ttbe B a 1 1 ? Ytebraeltan I I r E. FLEMING Time Inspector M. P. R. R. Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. Graduation Presents a SPECIALTY. 1211 0 Street. Lincoln. The only place in the city to get the FamoiiB Little Gem Hot Waffles. Spe cial service for Ladies. Repairing Done. Trunks Exchanged. Valises, Pocket books, Pelts, Etc. WIRICKS TRUNK FACTORY 1036 O Street. If you want a suit with style and fit call on A. KAPPELIN 206 South 12th. Bell Phones Office 1G.M F741 Auto. .Phone Office 1551 Gonsumezs' Ice Co. Ofice 1 140 OS. Lincoln, Ncbr. IDAKlTvDR05. HNCRAV1NG CO. J. H. STUCK EY Wholesale and retail ice cream Wholesale trade a specialty. Special attention given to dealers and hotel?. Also entertainments, Loth public and private. LINCOLN, Neb. 142 9 O St. Thone-110r l Wvwvwwwwwwwvvy American Cafe jad 5outb Ilth St. Regular MeaU aflc. Meal Tlckdi, 21 Meals, $4.00. ill Scrric Givtn to Ptrtlu and Out. if ILLUSTRATORS fl Wji ENGRAVERS QJ Im) planrinlnewest (?H& Letter From An Alumnus. The following letter from an alum nus has been kindly handd to us for publication: Virginia City. Mont. Dr. G. E. Condra. Lincoln. Neb. Dear Friend: I have been trying to find time to 'Write to you ever since I came, but I have been so busy. I get out every time I have a chance and study the mountains. They are a wonderful study to me. This is in Alder gulch, which is only eighteen miles long, and about $2W. 000.000 have been taken from the bed of tin stream. Senator Millard, of N: braskn. was the first school director of this school and in this place he made his start. His son has a mine eight miles up the gulch from hpre. We havt an assay outfit in school and I am teaching assaying. go to the mines and learn of the assayers and then come back and teach my boys. I have found something that I cant tell what It Is. I am sending yon a piece in a little box by mail. When the weather was good I took my physical geography class out every other night for a ramble over the hills, and on Saturday the pupils would take me into the 'mountains. At the State Teachers' association I met most of the leading school men of the state. I met Wm. . Frascr. Madge Ames. IClva Dempster and the Row boys, all of Nebraska Universi ty Wc have eleven grades in our school. We also have a good atii.etic associa tion. AlKiut .")() boys and girls play basket ball once a week in the city auditorium. We will have a county field day In the spring. Our business men hav. purchased two medals for our boys, to be given field day. We gae an ath letic entertainment, made $f2.r0. There are s-o many interesting tilings here. A whole mountain that has slipped l.."iiO feet sidewise. and places that have dropped hundreds of feet There is a good range of mountains with fossils on Its top, and a broad valley that has be n dammed up by lava and when it broke over made :i tanyon, where a power tuoi;any has n elect ri power plant and sends the turrrnt eighty miles to Hutte. where are the grp'tt.t coppanr mines In the world, and at Auavonda Is the larg est copper tsm,ultcr in the. world. Thev tak. (o,)er mixed vrlfh suVphtir, put it. hi srm Iter-gas gocn to boilers, heats watr. runs engines, which pump air to smelter, which mens on, and all this without a pound of coal. All done by the sulphur in the ore. It looks wonderful to me. P. I'URVIANCE. Wright Drug "phone 313. Co., 117 No. 11th, Erie P Woodward. M. D.. eye. ear, nose and threat. Glasses fitted. Rich ards bloc k, Lincoln. STYLISH SHOES ; THE celebrated Hanan., Walk-Over and W.L. Douglas makes for mer. Hanan and Sorosis Shoe;; forwomen, S w e d 1 s 1 1 Gymnasium Shoe, Non : genuine unless stampcJ "Perkins' Swedish." X :: ROGERS & PERKINS COMPANY Successors to Webster & Roge. and Perkins and Sheldon Co. llio O Stroot. YW EHnCDLATESHDNBDNS Sold Only by Harley Drug Co., Ht5h and O Street. LINDSEY'S CIGAR STORE Up-to-Dato Soda Fountain and Magazines. . 1IQ INor-tht 11th Street. Theft is no watch, dock or article of Jewelry wo cannot fix C. A. TUCKER The Up-to-the-MlnuU JwJa PROMPT SERVICE. It 21 O Stori COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK Or LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL ft 1 00,000.00 OFFICERS John Wrljrht, Prn. J H. Wesoott, Vto-Pre. Joe BamuoU, Bnd Ylo-r,rea. r. L. Mall. Oahlr W. . Ryona. Xm'i. Ck. Western Glass and Paint Co. 12th and M Sis., Lincoln, NebrnsKfli The Weber Suitorium la the up-to date place wbtrt you can get yoox Closing Cleaned and Pressed Phone 708. NortheaBt Cor 11th and O. POWELL'S BILLIARD AND POOL HALL was opened this fall with tables all newly covered, best cues and balls, newly papered, everything up-to-date, including customers. B.P. POWELL. 146 N Ilth St. Phone 1664 Hotel Walton 1515 O Street. Phone 5c6. 100 rooms best low-prieod house in olty RATES $ 1 Per Dny and Up T. J. TIIORr COMPANY General Machinists All Kind ! Rpaittnj Lock Smith. PLATERS 308 St. ITU) Strati Lincoln, Nttraika Pliana. 414 TPT DENVER TAILORING GO. H. WECKE8SER, Prop. . Suita mad to order from $J8.00 up. Panti. $5.00 and up. Wt itio do Qitnl,, Pruh; and R.palrinjf. Worknianahfp lint-daw, ati, faction guarantctd. 1228 M St. Lndll Hold. Lincoln. ""VWUVN, FntfcrnUy noil, 13th & N Strett Newly furnished and decorated. Is mow open for dates for College and Frater nity dance, flprc'al rates to student. FAULKNED StlARP Tlcom 308, Fratenlty Bldf. HKjrl GRADE Wedding Gifts. Sterling silver arti cles make the moat appropriate wedding gifts and our lino of Sterling gnads is tho heft in Lincoln. Special prices to clubs and pocieties. 139 S). 13th St. Vl. G. WOLFF 139 So 13th. Vrs. J. W. Retry Wholesale and Rotall B A.KLERY 'Phone &G4 w 034 80. nth Use Hot Water for House Heating The Modern Method Estimates furnished for work anywhere in tho state. Korsmeyer Co., 188 South Tenth Btrcret StelRr-woempener Br Cv Bucocaaoa to 6TEINER PHAHMACY. IM O Qttftt' ttun 707 Lincoln. FCAw Manufacturers of Btoiner'a Balaam Rhubarb ColdCJapunlefl. .Pile Osra i (Jray'a Oond'Mon Powderi S$&&$&&M&SQ L. J. HERZOG 1230 O Street, Lin coin, Neb. Fine Tailoring Spring & Summer Novelties I ! Prices the Lowest Quality the Best ; L. J. HERZOG i ; 1230 O Street, Liucoln, Nek ; 6&S&P&M&&$&&&WWQQQ4Qt SBocial Dcsfu far ivm THEN CENTURY LINCOLN Profraiss ttU J. EW I'll rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv