yj7-75Yy!i??rMTr T-1 ?-mt.r ' i , Al gbe Pullf TUtrchn E. FLEMING Time Inspector M. P. R. R. Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. Graduation Presents a SPECIALTY. 1211 O Street, Lincoln. tKaSf i I II Ik I 1 i I I 1 I II II - j" r J It '( r J " j Sam's JwHA Cafe ' fcfoffffifffBBw The only place in TgijBhrvO the city to get the xjHV Famous Little Gem V Hot Waffles. Spe- service for La- dies. Repairing Done. Trunka Exchanged. Valises, Pocket books, Belts, Etc. WIRICKS TRUNK FACTORY 1036 O Street. If you want a suit with style and fit call on A. KAPPELIN 206 South J2th. Boll Phonos Office 1551 F741 Auto. Phoao Office 1551 Consumezs' Ice Co Office 1 140 OSt. Lincoln, Nebr. lDAKERDRD5.f LNGRAV1NC CO. v. " ' if JLLUSTMPDFS ljO ENGRAVERS (gM rjf2") pjaminlncwest (P50i vvwvwwwvwvvwvwvv American afe J 36 5outh llth St. Regular Meola age. JWeal Tickets, 21 Meals, $4.00- J 2 Spell ScrrJe Glrn to PttlM nd Out. Last Mens Mass Meeting. Prof. A. C. Bell will address the men's meeting tomorrow in Memorial hall at 3 p. m. His subject is "The Part of Wisdom." Professor Bell is one of the ablest and most popular men In Wesleyan University. Ho is also well known at this University, having taken a considerable amount of work here. Ho is a man of pleasing personality and wins the respect of all those who have the privilege of coming in con tact with him. His speaking carries conviction with it and gives evidence of a sincere character behind it. Pro fessor Bell will have a message for every man in tho University. This meeting will be tho last to bo held this semester, and every man should make a special effort to attend. These meetings have been very suc cessful in the past and there is no ren son why every seat In Memorial Hall should not be taken tomorrow. A good rousing song service will characterize the early part of the meet ing and some special music will be provided. Everybody Is cordially In vited to attend. YWfc HIGH GRADE EHnEDLATQ BDNDDNS Sold Only by Harley Drug Co., llth and O Street. LOST Thursday night. A Freshman cap, betweon R and S streets, on llth. Finder please return to Miss Helen Henry. Liberal reward offered. I iiKoln Transfer Company. Bag gage. "Phone 17G. Lomlng's, Ice crenm ana candy: lltb and L Sts The Whitebreast Co., at HOG 0 St.. Is the place to buy coal. Wedding Gifts. Sterling silver arti cles make the most appropriate wedding gifts and our lino of Sterling goods Is tho best in Lincoln. Special prices to clubs and societies. 139 So. 13th St. m. O. WOLFF 139 So 13th. Hrip vmir nlcfurn frnmrwl nt tho Lincoln Book Store. Christy and Gil- J VVVvvvvvvvvvvvvvv'VVVVV I bert heads in colors, $1.00 each. Airs. J, W. Petry Wholosalo and Rotall B AKERY 'Phono 5G4 234 So. llth Use Hot Water for House Heating The Modern Method" Estimates furnished for vrork anywhere in tho state. Korsmeyer Co, . 188 8outh Tenth Street . . 1,500 NeA Fans for the Summer Girl. Time was when beautiful fans were very expensive, so much so that It resulted In the sale of a great many high-priced fans, and people who would Time was when beautiful tans were very expensive, so mucn so have a really pretty fan at medium cost were obliged to do without. At $1.00 to $230 we have hundreds of dainty fans in white silk B. . ',..., .. . . INearly every new tan is nandsomeiy spangiea sometimes sucks ana au. ENAMELED "WOOD STICK FANS 25c, 35c, 50c, 55c, 65e, 75c, 85c, 90c, $1.00, $1.25, $130. gauze with lace painting and spangled decorations. The standard size Is 9 Inches. though there are many medium sizes and some little beauties only 4 inches long to wear on a chain or ribbon. 1 BONE STICK FANS 50c, 65c, 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1.25, $130, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $230, $2.75, $3.00, $330, $4.00, $430, $5.00 up to $10. M MILLER & PAINE. ,' -?J a, I- . ft. A t i tr