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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1904)
G, b c D all? HeDraf Ran , ! f: -f i) I 'I u C ap Ilebraskan A roiiHolldntlon of Tho HcHpcrliiti, Vol ill. Tin- N.-ItiihIuiti, Vol, 10 Soiirlet unci Crciim, Vol 4 Editor in CliW-f HiiKlr.i-Hi Mumper Clrrulntor .lolin D. Hli-i- A. U. S"lir'llir A. K. Becker ASSOCIATE EDITORS New, - - P. A. Ewlng Athletic ' - - J. W. Ha.r Literary - Dorothy Grtn Rportcri D. P. DeYounR and Raymond H. McCaw L '-- t ' - -- OIHcoh. Kdltorml, U 2IK1S UukIiiohh, U 21l'i I'OHt Olllcc, Box lil, St lit ion A Lincoln. BuliHoription Prion, J'4 pir yrnr, in iidvniu Rntfritl lit the poHtoftlce nt Lincoln. Ni'liriwkn iw Hcoond-oliiHs mull nmttor Editorial Remarks Today our campus will be thronged with visiting high Bchool Btudents, and to them our University bidB a hearty welcome. We are glad to receive them Into our midst and entertain them to the best of our ability, -remembering tho time when we wore completing our preliminary training preparatory to the greater event. About our high school days many of our most pleas ant memories are clustered, and it seems to those who well advanced in their college course that a very small shifting of time and circumstances would carry them back to the scenes that are past. All who have an opportunity to visit the University can be glad of the ndvantago given to them. Whether they ever expect to attend the Uni versity or not It is well that they bhould know something of its charac ter, equipment nnd general appearance. But it Is a distinct advantage for those who expect to attend this institution in the future, and they can learn much today that will be of advantage to them. In fact for all this visit will be something of an education, and we hope to see this day perpetuated, as it doubtless will be. Tomonow Is the day of the great j ttack meet with Minnesota and It is to be hoped that every student will allow himsell to become interested in his event. This Is the first event of this kind in whb h Nebraska has par- tblpatid under favorable conditions this year. In fact it Is the first time that our athletes will have an oppor tunity to do themselves Justice, as they will be at liberty to exert all their physical powers unhindered by unnat ural conditions. As has been shown we have a good chance to win, and a good turnout would better this chance to a great degree. Any team that Minnesota sends out 1b sure to be of a superior character, and hence it is plain that the meet tomorrow will be of no small Import ance. Our men have trained hard of late and are rounding more perfectly In coudition than earlier in the ytar. and despite the odds that they have encountered, they can be depended up on to work hard for victory in every event. Track work Is an important part of athletics. A strong track team is something hard to evolve, because of the many different specialties includ ed. The work Ib divided among indi viduals, each having one or more spe cialties. To work up each part of the system towards perfection requires a great deal of skill and patience. Thus it may be seen that thoBe who have trained the men have had a difficult task to perform, and It Is their due that their good work be recognized. It is also the due of the men who have trained so faithfully and well that their efforts be appreciated. Then let all who can come out tomorrow and work with united effort in supporting our men and in according our visitors a lmarty welcome. -----i- -fJ--J-J v-"I !:- !- -H"--'J-,J----,- i ARMY HATS For Encampment, there's 'ncr.c like tKm in Cfs f town at the price. . 7vL I JL White Duck Pants $1.00, $1.50 1 All Sizes at ... Blue Flannel Shirts t That will wash i and wear at. . $1.00, $1.50, $2.50, $3.30. Erie B. Woowward, M. D., eye, ear, nose and Uireat. Glasses fitted. Rich ards block, Lincoln. THE B. L. PAINE Clothing Store 1217 O Street ..4. .;.;:.-. l.--' -- ! ! --! 'I- fri-l. SUMMER VACATION IN COLORADO Low Excursion Rates this Summer Via tho Rock Island System. Write for rates and a beautifully Il lustrated book descriptive of Colorado scenes and scenery. F. H. Barnes, G. P. A., 1015 O Street. Lincoln. YU HIGH GRADE EHnCDLATE5BDNBDN5: Sold Only by Harley Drug Co., 11th and O Street. (XDCXXXXDOOOCXOCXXXXXX The University BooK Store Aill offer, commencing next Wonday, Way 23rd Their Entire Stock: of i University. Pins, Brooches, Fobs, Hat Pins and Souvenir Spoons. Box Stationary, University Fraternity and Plain- University Photographs, Postal Cards and Tablets- OOOOCOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXO C)OOOOCKXXXXXXXXXDOCOOOOOCOO OCX DCKDOOOOOCXX)OCXXXXXXXXX)OC)OC OOOOOOOCXDOOOCOCOOOOCOOOOOQ "r0 J .1 i A f I 1 4