The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 20, 1904, Image 1

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VOL. III. NO. 151.
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Cornhuskers are Putting in Last
Practice. South Dakota Beaten.
Things are looking good for Ne
braska in the trail; unci with Min
nesota Saturday. Last night three
try-outs were held for this event. In
the high J imiu Quick won out at 5 feet
1 inches, and he, with Benedict, will
compete with Minnesota. Benedict is
in good form at present and Bhould
clear the bar at about r feet 8 inches.
In the 100-yard dash Fenlon had
things his own way and won in 10 4-5,
while ho could had run faster had he
been pushed very hard. Bender, who
did not go In tho preliminaries, will
also run on' Saturday. . ney will make
a good team and should make the
Northerners hurry.
In tho 220-yard dash Fenlon won by
some margin with Bender and Hoar
tleing for second. It is not yet known
whether Bender or Smith will run
with Fenlon .the lattrr being bothered
with a strained cord in the thigh.
In the 410-yard run Smith and Hoar
will probably compete, the former hav
ing done the distance in 53 3-5 with
out being pusned.
In tho half-mile and mile Benedict,
States and Penrod will compete. They
havo all made the distances in fast
time and Bhould ehow up well tomor
row. Havens will run in the 2-mlle
with States and this should be a good
fast team, an" they have done tno dis
tance in 10:40 on an unfavorable day.
In tho broad jump Hagensick and
Bowman will compete, each having
done over 20 feet G Inches.
HagenBick and Benedict will both
rnmnotn in the nolo vault. They have
both dono 10 feet 9 Inches and If nec
essary will probably do more.
In tho hammer throw and shot put
Martin and Wellor will try their
strength, whilo Nowton will throw
tho discus. Ho has In practice thrown
it over 111 feet, and with good form
stands a good chanco of breaking the
state record, which is a few inches
over 111 feet.
In tho hurdles Hauser and Hagen
Bick will run In tomorrow's meet.
At Boulder tho former finished a foot
behind the -winner, who made the dls
tanco In 1G flat, bo he can be depended
Tho meet will bo held at F. & M.
Tho meet will bo held at F. &
park, and will start quite early in tho
Zobo Townsond's prize colts fat
tened up their batting averages to the
queen's taste yesterday before the
largest crowd that has turned out to
a baseball gamo for some time. The
game was featureless executing for a
homo rim by Miller, who put the ball
through the machine shop window.
The small grounds were a severe hand
icap to good playing, filled as they
were with obstructions, and what bum
playing the field did not furnish the
men from our northern neighbors af
forded. Score by Innings:
Nebraska 0 3 3 13 2 4 3 -19
South Dakota ...0 00020000-2
Hits Nebraska, 14; South Dako-
Errors Nebraska. 2; Sq. Dak., 8.
Struck Out By Morse. 8; by Ful-
1 - Q
Bases on balls Off Morse, 2;
Fuller, 3.
nn.,ni Plow Morse to Steon
TownBend; Fenlon to Townsend.
Homo Run Miller.
Three-base-hit Miller. 2.
Batteries Morse. Bender and Miller;
Fuller and Johnson.
The nigh school meet wdll com
mence at tho F. & M. park this after,
noon promptly at l:b0, and will con
f an-rieilenic Dance,
Tickets on sale at Treasurers office. Dancing be-
eins at 8:45 sharp.
Big Mass Meeting This Morning
slst of thirteen events. Representa
tives from the high schools of Bea
trice, Crete, Hebron, York, I'awneo
City, and perhaps others, will com
pete and over fifty men are already en
tered. The events will be a relay race
for four men on each team, KM)- and
20u-yard dashes, quarter, half and mile
runs, 120- and 220-yard hurdles, run
ning high jump, running broad jump,
pole vault, hammer throw and shot
put. The tenuis tournament between Min
nesota and Nebraska will also begin
this afternoon on the campus. The
names of the Minnesota team hae not
been received at the time of our goiiu'
to press. The meet will begin at 1
o'clock, and four matches in s-ingle
will be played. The doubles will be
played tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.
Famous Freshman Head Piece
Goes to the Lucky Man
This morning at 10 o'clock the fa
mous Freshman cap tho solo survivor
of his tribe, which alono escaped the
trial by llro and tho murderous in
clinations of tho upper classmen will
be raffled off at tho Big Rock east
of the library. There on the historic
spot where many an orator has done
his impromptu in premeditated and
malicious execlso of speech, the draw
ing for the cap will take place. The
premiums announced several days ago
as going with tho tickets have been
withdrawn, as Insufficient inquiry has
been made for them. However, it lias
been decided that tho man winning the
cap will take all those holding tickets
up to Rector's for refreshments. It
Is quite likely that the cap will be
passed around through the crowd for
Inspection, and then submitted .to the
committee of the Freshmen who will
O. K. It as to gonuineness. All are
free to come out and watch proceed
ings, and special arrangements have
been made to take -care of the crowd.
Tho placards which tho advertising
manager of t lie soon to appear Senior
I aw book have placed so prominently
before the public, have been removed
by those In charge ot tho dook as ioo
lurid and praising the book on terms
somewhat too extravagant.
The editors prefer to have the book
received by the students as their judg
ment says it meritB.
Wlrlck's Trunk & Bag Store, 1036 O.
t Saturday May 21,
Followed By
2s Cents
Cadet Officers Honored By Men
of Battalion.
I ast evening at the close of drill,
the captains of companies A, B. and (',
wcro presuntod with three handsome
sabres bj the sponsois of the com
panies. The weapons were the giits
of the oilicers and men of the com
panies. They arc ull from Messrs. M.
C. I illie and Company, of Cleveland.
Ohio and are exquisite examples of
cutlery. The names of the owners are
engraved on each.
The sponsors for thf companies were
as follows: Company A, Miss Eva
Cooper; Company B, Miss Ethel Er
ford; Company C, Miss Vivian Lee.
This afternoon the annual competi
tive drill of the battalion will he held
on the campus, beginning at 3:30
o'clock. The coinpanics have been
drilling hard twice a clay for the past
tworwceks. and the contest is expected
to be closer this year than ever before.
A large crowd will be present and
much enthusiasm and excitement is al
readyTu evidence over the event. The
program has already been published
in the Nebraskan, but separate ones
will be delivered at the grounds Just
I before the exercises commence.
Band Concert Tomorrow.
Following is the program of the
hand concert to be .given tomorrow
night in Memorial Hall:
March "Uncle Sammy," Holzman.
Overture "Orpheus," Offenbach.
Characteristic "(ioblins Frolio,"
Trombone Solo Sclec ted, Mr. Cor
nell. Selection "When Johnny Comes
Marching Home," Edwards
Overture "Sounds from the Sunny
South," Iseman.
"Toreador's Song, from "Carmen,"
Bizet; Mr. Cornell. .
"American Patrol." Meacham.
After the concert a band Informal
will be held for which no extra charge
will be made. Admission, 25 cents.
When you purchase your new tan
shoes, be sure to see Sanderson's be
fore you buy. He has some beauties.
Wright Drug Co., 117 No. 11th,
'uhone 313.
The Home Cafe for strawberry
- - Memorial Hall
Band Informal
25 Cents i
i nn a ivjrr JV1ATTEDC
Summer School Excursion to the
Fair Is All Ready.
Alter many annoying delays the di
rector of the Summer Session Is abln
V0 make definite aiM final announce
ment respecting the special excursion
to the exposition and National Educa
tional association convention at St.
The train will leae the B. & M.
depot at 7 a. m. Monday, June 27th,
and will draw up on a private track
before the Christian Endeavor hotel
at !) o'clock that evening. The return
tlil) will bf nmiln nvnr Mm M I m.wl
..... ..... via. .11. I . IWIII
Saturday, July 2, reaching Lincoln at
!t o'clock that evening. Thus the fac
ulty and students will he able to make
a daylight trip through northern and
initial Missouri, pausing through St.
Joseph and Hannibal. Jefferson City
and Kansas City.
I odglngK have been reserved for
.'(() people in tho Christian Endeavor
hotel, which was selected after a care
ful examination as in every respect
the most satisfactory It Is 100 feet
from the entrance gate; is new and
absolutely modern, clean ami pleasant.
These dates give four days for visit
ing the exposition. The danger of
wasting the clays In purposeless walk
ing has been removed by 1'roL E H.
Barbour, who is nrenniimr ati ltlner.-irv
of the most Instructive exhibits. This
will be printed and given to tho Uni
versity party.
For members of the faculty and their
families and for teachers and students
legistered in tho summer session tho
total expense for car fare both ways
and lodging for five nights in the above
hotel la $15.00 Since the lowest rail
load rate announced for this exposi
tion is $ 1 fi.50. and 'the lowest price for
lodging offered during June is $1.50,
it will be seen that the University
saves Its patrons nearly one-half. It
Is a remarkable figure and will not be
reached again this year. To this $13
must be added 50 cents a dayfor ad
mission to the exposition and the ex
pense of meals. The contract calls for
hrrukfnst at 35 cents, lunch for 2f
cfnts, and dinner at 40 cents. The
total necessary expense for the week of
pleasure and proi.i need not exceed
The plat of the section of the hotel
reserved for the University Is on Its
way and rooms may be reserved at
once on payment of $1.00, which will
be applied towards tho $15.00. Tho
remaining $14.00 must be paid June 10.
Fraternities may Teserve suites of two
and three rooms.
In case there Is room after tho fac
ulty and registered students are pro
vided for. friends and patrons of the
University will be granted these priv
ileges on the payment of $18.00. These
friends may reserve at once and will
uo allotted truoTtors In the order o
This train is chartered by tho Uni
versity, all tickets will be sold through
the oxecutive office, and hotel rooms
reserved only for tho above two classes
of people. The party will therefore
be a select University family party.
No objectionable persons will bo ad
mitted. Tho train arrangements are admira
ble the hotel Ideal In location and
appointments, ttie cost Irresistibly low.
Prof. Wlll'ard Kimball has already
reserved one coach for his faculty and
Btudents. The University band Is re
joiced over tho generous treatment
secured for them by the director and
will probably accompany tho train.
Sanderson has the swellest lot of
spring shoes you ever saw. Drop In
and see them.
Have your picture framed at the
Lincoln Book Store. ChrlBty and Gil
bert heads in colors $1.00 each.
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