The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 20, 1904, Image 4
7""" -';apr rv iff' jji, 4 -,f v On. . J. ' U w ' V (be S)a.,? TlcbraeRan v. ''V V M r i"XWWwriW ...j-Tjunj-rj-i-in. j-l-jjj-j-i -r-i i rr Jr- " ' "" ""-" iAwwwMftiww vr iwoawwmh SCHMOI.LER & MUELLER y&&fcK&kemoi( SUMMER SHIRT WAISTS SHIRT WAIST SUITS u r i i u n i THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET 1 i d i i OUR LEADERS Stdnway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo. Steck And 23 others. Wc sell new Pianos on $5 monthly payments MMMMMlMMtaMMMtlllMMllMIMM J Are You Going: -to ST. LOUIS N. E. A. and the WORLD'S FAIR? Norer before haa the N. 8. A. arranged its meeting witk gmoh wonderful opportunities fee the Teaoher, Inatruotor or ProfeMor. Tke route ria tho Burllngtea will be tke farorite one, ai It kai beem heretofore. 0. W. Bonnill City raattitger AfMl Burl hi aim Route Trunks, Suit Cases an We've gathered a showing of those traveling noiossitirs that will please the prospective buyer to a degree. Recent additions to the stock hae lx en made of late, and with improved facility for showing, a department of "theThlghest'order offers strong inducements for yoi.r approval. No matter what the want, bo it trunk, suit caso, or traveling bag, it's to jour interest to fill it here. Why? Because serviceability considered, wo savo you money. Investigate Bags nJIMI ryrf -M Ja'fiMMMaWrfffXv IBS? W F$ 'wSifiiSfti SUIT CASES, made of genuine cowhide; brass locks and catches; extra well made; very low priced, In Blzes 22 24, 26, at $5.95, $6.45, $6.95 L&rgo Assortment of Suit Cases of all descriptions prices range from $2.25 to ..15.00 Traveling Bags A full line Inall sizes, priced at 50c to $15.00 Many specially good values are shown such as this trunk, with flat top, Japanned steel corners and clamps, Monitor lock, Iron bottom, deep tray with covered hat box canvas covered priced: 28-inch. $2.97; 30-inch, $3.35; 32-inch, $3.65; 31-inch, $3.97;and 36-inch. $4.47. Trunk with canvas cover, flat top. Japanned steel corner bumpers, brass Monitor lock, heavy side bolts, covered tray with two compartments price: 30-inch, $4.97; 32-inch, $5.45; 34-inch, $5.97; 36- inch, $6.45. Trunk was canvas cover, flat top, Japanned steel corners, and clamps, Monitor lock, heavy leather straps, deep tray with covered hat box Price: 28-inch, $4.95; 32-inch, $5.47; 34-inch, $6.45; 36-inch, $6.95. A Dill line of Slatless, Narrow Slat, Bureau andSteamer Trunks In an ass ortment oX great merit Prices range to, each $30.00 MMMWM iW''''W'r'','''rWfl'' Campus Qleanings. Glee dub in U. 107, 1 p m. Mr I. each, of Syracuse, was visit ing with Unhcrsity friends ytsteiday Mr Smith, of Tobias. Neb., visited jestciday with his son, who is attend ing st liool here. LOST A pearl handled penknife. The Under please leturti to registrar's olnce- Mr. John D. Brady left yesterday evening for Panama, Neb., where he Is to deliver a lecture. Associated Barbs meet at 1 p. m to dav in U. 106. Important business. E. F. MYERS, President. Mr. Anderson, of Albion, Neb., a graduate of the University Law de partment, was on the campus yesterday. Uev J .M Bates, a well known bot anist of Red Cloud. Neb., was in the city during the week, looking up vari ous, plants in the University herba rium He has contributed a large number of plants to the herbarium, and th,e professors in tho department are always glad to see him, for he never comes without bringing aome new thing. Lincoln Sash, Poor and Mf g Co. Interior Finish, Exterior Fin ish, Office and Store Fix Ctures, Water Tanks, G. F. Miles, '03, now of the pathological-botanical division of the United States department of agriculture, spent a little time on luesimy wuu m -anlcal friends on tho campus. He con ferred with Dr. Bessey.ln regard to the work ho Is doing for his master's degree. He is Investigating some of the obscure diseases of cultivated plants In the south, and is located at tho present time In Texas. He. Is en thusiastic over his work, and feels that it is a great thing to be in the service of the government. Chapln Bros.. Florists. 127 So. I3tb. Lomlng's, Ice crpm ana candj : llth and L St ' I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I H I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 r ATTENTION CADETS We wish to call your particular attention to tho advantages this store offers Its student patrons In tho way of Camp Fixjngs. In Blue Flannel Shifts Wo are showing tho correct things In Shirts, that are made right and guaranteed in very way. Prices $1.50, $2.00, $2.50. In White jDck Tfotfsefs Wo show tho largest and best made lines In these parts. All Jzes, and length. Prices 69c, $1.00, $1.25 i j. Lincoln Transfer Company, gage. 'Phone 176. Bag- In Regulation Atmy Hats i We show tho correct thing mado from pure fur stock, guaran teed to stand, sun or rain , PRICE 90c ' t Armstrong Clothing Co. jj Good Clothes Merchants. a I I II I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 I II I-1 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 ! I n Get Into a pair or aanaenson's Ox fords, and have the swellest pale you over saw. $&& yrmn This signature is on every box of the genuin Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet the remedy that cures a cold la oae day for acceptable Mead State li patented. THE PATENT RECORD. Baltimore Md qubocrlpt' )a price of tho PAfmrt Rhookb tUM irrann'HiL jvirnuif: v"wv. m HH A 1 i I i 4 "I J 1 " J Jr - f I - - .tt'y .f a.wias .,.:".