. C. A. Notes. The Geneva meeting next Sunday will bo led by Misses Withers, Van Zandt, Reynoldaon, Shlnbur, Piper, Meeker, Clark. MIsb Hazel Gregg was yesterday called to her home at Red Oak, la., by the death of her father. FINAL ARRANGEMENTS All Details of Summer Schoo Excursion Attended to. Change in Latin Courses. "i Next semester course No. 7 In the department of Roman history and lit erature will be change to one hour, meeting on Tuesdays, at 3 o'clock. The course will consist of Illustrated lec turcH on the topography, architecture, building construction and archaeology In general of ancient Rome. The lec tures will be supplemented by papers, reports, and special studies by mem bers of the class. The course will be open to all Btudents above their sopho more year. I should be glad If those who deB'lrethlB course would report to me before the clone of this semester, that I may know what provision to make during tho Bummer uy way o.f Il lustrative material. GROVE E. BARBER. Xnpuo ujiipi WAV iCdqx suinpuus oin jo uuuuj oin uo uoiu.v.iasqo pun aupjo((o. jo sXup Mdj b joj A"jud 3ujduiu.i n du an?ui 0 -pjdxo s.iaiuo pun ))o.s 'JN 'JailUV .lossajoJd qiAv Xoqj, -OAJOBdJ ibojoj jgaju iuisQ oqi joj XnpsoupoA Ul POJIQAV "JQ PUB J3UllJfI .IOSS3JOJJ Reservations for this Bpeclal Univer sity train should be m.ade at once, both for the convenience of the students and the director. Hotel rooms may be se lected and ticket reserved at once by payment of $1.00. The remaining $14.00 Is due at time of registration. Mr. Max Westermann Will receive the money, make the reservations and give out the railroad tickets. No tick ets for thiB train will be sold down town. Frank E. Lee, successor to F. T. Ah estimate of the probable number Shepard. public stenographer, mimeo- muat be sent the hotel and the, rail graphing. Special rates to students. 501-502 Richards Blk. Phono, Auto 1155. lAcademy News Delayed. The final Issue of the Academy News is being published by the girls of the Academy, who have taken the oppor tunity to gain experience In Journalism. The Issue has been somewhat delayed owing to an error in estimating the amount of copy necessary. The lack of material had to Immediately and hastily supplied, the energies of the girls being taxed to a high degree. We daresay, however, that the Academy News for thla month, when It doeB ap petr will be up to the usual high stand ard maintained by that paper. The Whitebreast. Co., at 1106 O St, fa tho place to 'buy coal. 'n t" The Home Cafe for "tetrawberry shortcake. w' " Lomlng's, ice cream ana candy: 11 tb .and j St Wright Drug Co.. 117 No. 'phone 313. 11th, . Wlrlclc's Trunk & Bag Store, 1036 0. roads by June 10 Already reservations are being .made by t)ie faculty. Professors Taylor, Can dy and Luckey, and Chancellor An drews havo engaged quarters. Orders havi this week come from Nebraska; South Dakota and Kansas teachers, In dications point to a mrge train, ai- Erj0 B Woodward, W. D.. eye, ear, ready ;jj.buv teacners iiave. , reburu n03e and threat. Glasses fitted.' Hlcb- rooins nor me wees, oi una wuiwuu arda block. Lincoln, in the Christian pndeayor-iiotek.attd: , ptfj .V" ' t ''A i 'i : .J -Pi .' , l , ' kA V i