The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 19, 1904, Image 2

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Jibe H)atl WebraeNn
jfe dp Hebraskan
A roiiHolklntlon of
Tho HPHpcrlim, Vol. HI, Thu NbriHknn, Vol, 10
Sour-lot unci Oronm, Vol. 4.
Julia Tompklna Kate Kendall
Lucy Tompkins Grace Denny
Mrs. Tompkins . ..Brlttanla Daughters
Mr. Tompkins Clias. Wnllace
Jorry Carl Hartley
Editor In Chlof
BaHlntwK MannRor
John D. Rico
A. O. Schrolbor
A. F. Booker
HtmM . - - P. A. Ewlng
AtUic - - h w- U"
tomry - Dorothy Grn
Rportr D. P. D Young nd
Raymond H. McCw
Topics For Arguments.
0pob; Killtorml, U 20!Ih: BiwinonH, U 211'j,
Pot Olllco, Box 1!J, Station A. Lincoln.
Bubwrlption Prlco, 'i por your, In ndvancc
Kntond nt tin-poHtolllou rt Lincoln, Nobrruikii
oh Hooond-cliiHH mull mutter
Editorial Remarks
Tho announcement of another band
concert has aroused considerable Inter
est anions University students, and a
larger crowd Is expected to greet the
second appearance, of this popular
organization thnn attended their last
appearance. During the past year the
present band has has far exceeded pre
vious companies of similar nature at
tho University, and It Is up to the stu
dents of Nebraska to Bhow their col
lego patrloism by generously support
ign any undertaking It may assume.
In addition to this, tne object for
which the concert is to bo given Is one
which has commanded and should con
tinue to command the lively Interest of
every loyal Nebraskan. The band has
amply demonstrated the college spirit
that rules it by making a very generous
pledge to the Temple Fund. While
everyone is certain to receive much
more than the mero value of his money,
by attending the concert next Satur
day night, therefore, tho opportunity of
swelling the Temple Fund in addition
should, anil doubtless will, fill Memo
rial hall with an enthusiastic and ap
preciative audience
1. Was the United States Justified In
recognizing tho independence of Pan
ama? 2. Is education a cause of Negro
3. Would tho United States be jus
tified In seating Reed Smoot?
4. At tho University of Nebraska
would the honor system of exalmna
tlon bo preferable to the system now
in ubo?
5. Should the United States annex
San Domingo.
0. Was tho institution of chivalry
favorable to the development of
7. Would 11 be politic for the repub
lican party to declare. In Its next plat
form, for a definite revision of the
tar i IT'.'
8. Was Sherman's 'March to the
Sea" a politic move?
9. Was ancient Roman private life
i loss happy than modern private?
10. Did ancient warfare require
greater bravery than does modern?
11. Why did the North outgrow the
South In population, wealth, etc, from
1790 to 1800?
12. Should contraband of war be
limited to munitions of war?
13. It is desirable to employ convict
labor on public highways?
14. Should the right of appeal In
criminal cases before juries be abol
ished appellate courts having full
power to review the judgments of trial
English 14 (Argumentation)
The last piece of work will be a brief
due not later taan June 2. Special
subjects, that is not In the following
list, Professor Fogg will approve not
later than May 21.
Play Has Successful Resuls.
A fair sized crowd greeted the Dra
matic dub's presentation of "Mr.
Tompkln's Hired Man," In Memorial
hall Tuesday evening. The production
was well received, and, on the whole,
well, acted. Following is the cast:
Mr. Tompkln's Hired Man F. F. Myers
Ills Cousin Lucy Van Home
John Remington Ed Adams
Prof. H. R. Smithat Chapel.
Prof. H. R. Smith gave a very inter
esting talk yesterday morning on the
"Reclamation of tho Arid Lands of
tho West." He gave a good descrip
tion of the geography of tho western
part of the state, gave figures on the
amount of rainfall In the different sec
tions of the state, and offered many sci
entific, suggestions of how this vast
region could bo made productive.
Pleaso help tho poor. Buy your"
cigars and tobacco of Frank DuToll,
1020 O St. '
Shopard, public stenographer, mimeo
graphing. Special rates to students.
501-502 Richards Blk. -Phone, Auto
Erlo II. Woowward, M. D., eye,. ear,
nose and threat. Glasses fitted. Rich
ards block, Lincoln.
"Follow the Flag."
Many Miles Shortest
to St. Louis.
The only Hnc with its own Station at the main en
trance of the World's Fair Grounds. Many special
rates during the Exposition. AH agents can sell via the
HARRY E. MOQRES, G. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb.
The CoOp is closing out a
special line of fine writing paper
This 30c paper advertised as a very special
bargain price at two boxes for 35c has been
selling at the Co-Op at 16c and i7c per box
There is not much left. Come at once. The
paper is good enough for anyone.
Similar special prices on some
of our University writing papers
25c tablets fine bond and linen
proper, various sizes 17c.
Owned and Managed toy Students
frl- '!! ;-fr !; !; -:-:5-- ?-- : : : ; ! : -;.; ;.
For Encampment there's none like them in
town at the price
All Sizes
t at. . .
White Dvck Pants?
$1.00, $1.50
Blue Flannel Shirts
andwearat . . $100, $1.50, $2,50, $3.30.
5 Clothing Store
1217 O Street
' -
Sfr fr I ?' !' ! ! ! ;! ;-;. --4- ;.,.,, ;, '';. ,
91 i
Li w.