The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 20, 1904, Image 3
Cbe Datl Tlebrnehan r J. H. STUCK EY Wholesale and retail ice cream Wholesale trade a specialty. Special attention given to dealers and hotels. Also entertainments, both public and private. LINCOLN, Neb. 142 9 0 St. 'Phone 110r. Melick's Stables l23o N Si. Telejone 435 Carriages for dances and parties tco. E. FLEMING Time Inspector M. P. H. R, Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. Graduation Presents a SPECIALTY. 1211 0 Street. Lincoln SPLENDID ADDRESS. Large Crowd Out To Hear Hon. W. J. Bryan. Sam's Cafe The lecture oy Hon. W. J. Bryan, on "Principle in Politics." last Wednes day evening, was certainly a master piece. His logic was keen, his good ir'lct Irn 1 inl. flu mill flttl.wr lllnulrntlnnn nn in (ii jwmo (inn iniiiig iiiunii ui uiun i were interesting and they drove home the idra thnt he wished to convey to his listeners. A large crowd of students and citi zens from the city were present, and tne hall was filled to overflowing with enthusiastic people, who loudly cheered the famous Nebraskan when he en tered the room, and very frequently during the address. The open meeting of the Jefferson ians can surely be called a success. Never before hae they been able to obtain a speaker who could attract such a large audience, and who could discuss so intelligently and eloquently on a subject of so much importance to the Ftudent of political science. The only place In the city to get the Famous Little Gem Hot Waffles. Spe cial service for Ladies. Repairing Done. Trunks Exchanged. Valises, Pocket books, Belts, Etc. WIRICKS TRUNK FACTORY I036 O Street. DAKLTvDROS. HNCRAV1NCCO. 9 if ILLUSTRATORS l lQ ENGRAVERS W tf:s planun the west" (?h If you want a suit with style and fit call on A. KAPPELIN 206 South 12th. Student Recital The third annual recital of original compositions by pupils of Mr. Henry Ernies of the conservatory, members of the classes in counterpoint, canon, fugue and composition, was held last eening In Memorial hall before a large and very appreciative audience. The program consisted of ten num bers and was all well executed. Sev eral out-of-town people were noticed among the audience, many of whom are attending the high school fete day exercises today. BellPhones Office 1551 F741 Auto. Phone Office 1551 Consumezs' Ice Co Office 11 40 O St. Lincoln, Nebr. TU R PIN iS nx iS l I wfl I I I I ARROW COLLAR I ip CENTS, 2 FOR 28 CCNT8 I CLUETT, PEABODY 4 CO. H MAKER OF CLUETT AHO MONARCH HIRTtH Last Men's Meeting. The last men's meeting of the se mester will be held in Memorial hall Sunday at 3 p. m. Every man in the University should make a special ef fort to attend in order that tnis meet ing may be one of the most success ful of the year. These meetings have been a special feature in University activity in the past and it is the alrp of those who are planning thorn to keep the interest of the men aroused to a greate ex tent than it has been hitherto. Prof. A. C. Bell, head of the de partment of botany, in the Nebraska Wesleyan University, has been secured as the speaker next Sunday. Profes sor Bell is a popular man, not only among the students with whom he has been associated, but also among all with whom he has come in contact. He has studied in the University of Nebraska under Dr. Sherman and Is a brilliant man. He will have a mes sage for every man who The subject upon which Professor Bell will speak is "The Part of Wis dom." This is a topic which we all should consider especially, as we lay our plans for the corning year. Special music will be provided. Every man in the University is in vited and urged to be present. Features of the Exposition. "Akous Mysterious Asia," and "ETn' pire of India," are twoother splendid features of the exposition. This amuse ment and mercantile concessions will cover one hundred and fifty thousand square feet, and includes reproductions of the Mahal temple, Agra, and other historical structures of India. Burmah, with its white elephants, adolatrous in habitants and Golden temple of Ragoon will also be represented. There will be elephants carrying howdahs with pas sengers, followed by multitudes of na tives. The entire reproduction will cost $200,000, and in It there will be 750 people. 8perlal rate to otudentw at Hendry'a. Don Cameron's lunch counter for pood Bervlce. The Whltebreaat Go., at 110R O St. it the place to buy coal. M I I I I 1 M I I I I I I I I I I II t HI I Q 1 i I (I I II I I I M II I I , 4 T" ;;Yotf White Duck Pants" Will fit right both before and after :: t washing if bought of us. Prices $1.00, $1.25, $2.50 Campaign Hats iot the T ade at 90c Greatest line of Jersey Sweaters and blue flannel Jackets For S aturday :: evening 8 to 9:30 :: o'clock we will sell :: 100 dozen stylish ;; shield bows in black : : and colors-silk and :: Summer Madras ;; Regular 25c line at special price for one :: hour and thirty minutes Q Please help the poor. Buy your cigars and tobacco of Frank DuTell. 1020 0 St. Frank E. Lee, successor toF. T. Shepard, public stenographer, mimeo graphing. Special rates to students. 501-502 JtichardB Blk. Phone, Auto 11BB. fr$ I rTVTfiCl ' MAYER BROS. I I I I M i I i I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I C I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I IS IT A BLUFFS Closing Out Colo. To Quit Busi f ness. I Our prices are a good answer to the above question' I7Vn t.irwl PIclllPWl ii. nff Leather Goods off' Bibles V4 off Tennis Rackets 1-5 off Gloves ana Mitts 1-5 off Pocket Knives at COST $1.00 Fountain Pens L.75c Samuel Hall THE YELLOW FRONT i im u oi, x V THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0frfUl $300,000 M $um0 :. UmifVtivd Profit. 40.000.00 ' S. R. BURNI1AM, President A. J. tWYHR H. 8. PREBMAN Vlct-PT. Cashier. H. 8. BVAN FRANK PARKS Am. C tkier Aast Cashier P. R, BAJTBRDAY, Auditor. UNITED STATES DRPOGITORY. k 1 "-L'.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S." (Set your Straw Dat at XHnlanb'e HU IKlew Sbapee U w-.' Use Hot Water for House Heating w The Modern Method A k .1 u , i , . , .,.;-. ( J. 4 J