The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 21, 1904, Image 2

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Cbe Dntl? WeDrn fin
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C;e aj llebraskan
A consolidation of
Tho HnHtxirinn, Vol. Ill, Tli NebriHknn, Vol, 10
Sonrlot nnd Crtmm, Vol. 4.
Editor In Chlof .Tohn D. Rico
BiiHlmwH MannRor - A. O. Sehreilmr
Olroulntor A. F. Bwltor
Nw - - P. A. Ewlnic
AUfc - - J. W. Hor
LHrrf - Dorothy Grwn
RtpofMra D. P. De Young nd
Rfmond H. MeCw
our team, v.nllo It 1b always best to
not bo overconfident, we can And
enough In this reckoning to Interest
us In the showings of tomorrow,
Let everyone show up at tho park
this afternoon, bringing a store of en
thusiasm along as well as a demon
strative and receptive spirit. Let us
keep In mind that wo should do our
duty In helping Nebraska realize every
chance sho has of winning. A student
body pulling together can accomplish
wonders, and It Is duo to this fact
that Nebraska Is pre-eminent along
cercain lines.
OISooh; Editorml, U 20!): BuMnww, U 21i
PoHt Ofllco, Box II), Station A. Lincoln.
SubHcrlptlon Prloti, 'l por your, in ndvunoe
Entorud nt tho poHtoflleo at Lincoln, Nebraska
oh Hcooml-oliiHH mull mattor
Editorial Remarks
Members Meet atthe Sigma Alph
House for Pleasant Time.
Nebraska and Minnesota will meet
to settle the Bupramacy on tho track
this afternoon. Every student should
roallzo that Nebraska has a chance to
win this afternoon, and each should do
his sharo In helping our team to re
alize tho best possible results. If Min
nesota Is beaten in the events to
day It will add to our prestige In ath
letics and help to build up a depart
ment that ought to bo strong In every
institution. It is Indeed necessary
that Btrong student support bo fur
nished tho track team before It can
accomplish tho best of which It Is
A generous display of spirit counts
In evory undertaking In which it is
made to figure, and there Is much room
for it work In here. Track work Is
one of the most Important branches of
athletics and It has obtained great rec
ognition and prestigo in institutions
to the east of us. Thero this depart
ment Is well established, but hero at
Nebraska much must bo done yet. It
rests with tho students to pitch In and
by liberal patronage and constant in
terest make track work an important
fixture hero. The opportunity Is at
hand and tho present Is tne time to
act. By doing all in their power to
make this meet a substantial success
our students can also do much for the
permanent good of the cause. If they
will come out in large numbeis they
will find plenty to attract them, and
thus will the interests of track work
be strengthened by the general knowl
edge gained and the interested specu
lation as to future contests.
Nebraska has an excellent chance of
winning out. Remember that. While
wo would not desire to disparage Min
nesota or underestimate her strengthy
an actual comparison of records shows
that the apparent advantage rests with
I 1280 O Street, Lincoln, Nob.
; Fine Tailoring
Spring & Summer
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Quality the Best
1280 O Street, , A Lincoln, Neb. 1
Tho University Cadet bandwtyi en
tertained last night at tho Sffjna Al
pha Epsllon fraternity house by two
of Its members, Messrs. Hayman and
Heilman. Various games and amuse
ments were Indulged in by those pres
ent, whist and dancing predominat
ing. During the serving of refreshments
President Popperberg acted In tho ca
pacity of toastmaster, who proposed
several toasts, among those responded
to being: "Past, Present and Future
of tho Band," by Mr. Hayman, and
"My First Impressions on Entering the
University," by Mr. Berry.
Among tho pleasant features of the
evening's entertainment was tho pre
sentation to Chief Musician Cornell
of a handsome ebony baton, silver
mounted, with Ivory handle. Mr. Pep
perberg made tho presentation speech
and did so In a skillful, deceiving man
ner, which completely surprised tho re
cipient, -who, judging from tho first
portion of the speech was expecting
a vote of commendation from tho or
ganization. Mr. Cornell responded and
assured the band of his sincere appre
ciation of the gift and of the confi
dence and esteem which it betokened.
He gave tho boys a strong, enthusias
tic talk on tho prospects of the band,
and at tho close of his talk played the
part of presentation speaker by pre
senting to President Pepperberg, as a
token of esteem and appreciation, a
silver mounted, walnut gavel. Mr.
Pepperberg has performed good service
to the organiaztion as business man
ager and president, and the organiza
tion showed their appreciation of the
After the social program had ended
a business meeting was held, at which
tho board adopted colors those decid
ed upon being maroon and gold. A
motion was made and carried provid
ing that next year all requests from
organizations at tho University for tho
services of tho band should be made In
writing three days in advance.
Mnal arrangements for a "good time
at camp were discussed nnd the meet
ing adjourned at a late hour after
adopting a vote of thanks to the boys
of the Sigma Alpha house for the good
time enjoyed.
Recently Dean Ward received for
signature a beautifully engrossed me
morial to the International Zoologi
cal congress, which holds Its sixth
meeting in August at Home, Switzer
land. The document petitions that the
next meeting of tho congress bo held
In ho United States. Many Illustrious
names appear .on tho margin, and tho
document will bo a valuable one by
the time it reaches its destination.
The CoOp is closing out a
special line of fine writing paper
This 30c paper advertised down town as a
very special bargain price at two boxes for
35c has beenselling at the Co-Op at 16c and
i7c perbox. There is not much left. Come at
once. The paper is good enough for anyone.
Similar special prices on some
of our University writing papers
25c tablets fine bond and linen
proper, various sizes 17c.
Owned and Managed toy Students
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icuro goodB, cosmetics and toilot ar
ticles of all kinds. Ask Your Barber!
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Get Into a pair or Sanderson's Ox
fords, and have the swelleet pair you
ever saw.
Please help tho poor. Buy your
cigars and tobacco of Frank DuTell
1020 0 St.
Brio B. Woodward, M. D., eye, ear,
nose and threat. Glasses fitted. Rich
ards block, Lincoln.
Mexican, Venetian, Swiss and fancy Tioill $
t toeaoes. Eoenj Coloring Por Eoery notion and
50 Patterns to Select From
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We Invite Inspection
Rudge & Quenzel
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Waterman Fountain Pen '
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