g V m Cbe xm.flt ftcbracFtan MMWMMMMWMWNMM r WWWIWIIWWWWWWWIWWqiMWWW SCHMOLLER & MUELLER y HMiu; COLIN POPULAR RADIING PLACE mm F I hs THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET i c OUR LEADERS Stdnway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo. Stcck And 23 others. We sell new Pianos on 55 monthly payments MWMWMMMIMNMIIMMMWMMvUMWa Are You Going to ST. LOUIS N. E. A. and the WORLD'S FAIR? .Never tfor hu th N. B. A. arma ita meeting with amoh woaAerfal opporftudtiM for the Teaober, Iaetruotor or Profoasor. The roafte tU the BurHagtea will be the ftwrorite one. m Ik tuui beem heretofore. 8. W. Bonnill Olty rmMner Afat iHrlleitM Route Lincoln Sash, Door and Mf'g Co, Interior Finish, Exterior .Fin ish, Office and Store Fix tures, Water Tanks. 20 DAYS OF QUICK SELLING r Our Entire Store Turned into One Immense Bargain Counter Each month more people are recognizing the superiority of our Special Sales Do You Want To Save Money? Then Get To Know Us ssaail6lipsr This may be your lucky month save vour saleslips jyMMMMVWtfMMMMWMMMMMM'WMIMrWMMWUIMWMaM Pedagogical Club Meeting. After a brirf nodal pn lod Protestor 1 uckey opened the meeting with a practical talk on the plans ot the club The club, which meets from month to month, is temporary or supplemental . There is also a permanent organiza tion, which admits only graduat's and that too graduate of special qualifica tions. It is hoped to have arrange ments made by permanent lubs in different universltitcs by which a member ot the club will be revived b any othei club. Nebraska is taking the initiative in bringing about such arrangements Professor l-uckey also touched upon the tact that a substantial number of the members of the club have already secured positions. At the close of his preliminary re maiks he introduced Superintendent Stephens of the city schools, who spoke on a siipeiintrndent's idea of intei views with teachers who are seeking positions, and his idra ot recommenda tions, etc. He presented very clearly and pointedly some useful hints on these matters. His hints as to inter views may be summed up in these words. Me natural and frank, and be sure you really know what joii are talking about. Superintendent Stephens then pro ceeded to speak of some qualifications necissaiy for letainlng a position, car riage, voice, quality of eye, earnest ness. The next topic was the means of judging a teacher. I Manner of e onductlngthework 2. Results. In connection with thejatter he em phasized the kind of facta (type facts) which should be presented. Results should be those which typefy things of real value. He also laid stress on the power to develop a genuine Inter est, and, coupled with tills, thorough ness. As to the manner of managing a school he suggested personality, apti tude in presenting, magnetism and synipathj. Superintendent Stephens" addrcso was a forcible presentation of facts vhiih mutt be of service to those who are about to enter th public schools a" a t cache r. Profest-or I.uckey next called upon Professor Jackson to make spine re marks as to the permanent club. The plan is to hold a meeting some time during commencement week, probably on Alumni Day. This meeting closed a successful series. "COOK WITH" GAS Lincoln Gas and Electric Light Gompany I iucoln Transfer Company, gage. 'Phone 17G. RftK- DAKEI3LDiT05. LNCKAVINC CO. 1 ILLUSTRATORS l IO ENGRAVERS (gul Rk) plant" in the west" (PjJi Wedding Gifts. Our stock offen, larg vaiiety of the most ap propriate at tides for wedding gifts. Pi ices positively the lowest for same quality. 188 So. Kith St. M. O. WOLFF, 139 So 13th. POWELL'S BILLIARD AND POOL HAU w. openect mis fall with tables all M newly coveted, best cues and hall WtA newly papered, everything up-to-date. )) B. P. POWfLL, 146 N llth St. P&one L664 i