The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 19, 1904, Page 4, Image 4
.M3mtsminwairrm.TLfmm?& p s. - v o " f vy3 . :" - '--' E; ' . 4 be E a . , p Tlebraenan JfMMMMmMMirww. MMPWMMMMW 4 ff SCNMOUm & MUELLER THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET OUR LEADERS Stdnway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo. Steck And 23 others. Wc sell new Pianos on 55 monthly payments IMMMMMMWM'WMMU Are You Going -to ST. LOUIS N. E. A. and the WORLD'S FAIR? Nerr Wore has the N. B. A. anranjd lta meeting witk Moh wxm4rfal opportunities fr th Teftober, Instructor or ProfoMor. Tke root ria the BurltaftM will be 11m farorite ono, m It him been heretofore. 0. W. Besnill Oltjf PaMOfor Am4 BurlhifltM Route Lincoln Sash, Door and Mf'g Go. Interior Finish, Exterior Fin ish, Office and Store Fix tures, Water Tanks. Univezsity Bulletin TODAY "Innocents" Initiation and Banquet, the Lindoll. TODAY South Dakota vs. Nebraska, tho Campus. MAY 20 & 21 Interstate Tennis, Min nesota vs. Nebraska, tho campus. MAT 20 Pan-Hoi Dance, Tho Audi torium. MAT 20 Competitive Drill Day. MAT 20 Intorscholastic Field Day, High School Fete Day, F. & M. Park, MAY 21 Band concert, Memorial hall. MAT 21 Track Moet, Minnesota vs. Nobraska, F. & M. Park. MAY 24 Cadet Encampmont Begins. JUNE 4 Annual Concert, School of Music, Memorial Hall. JUNE 9 Thirty-third Annual Commencement Campus Qleanings. Mr. C. M. Pemby, county superin tendent of Boone county, was visiting with University friends yesterday. Tho Tepmle Fund committee of the I'alladian society will meet with Miss Bullock next Saturday evening at S o'clock. Tho students in general botany be gan work on Easter lilies Monday, to the great delight of the girls in the class. The professor promises them sweet peas in the near future. Clarenco Johnston left last evening for Kalispell. Mont., where he will work during the summer, surveying for (ho Great Northern. Mr. Johnson ex pects to be in school again next fall. Professor Bessey has a few dates of tho Doglet Noor variety, which he is exhibiting to those who call at his office They wero sent from Algeria by Ernst Bessey, '9G. who has been sent to that country on business con nected with the importation of date trees by the United States department of agriculture. This particular variety" of the date Is said to be the finest grown anywhero In tho world. It is hoped that dates of thfs kind may oventually bo grown in the desert re gions of Arizona. Wirlck's Trunk & Bag Store, 1036 O. Mrs. J. VA. Ftry Wholesale and Retail B AKER Y 'Phone 5G4 234 So. llth - II We Carry Only STYLISH SHOES nTHE-celebrated Hanan, :: x Walk-Over and W.L. - I Douglas makes for men. '' Hanan and Sorosis Shoeu ' ' for women. Swedish o Gymnasium Shoe. None !' genuine unless stamped A dUlllo tJWCUlollt ROGERS & PERKINS COMPANY Successors to Webster & Rocrei-B i and Perkins and Sheldon Oo. IV I U Btroot. Plan Your Trip Early During 1904 several opportunities to go back East at greatly reduced rates will be offered by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. If you want to be kept posted regarding low rates, dates of sale, stop-over privileges and train service, advise me the probable time and destination of your trip. Through train service from any point on the main line of the Union Pacific Rail road to Chicago every day. Folder free F. A. NASH Goneral Western Agont 1524 Farnam Street, OMAHA ce '..tV.'Atlll'.lt.'.'iirL'.l..tLH.H.t.,.J YiU HIGH GRADE rnnrni atfe; AdPRnwHnksc; f I IMLtULril LJ w OLI ILiLB 13 J 2 Sold Only by Harley Drug Co., llth and O Street! II Take the World's -Fair Special to St. Louis. II NEWTRIANLEAVES Lincoln at 4:30 p. m. arriving at St, Louis next morning. Leaves St. Louis at 8:10 p. m., arriving at Lin coln at 12:15 nocn. Through Pullman Sleeper from Lincoln and electric lighted coaches. Three trains daily between Lin coin and St. Louis. Through connections made at St. Louis tor all points east. . WorldJs Fair Rates are now in effect and are very low. Don't be afraid to ask questions. F. D. Cornell, P. & T. A. City Tickot offloo S. W. Cor. 12th and O Sts Depot Cor. 9th and S. I ' -J I'd Waterman Fountain Pen $2.00 to $5.00 1200 O Street RECTORS 1' A i i 24 ifl VM -wW .VI M Zx L" . "ui (M