The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 13, 1904, Image 2

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Classes Fifht in Deadly Warfare
(Continued from page 1.)
on the street, fthd was promptly nabbed
and hurried away to seclusion Tiic
Sophs wWe alsd laying for D. V. Dc
Young and Beach Jones, who were on
the program, but apparently they
failed t accomplish their designs, ul
though fot- a tlmo grave fearH were
ntertalne-d for our star reporter.
W. H. Nelder was Intercepted, his
face blackened a beautiful mahogany
tint. nnJ turned loose.
Party Held In Peace.
In the evening a large throng of
students and townspeople gathered In
front of Walsh hall. However there
were plenty of police present, and
there was nothing doing. Most of
the Vreshmbn came in hacks, and the
(ouplcs were escorted up the stairs
anJ into the halls by the cops who
thnperoned tho ptrty. The crowd was
restless and Inclined to be demonstra
tive, but all they could do was to
bowl at tho empty uir, and vljw the
tommon-pJace sights of the street.
Tho Freshmen had a nice time in
rplte of the discordant elements rag
ing without Cramer, Standever and
Rtelner wcto nil there proud of their
enlevement of having been kk'
napped. Tho play and Ihe debate
were called off, owing to a shortage f
hands and "chilled tootsies." In spite
of all detracting features the party
was held In pretty good shap and
those who were present enjoyed thein
pfllvea quite thoroughly.
Will Go Down in Uni. History.
Never beforo In the history of our
University has such a great class dis
turbance occurred. Class scraps have
taken place, and Individuals have been
kidnapped, but never baa there Deen
bUch a concentration of these practices
into a big ercnt. The display of col
'.pro spirit wns simply wonderful, and
the combative spirits of the rival
( lossmen were wrought up to u tre
mendous degree. There were no llrr.: s
at all. Everything was preclpitntlve.
and nowhere among the students wce
n voice of caution mined. All poemd
to approve tho day's doings, and f-re
even willing to-lend a hand. The tur
prise Is that the girls took a prominent
part, and tho credit of doing their share
can not be denied them. It is difficult
to imagine when another strap can
take place which will be able to serve
as a parallel to this long drawn out
battle, and those who witnessed the
ents of yesterday will have many,
startling recollections to recall.
Regarding Glee Club Concert.
We print communications, reserving
the right to make whatever comment
we-may eo fit, but not assuming re
sponsibility for them.
Apropos of the Glee club's going to
give a concert in Norfolk this evening
we would llko to say a word about
the wav the concert here was attend
ed last Friday evening. We will begin
wjth the faculty. These art they
who went:
Professor Barber and wife.
Professor Nicholson and wife.
Professor Stout.
J.oulse Pound.
Mrs. Barbour and Eleanor.
" rrofessdr Burnett bought a ticket
under protest.
Mr. Myer bought a ticket willingly.
(If any professor who went or bought
a ticket is omitted from this list, by
tailing at - the, office he can sign or
make his mark here X )
Where was the Chancellor?
Davis, thou exponent of music, where
were tfiou?
O, Fling, there Is rythm in all the
universe-, even in the name of Mlra
beau. ,
Ouerneey Jones, hatt no music n thy
soul? O, Swczey. with one lye on
the stars, thou wilt in time se" th
heavenly choir, but thou shouldst have
gone last Frlda night am'. Manned'
to au earthly one.
Pu Deutschcr Propheten, was ibt
los? Sind sie nicht Deutschcr und
Jagd machen for schonen and Kunste?
y?n have given Lees and Dann up.
They find too much muBlc In kinesasa
knlino to need any more.
Ab for our law' brethren, we are
sure they ,ha,d Dr. Pound look in the
book and see and finding no law to
orapel them to go, stayed at home
Oh, thou seers of the art of Sboke-
sittra.imr nit i i .
mm i vv
A Stylish White Hat
v" i ii .twill v i nLiiimi hi
ia A- T 1 J A 1
Or tne june Dnae n special
! C showing of the newest modes in
styles that are pretty and winsome
as the deft and skillful lingers of clever artists can
make them. Your inspection of these airy white
creations is invited. Particularly noticeable will be
the effects of pleated, shirred folded chiffon with lace
trimming in drooping effect Others of all-over Wee
are very stunning Prices are very moderate, and
range from $3. 75 to $10.
bpenre, "The man who hast no nunx
In his soul Is fit for treason, strategoni
and spoints," etc.
Seriously, it was the serious duty
of every member of he faculty to have
been present at the concert as an en
couragement to an organization which
can more speedily than any other,
ralso the standard of University life
and promote college spirit. They
should have been there to show an
appreciation of the enthusiastic inter
est taken in the club by its director.
Mr. Henry Karnes, whose name is an
honor to the University faculty roll.
To know Mr. Karnes :s to know a
proof that music is the broadest of all
arts. Right here might bo written a
sermon. We in the University, faculty
and students alike, have too great a
tendency to "run to head" like cab
bages, and-the world needs men.
Music is a character developer.
Haven't you time? You always hae
time to hear music. It will give you
higher anil better thoughts while you
listen, there Is more serious soul
prayer in it than In most creeds. It
is the expression of human life and
all that 1b above and beyond it. It
comes from the soul, not the head; nor
heart nor mind. It sympathizes with
your lifp's tragedies and laughs with
its joys. You will feel it and it will
live with you after facts are forgot
ten. Begin right away and do your part
as University faculty and students to
promots an active Interest in music.
It will be a proof that you do not let
the book learning that you know run
you off on a side path. C."
Erie B. Woowward. M. D., eye. car.
nose and threat. Glasses fitted. Rich
ards block, Lincoln. -
Wiiick's Trunk &. Bag Store, 10315 0.
Special rate to students at Hendry's.
The Whltebreast Co., at HOC 0 St.,
(s the place to buy coal.
Chapln Bros., Florist. 127 So. 13th.
Sold Only by Harley Drug Co., 11th and O Street,
If you want a suit with style
and fit call on
206 South 12th.
Boll Phones
Office io.-.l
Anto. Phone
Office 1531
Gonsumezs' Ice Co.
Office 1 140 OS. Lincoln, A'cbr.
Fine Watches
Those who have thom, and want
them properly reialred' win flnA it
pays to come directly to ua. We have.
nau years or experience in all klndj
of watch repairing, and will guaran
tee satisfaction.
1148 O Street. Lincoln, NeV
Extra copies of today's issue
can be obtained at The NebYas
kan office by calling promptly be
fore the supply is exhausted. Five
cents will be charged for each
copy. Only a limited supply on
CAPITAL - - - $100,000.00
John Wright, Pree. J. H. Wefcoott, Vloo-Pra.
J 00 SatmveU, 8nd Vloo-Proa.
P. L. Hall, Cannier W. B. Iiyons. Aao't. Oaah.
ThM l no watch, clock or article oi
Jewelry we cannot fix '
Tb llp-to-lhe-M!nute Jeweler
Every day from June 1st to September
30th. Inclusive, with final return .
limit October 31st, 1904."
Be sure your ticket reads over this line.
" Inquire of
) .
General Agent.
Repairing Done. Trunks Exchanged.
Valises, books, Belts, Etc.
1036 O Street.
American Cafe I
3a6 5outli llth St. RezIr Meals sc." "J
Meal Ticket,' 2 J Meals, $4,00. ' 5 '
J -SpcUI Service Given to Partly and g,.'..
'.i? V