The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 19, 1904, Image 3
v" j,, jr.;"j yyjfe.yfffr'-'wpwwwgwac'yrrK j;s?yt&' v Ttv'wr"' f- " T7t'' y '"' "l'' ' ' 'J'v,?ljr? i-Hid" ru,-ir -. (Tbe Dails "Rebraefean STUCKEY Wholesalo and retail Ico cream fholesalo trade a Bpeclalty. Special ittentlon given to dealers and hotels. Also eHtertalnments, both public and jrlyate. LINCOLN, Neb. 142 9 0 St. 'Phone 1105 Melick's Stables I23o N St. Tclehone 435 Carriages for dances and parties too. E. FLEMING Time Inspector M. P. R. R. Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and JSngraver. Graduation Presents a SPECIALTY. W 1211 O Street, Lincoln. Sam's Cafe The only place In the city to get the Famous Little Gem Hot Waffles. Spe cial service for Ladles. . Repairing Done. Trunks Exchanged. 1 Valises, Pocket books, Belts, Etc. WIRICKS TRUNK FACTORY 1036 O Street. ; DAKLRDRD5. LNCKAV1NCCO. r pesicnersW If ILLUSTRATORS l W ENGRAVERS tfnU Sj) pjaruInlKeweet (PA K If you want a suit with style and fit call on A. KAPPELIN 206-South J 2th, BollPhones Auto. Phono Off ico 1551 -V F741 Gonsumezs' Ice Co. Office 1140 OSt. Lincoln, Nebr. TURPIN L I ARROW COLLAR I 4 I 10 CENTS, 2 FOR 28 CCNT8 I B 1 CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. I ' H UAKEM OF OLUETT AHD MONARCH HIRTlB HvWIIBHHIBIIHHBHIBI FRESHIES WIN OUT Defeat Juniors in a Fast Contest Yesterday, Score 9-1. Yesterday afternoon the Freshmen won tho haseball championship from the Juniors by a score of 9 to 1. In tho first six innings not a score was made by either side. In the first half of the seventh the Freshmen made three runs and In tho eights added five, while one more was made In tho ninth. Tho Juniors' only scoro was made in the seventh. Tho game throughout was a pitcher's battle and had not tho Ju niors' support weakened in the latter part of the game It would have been the best game seen on tho campus for a long time. Dort and Hyde both pitched In fino form and were well sup ported by Denslow and Milliken behind tho bat. Score by innings: Freshmen 0000003 5 19 Juniors 0 00000 10 01 Batteries Freshmen, Dort and Denslow; Juniors, Hyde and Milliken. Homo Run Robertson. Umpire Barta. This afternoon on the University campus the home team meets the nine from South Dakota. This promises to bo a closely contested game, as South Dakota this year has a fast aggrega tion. The home team was out yes terday for practice and appeared to be in line form It Is not known as yet whether Adams or Morse will pitch. As this is our first game at home sine tho trip Iho students should all turn out and watch the team play. The track meet with Minnesota promises to be one of the best we have ever had The men are developing rapidly with each day. Last evening Hagensick vaulted 10 feet 9 inches, and Morse made 10 feet f Inches,while Benedict has records ranging with these. This afternoon try-outs will be made In tho high jump, in which Benedict, Bowman and Meier will compete, and in tho 100- and 220-yard dashes, in which the contestants will be Fenlon. Driscoll, Nelder, Bowman, Meier and Hoar. Fenlon has been out the last few days and Is showing up in fine form on tho short sprints. A mass meeting will be held tomor row morning In chapel to boost this meet. At this meeting it will be at tempted to form a rooters' squad to cheer the homo mfn as they come in on tho runs. The Minnesota team arrives here Fri day morning at 10:30. Schoolmasters' Club Meeting The Nebraska Schoolmasters' club held its last meeting of the year on Saturday evening at the Llndell hotel. It was attended by Professors Bessey, Crabtreo, Davis, Fossler, Luckey and and Ward, and by Messrs. Heltzman, Jackson, Stephens, Towne, and Cut ter or the University alumni. The pa per of the evening was read by Super intendent Kern, of Columbus, and tho discussion was led by ProfesBor Luckey .followed by Dean Fordyce, President Clark,. Professor Bessey, Su perintendent Caviness and Superinten dent Davlsson. A banquet was served at which -the wives of tho -members were presont. Superintendent Steph ens, U. of N., '89, was elected presi dent for the ensuing year, and Q. L. Towne, U. of u., '95, secretary- treas urer. Don Cameron's lunch counter for good service. Tho Wbitebreast Co., at HOC O St., Is the place to buy coal. STUDENTS For first-class Tailoring at low prices, see Union College Stu dents Tailors. Telephone 1209 Union College Tailors South Enterance Cofleee Bldg. EDISON'S PHONOGRAPH HOUSE 1 For High Grade Bicycles Sewing Machines Typewriters Talking Machines and Athletic Goods Call or Telephone C.A.LYMANSCO. 251 So. lltbSLKient 11232. Special Attention Given to Repairing. VVVVVVVWWVVVWWWVWiVV American Cafe f ja6 Soath llth 5t Regular Meili age Meal Tickets, 21 Meals, $4.00. j Special Scrrlea Glren to Partial and dubs. 5 I - - IT gii WWtrVW&&Wfr CORNELL THE WALL PAPER AMD PAINT MAM ISO North 13th Llnooln, Neb. 1 COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA OAPITAL - - $100,000.00 OFFICERS John Yrlrht, Pre J H. Wosoott, Yloc-Prw. Joe Sarouela. Ind Vloo-Proa. P. L. Hall Oaohier W. B. Ryona. kta'. Cak. r-jg 1 and Pt Uqutppcd Eating Hot,.. n th. Ctty. FurnUhtd feooim nOnnction. .Palace Dining Hall. 2 J Meals, $3.00. W. H. Hart, Prop. KM N Street Lincoln, Nek. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK oWtAl 98O0.0O0.M tOMMi 110,000.04 U7vUd Profit 40.000.0 8. ft BURNHAM, Prudent A. I. liWTKl H. 8. FREBMJLN Vtoa-Fim CaaMer. H. B. BVANS FRANK PARKS Am. C taler Aaet. Cashier P. K. SAflTKmDAY, Auditor. UNITED STATUS DEPOSITORY. There is ao watch, clock or article of jewelry we cannot fhr C. A. TUCKER The Up-to-the-Mlnute Jeweler PROMPT SFFVTCP.. 1123 O Sttrrt Wedding Gifts. Sterling Bllver artl- appropriate wedding j. gins anu our une ui , M.-y jv a ,i . .i. W Sterling goods la the uchi 111 ijiiicuiu. ILSl rv-24fl fi Special prices to clubs and socloHes. 130 So. 13th St. m. g. Wolff 139 So 13th. f Ujrvii lBl flf JPwJ DENVER TAILORING GO. H. WECKESSER, Prop. 8ulti md to order from 1 1 8.00 uo. Pant. $5.00 1 and up. W aI.o Jo a.anlnj YtZZn! "a., ,RP,rin8:- Worfan.n.hf; ftrtt-ClaM. latlifactlon guaramwd. r 1228 M St. Llndell rlot.I. Lincoln. "JWVWt Fraternity Hall, 13lh a N Street Nowly furnlahod end decorated. Is mew open for dates for College and Frater nity dancos. Special ratoe to students FAVLKNEB S SHARP Rcom 808. Fratenlty Bldg. OUR PRICES Shlrte any style in Cotton Undorahlrte 'mq Ootton Drawers nX Nightahirte '2" Books WZ HandkorohiofB, 8 for ..'.'.'.'. . . ,Qq YULE mnOS. LAUNDRY Use Hot Water for House Heating The Modern Method Estimates furnlBliod for work anywhere in tho state. Korsmeyer Co., 188 South Tenth Street The Weber Suitorium Is the up-to date place where you can jet yoor Closing Cleaned and Pressed 'Phone 708. Northeast Cor llth and O. T. J. TIIORr COMPANY General Machinists L M AJl Kind ( Rapaitfng Lock Smiths. PLATERS 308 So. ltth Street Lincoln, Nekratka PV4A4. 414 I Western Glass and Paint Co. 12th nnd M Sfc., Lincoln, Nebraska , Ftvm, JRHi LLNDSEY'S CIGAR STORE Up-to-Dato Soda Fountain and Magazines. . . 118 North llth Street. POWELL'S BILLIARD AND POOL HALL was opened this fall with tables all newly covered, best cues and balls, newly papered, everything up-to-date. Including customers. B. P. POWELL, 146 H llth St Phone M Steiuer-Wocmpener Drn Gti, Sucecaaots tTEINER PHAMIACY. IU( O SttMt? ' Ptona 707 Unnh, ! Manufacturers of Btoiaer'a Balaaa Rhubarb- Gold Capsules, Pile Omre a&4 Qray'a Oond'tion Powdera. Hotel Walton 15J5 O Street. Phone 566. 100 rooms beet low-prieod house In olty RATES$i Per Day and Up a X ' ..-iifijSt:!l: i . . ," . . - VrijAatS&Li ? Xiji I i" f" r',r,t!'a,iiX;.nWhi,it,,i,itii, ,tt,f&k, in. ,t, in j i . fn ' tSWi53ttrrrz?,r?-mTrw ynmtmnikmummim v urn ,jm.' 2mvmzmMrtiMimm ia.ui kibp -nBi.ui.aMmiBiiafVkii