The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 25, 1904, Image 1
. &ywm&&. the Batlp IFlebraefoan (. ,VOL. m.NO. J54. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, J904. PRICE 3 CENTS X 9 FOREST RESERVE . interesting Information a3 to For '" , estry Work Being Done. The Dismal River foreBt ro&ci.e, lo cated in Thomas and Blaine counties, -was set aside by President Roosevelt April 1, 1901, and at that time con tained 86,240 acres of land. later on .160 acres were added to the western portion, fal80 80 acres on the eastern ' portion for the government nursery. Thn rrfiorvft now comprises 86. 48' - acrfl3, and is located more accurate! between the Dismal river on the south and the Middle Loup on the northand nnci Thn n.iHfprn ndrtlon of Lhe re- serve extends 4 miles into Blaise coun : ty, while the northwest corner of tho ' upper one-half of the reserve extends ' within 2 miles of the tofrn of Thed- ford, the county seat ofThomas coun ty. The country consiats almost whol ly of sandhills, which furnish good grazing land. A4on both rivers there is a stretch of land about one-half mile wide, whlchfurnihes good grow ing SQace f0r nhlm treos, willows, dog wood and th,eyBhrubs common to this locality. As to the origin of the sand hills, it Js said they are probably de rived fromtertiary sandstone, chiefly that of the Arlkaree. But at present the sandhills are well covered with grass a;id the typical blowouts aie not so numerous as in f ormer years. Qrazltig is allowed on the reserve but to a limited extent, on application to thp agent in charge, Mr. C. A. Scott. Fire protection is furnished for that portion of tho reserve where planting is being carried on by means of a sys tem of furrows. The chief aim of the government Is to plant the sandhills to trees, and for this purpose It has established a nurs ery on tho reserve for growing the trees with which to refojest the hills. The forest nursery is located In the northern portion of the reserve on the Middle Loup river, and about two miles from Halsey. The government has hero experiment headquarters, a reservoir system and feed barns. Thp soil at this point may be designated as snnclv loam, and here the reserve boundary follows the river about 70 rods from west to east. The eleva tion at this point Is about 2.700 feet, and the fall of the river about 7V feet to the mllo. . Work was begun on the nursery beds bySj. A. Scott, W. H. Mast, and J E. Blumer, July 13. 1902. The nursery is to bo permanent, and is to furnish trees for the planting of the whole reserve. Shade for tho seedlings is obtained by means of slatting, the slats being 2V4 inches wide and the same distance apart. In the high frame beds the roof is from 5 to 6 feet above tho ground, in the law frames, 18 inches. The beds are generally enclosed by a slatting fence but not bo much for shade, ab a protection from wind and to serve as n fence. Tho seeds used in planting the beds were collected by members of the bu reau, and In part by the experiment station under the supervision of Mr. jScott and Mr. Mast. The species used for planting in the past year consist ed of western yellow pine. Jack pine and red cedar principally. The spring sowing 1b done in the . nursery from April 10 to the last of May, while the fall sowing begins on the 7th or 8th of November, and Is finished by December 9, and tho main object here iB to get the seeds In the ground before it freezes. Last year some- cowing was carried on in June and tho ''trees while yet small, show Wat ajiramer planting Ib very success ful. ' - '. .,.,.. .i nn The sowing is eiiuer .! (.Af,.ipn'Rf'nr In drills and the amount talned. for the peicent of the seeds" germinated Is calculated by the pound measure, that is calculating so many seedlings to the square loot. The depth of spilng sowing Is from one half to three-fourths Inches, and one Inch In fall sowings. This year all the trees planted will be l-year seedlings. The 2-year-oJd seedlings are to be planted In 190f. Most of the planting will be done In the spring, but some fall planting will bo tried. The time of Bprlnjj planting is between April 15 and May 20. or Just as the time the root tips are In the proper condition, because at this time there are probably no root hairs started, and again 'another Important fact to be noticed is that we have a greater root system as against the leaf surface, thus giving the roots a chance to get thoroughly started. The planting is carried on in gang of three, one man carrying a bucket, In which the roots are kept In water, and hands the trees to two spaders. The spaders with their spodes make holes In the ground, and the trees with the roots yet wet are handed to them and planted, and .in this way are kept from getting dry. When the ground is very dry the upper layer Is skinned off in order that dry sand may not fall Into the hole, and In this way take the moisture from the delicate roots; th tree once In the hole Is pressed firm ly Into place by two tramps of tho heel, and the spader pauses on to make a hole for the next tree. By this method three men can easily plant .5,000 trees per nay. lhe trees, are planted on hillsides, in thf valleys, and on the north and east slopes of the hills. Editors Appointed. The following appointments to th st3ff of next year's Junior Annual weie announced yesterday afternoon by President Smith of the Sophomore class: Associate Editors: M. F. P. Costeloe. Mai the Cllne. Clement L. Waldron. Leta Stetter. P. A. Ewlng. Jane A. Bunt. Charles W. Pugsley. Assistant Edltois: Maude A. Caugcr. Max Meyer. Inls Everett. Ethel Holnian. Ed Zimmerer. V E. Qnlllan. I illian Bennett. C. AJlelnlcp The above were chosen aftpr cup ful investigation and discussion by tho English department. A Correction ARE OFF TO CAMP Battalion Leaves For York For its Annual Encampment. Since the publication of yesterday's lesuc of an article in which we said that the editors of the law book did not show the proper appreciation of The Nebraskan's support, we have as certained that our business manage ment did oppose the publication of a new University book on the grounds that it would make inroads on out advertising. This being true, we were in error, in accusing the law editors of being ungrateful, although we have said nothing in our columns derog atory to the book. As to our statement respecting the year book's comment on the Senior hnnU th ortltnrs at the former wish the student body to decide whether or not a spirit of fairness Ib shown in the comment. -r Summer work. Sthdent agents want ed for McCluro'B magzlne. Large commission. Cash prizes for beBt work. Easy. Dignified. Write now for full particulars. 141 East 25th St.. New York City. ilW ., ...o -- UfoadcaBt or in druia ana me uwuuu.. The Home BhortcaKe. Cafe' for strawberry The cadet battalion left last even ing at 5:50 over the Burlington, for its annual encampment at York. Con siderable enthusiasm was in evidence over the promise of one of the most pleasant and snecessful encampments In the history of the battalion, and everyone was In high spirits. The to tal' number who started on the trip whs about 220. The battalion assembled as usual at 5 p. m. In the Armory. The following orders relating to the encampment, supplemented by a shott talk from Captain Chas,?, were read .after which the battalion marched immediately to tho B. & M. depot: Special Orders .No. 22 1. The cam) of instruction of the Battalion established at York, Neb., will be known as Camp Andrews, In honor of tha chancellor of the Uni versity. 2. The Commandant desires to call the- attention of the cadets to the fact that the camp is established for he purpose of insructlon, and It Is ex pected, and all cadets will be required to observe strictly all camp orders and regulations. No cadets will be al lowed to leave camo without the au thority of the Commandant. Any mis conduct on the pait of any cadet in or or out of camp will result in his expul from the camp and a special report In his case will be made to the chan cellor. By order of CAPTAIN CHAS. The following will be the dally pro gram at camp: A. M. 5:40 First call, reveille. 5:55 Assembly. 6:00 Reveille. 6:30 Mess call. 7:00 Sick call. 7:20 Company drill, first call. 7:30 Assembly. 8:30 Recall. 8:50 Guard mount, first call. 8:55 Assenibly. 9:10 Adjutant's call. 9:50 Company drill, first call. 10:00 Assembly. 10:30 Recall. 1 1 : CO First Sergeant's call. 11:40 Mess call. I. M; 2:00 School call. 3:00 Recall. 4:10 Battalion drill, firsj call. 4:20 Assembly. 4:30 Adjutant's call. 5:00 Recajl. 5:20 Dress parade. 5:30 Assembly. . I)M0 Adjutant's call. 6:20 Mess call. 9:30 Tattoo. - - 10:30 Taps. The usual cadet hoi) will be held the evening of Friday, the 27th. in one of the halls in York, and we are informed that elaborate preparations have al ready been made to insuro the suc cess of the enterprise. The people of York are taking quite an Interest In furnishing entertainment for the ca dets, and are heartily co-operating with the managers of tho hop In ar- langing Its details. Tho military department waB re quired to guarantee 250 tickets for the encampment, and as only 220 went thpre are Btlll 30 which may bo had at greatly reduced rates. They will be good Friday and Saturday and for re turn Saturday night with the Bat talion. This will bo the only excur sion to York during the week. Tick ets may be provided for at the regis trar's office. During the encampment Tho Ne braskan has arranged for special re ports dally. These will be written by one of our reporters. Mr. R. H. Mc Caw, and will aim to keep our read ers accurately Informed of the tiap- I penlngs in camp. Commencement Program. The following is tho complete pro gram for commencement week: FRIDAY. JUNE 3. 8:00 p. m. The College of Law ad dtess by Colonel Edgar S. Dudley, Me morial -Hull. SATURDAY. JUNE 4. Tenth annual concert of the Univer sity School of Music: Memorial Hall. 5:00 p. m. Annual meeting of the Nebraska Section of the American Chemical society: experiment Btatlon, University farm. SUNDAY, JUNE 5. 8:00 p. m. Baccalaureate address by Chancellor Elisha Benjamin AndrewB. LL.D.. "The Religious ABpect of Na ture Study;" Memorial Hall. MONJDAY, J.UNE 6. 8:00 p. m. The Senior Class play, the Oliver Theatre. TUESDAY, JUNE 7. 2:00 p. m. Annual meeting of the Board of RegentB, University Hall. 8:C0 p. in. Phi Beta Kappa oration by Hon. Jamea W. Gleed, Topeka, "National Wealth." Memorlol Hall. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 8. Alumni Day. 8:30 to 10:30 a. m Alumni Class Breakfasts. 10:30 a. m. Alumni address by Pro fessor Jesse H. Holmes, "Prophets and Prophecy." Election of ofllcprs. Me morial hall. 12:00m. to 2:30 p. m. Class dinners and reunions. 2:30 to 7:30 p. m. Picnic at Univer sity farm. 8:00 p. tn. concert by University Chorus Soloists and Orchestra, Memorial hall. THURSDAY, JUNE 9. Commencement Da. 10:00 a. m. Commencement proces sion. Commencement oration by Hon. Henry Wattersorf, IxmlBville, Ky.. "The Conduct of Life," Conferring of Degrees; the Lincoln Auditorium. 8:00 to 9:3 Op. m. The Chancellor's reception to the faculty alumni and friends of the University, art rooms. Library Hall. l.Thte OorantencSment ' ' Track Men Practice. Track men are all out working hard for the meet with South Dakota next Monday. Edgerton is out again prac ticing on the high Jump. Fifteen men will go. of which thir teen will compete. The meet Is to bejield at Vermil--Hon. The team will leave sometime Sunday. Nothing so far has been heard about the South Dalrotu team, so It Is hard to tell what the team will have to do tj win. Cap Winner Annuonced. The name of the fortunate winner of the Freshman cap was announced yesterday morning. MIbb Leta Stetter. who held No. 190. was the lucky per son, and great rejoicing reigns in the Sophomore camp, as Miss Stetter is a member of the second year class. The cap has not been delivered yet, but is still at the bank. If a large enough guard can be gathered, it is probable that tho event will come off today. Mr. L. E. Hurtz, E.. E. '03. now of the Lincoln Gas and Electric com pany, vlBlted the electrical depart ment last Wednesday. He Ib calibrat ing some instruments for the company. Frofe'esor Miller, of the forestry de partment, is now at the forest reservo at Halsey, Neb., where, he remains for ono week or so longer. He. then re turns to Lincoln for aeveral weeka, and plans to be here during commence ment week. Please helo the poor. Buy your cigars and tobacco of Frank DuToll. 1020 0 St. . iiuJu& .1 vw&w 'measured, ana wbtouiw uU c , f- 0rvly." ' WW'iV. ,v - ,u.- ti fjirijfit vy. - r- '- -Jjr-"'T" "?