The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 25, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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XLht 2) a :d f flebraeRan
"Follow the Flag.
i y
..a i inri
We Represent
Steinway and Sens.
The Piano Without
a Rival.
Geo. Hteck
Vose & Sons
A. II. Chase
er & Sons
Reed & Sons
Schmollor & Mueller
And Twenty Other -Makes
Wo sll new pianos on $5.00
monthly payments
Schmoller & Mueller
The largest piano house in the
XX tuiu
Are You Going:
N. E. A.
and the
Nerer before has the N. B. A.
arranged its meeting with snoh
wonderful opportunities for the
Teaoher, Instructor or Professor.
The route ria tho Burlington
will be the farorite one, as it has
been heretofore.
0. W. Bonnall
Gltj PMisnger Agl
Burlington Routs
Campus Qleanings.
Luring tlit hpvc ral hoildas the past
vv fk the botanical laboratories have
lipen open for the benefit of those who
o to close up thrir work it has
been announced that every student is
now nt llbertj to finish up ills labora
ti r work as soon as he can do so
This will accommodate the bo.vs who
so to (amp
A (ouple of mornings ago Professor
R.s-se Rave the class in funeral bot
nnj a talk on tuture wori( in Iwdany
1L suggested certain courses as the
best for paiticular cases, and asked all
who were In doubt to consult the head
of the department lie fore registering
He made some suggestions for those
woli aie intending to engage In teach
ing. Kapi a Alpha Theta initiated tho
yew bain at the state farm Saturday
evening with a barn dance. Every
thing was in keeping with the sur
roundings, the musicians playing the
old fashioned country music, the pro
grams being of brown heavy paper,
and refreshments being served from
woodeirbuckrts via the dipper roiite
The dance, so thoroughly Informal.
was enjoyed greatly by ail Several
out of town people were guests of the
Thetas for the evening
Why the Students Have Come to
Favor the Lindell-
Lincoln Sash, Door
and' Mf'g Co.
Interior Finish, Exterior Fin
ish, Office and Store Fix
tures, Water Tanks.
OwMttl , isop.oOo.oo
OoMia ...
I7atlte4 Profits 40.000.00
9. JL BtfRNHAM. President
A. I. flAWnm H. 8. FREEMAN
Vlce-Pres. Caahier.
AatL C Ifcltr Aast. Cashier
P. It IJASTBRDAY, Auditor.
In re lowing the list of University
Kjciety functions held during the past
year, it is interesting to note how many
of these have been hfld at the Llndell
And one is also obliged to note the
general satisfaction expressed in the
service performed and the accommoda
tion shown. Fraternity banquets, the
Cornhusker banquet and the banquet
given to the baseball team, have been
held at the Llndell this year, and
weie made highly successful events
by t lie superior facilities and high
grade servlca furnished.
The Llndell has become popular witli
Vne students because it has learned
and taken painstaking efforts to nieel
their wants In the best way possible
While students as a rule are not pai
ticular. yet they have their tastes,
and it is no wonder that they feel
pleased when these are gratified The
Lindoil management has been liberal
with them in their functions, going to
the limit to please and accommodate
Concerning the banquet given to the
baseball men. one of t he players said:
"The service was simply elegant It
couldn't have been better Whatever
i fellow most cared for was right at
hand, and everything was so fine that
when l reached by limit. I Just had to
shut my eyrs to keep out the sight
While this may TTe a crude way of
expressing an opinion, it means a groat
deal It was the unanimous sentiment
of the party expressed by one man,
and the genuineness of the spirit in
which it was said could not be doubt
ed When tho students themselves are
effusive in speaking the-way they fared
it is evident that special pains were
taken to accommodate them. The Lln
dell is hiAh class in all respects, and
when an extra effort is made supurb
results are shown. Students are natur
ally attracted to Its Cafe, for having
gone once they feel Inclined to go
again, which is indeed a good proof of
the high satisfaction given The Lln
dell stands high In the opinion of the
students, and has certainly come to
be a favorite with them.
Many Miles Shortest
to St. Louis.
The only line with its own Station at the main en
trance of the World's Fair Grounds. Many special
rates during the Exposition. All agents can sell via the
HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb.
The, Hardware Store for Hardware
The Drug Store for Drugs
UNDELAND'S, the specialist in ra
zors strongs, hair brushes, combs, Man
icure goods, cosmetics and toilet ar
ticles of all klndB. Ask Your Barber!
,210 So. 12th St. Lincoln
151G Dodge St. Omaha
Low Excursion Rates tills Summer Via
tho Rock Island System.
Write for rates and a beautifully Il
lustrated book descriptive of Colorado
scones and scenery.
F. H. Barnes. G. P. A..
1046 0 Street. T incoln.
The Man who
is Looking
Constantly for opportunity to better his condi
tion is the man who some da will succeed. If
this man will applv to tho
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry.
ho will receive such inlormatioti rcjjardinfj
lands located on or reached -by this railway as
will aid him in his hunt for happiness and
prosperity. Address
F. A. Nash, Gen'l Western AgU 1524 Farnam St.
I Fair
St. Louis.
Lincoln at 4:30 p. m. arriving at St.
Louis next morning. Leaves St.
Louis at 8:lCTp. m., arriving at Lin
coln at 12:15 nocn.
Through Pullman Sleeper from
Lincoln and electric lighted coaches.
Three trains daily between Lin
coln and St. Louis.
Through connections made at St.
Louis tor all points east.
World's Fair Rates -are now in
effect and are very low. Don't be
afraid to ask questions.
F. D. Cornell, P. & T. A,
City Ticket ofllco S. W. Cor. 12th and O Sta
Depot Cor. Oth and 3.