v Cbe Batflt Aeftraeftan r !. k t fa" B'''7' SCIIMOLLfU 1 & MUELLER I THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET Univezsity Bulletin TODAY Convention Nebraska Pho tographers' association, Art hall. MAY 11!- IJaseball, Crr Ighton vs. Ne hiasKu, the Campus or I & M. Park. MAY 12 Recital, Memorial Hall. MAY 12 Freshman Party, Walsh Hall. MAY 17 "Mr. Tompklnu' Hired Man," by the Dramatic club, Memorial hall. MAY 17 Unseball. Highland Park vs. Nebraska, the Campus or F. & M. Park. ' MAY 10 &. 20 Interstate Tennis, Min nesota s. Nebraska, the Campus. MAY 19 South Dakota, yb. Nebraska, the Campus or F. & M. Park. MAY 20 Pan-Hel Dance, The toriutn. MAY 20 Competitive. Drill Day. MAY 20 -IntcrscholaBtic Field High School Fete Day, F. fc M MAY 21 -Hand coiuert. Memorial ball MAY 21 -Track Met, Minnesota vs Nobraska, F. & M. Park. MAY 21 Cadet Fneampment Begins. JUNE 4 Annual Concert, School of Music, Memorial Hall. JUNE 9 Thirty-third Annual Commencement. I OUR LEADERS Stdnway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B, Chase Geo. Steck And 23 others. We sell new Pianos on $5 monthly payjnents MNWmMWMMVMMMMVMMNftMMMMMVMMMV! Are You Going -to ST. LOUIS N. E. A. and the WORLD'S FAIR? Norer before has the N. B. A. arranged ita meeting with iaoh wonderful opportunities for the Teaohor, Instructor or Professor. The route ria the Burlington will bo the favorite one, as it has been heretofore. w I flQ o.w. Oily Pamnger Aga4 Burlington Routs Audi- Day, Park. Campus Qleamngs. The feed mil has been set up in the shops at the State Farm, and is now gi tailing feed for use there. Piolc.-.s-or Miller of the foiestry de partment is now at the torest reserve near Halsey. Neb., whrre tin fores-try boys are at work. The students in the study of woods aii nuv nt work learning the sclent ill. nanus of the tiers from whith tin principal I Imh of woods are sreured. In tlit depaitment of botany it has been ni res-war) again to make a re nriangenieut of the books and speci mens in order to get more room for laboratoi) materia in the storeroom. l'roftsor IJesj-iy was called to Iowa yesterday by the death of his sister. Mrs. Cyrus Smith, who has lived for many years in Iowa and Nebraska Dining his absence Dr. Clements will look efter his ilassis in botany Tomorrow morning at 7 ': lock J he CJl-e club will leave for a three days' trip, appealing at Norfolk Friday night, and at Winner Saturday night. Twenty men will be im hided in the trlu t , A System of exhaust pipes has been installed in tin- forges at the State Farm shops, to take off the smoke The lorges hae hand instead of force blasts, slmc the former are niorp gen erally in use among the laimers of the slate. The new exhaust pipes measure Irom S to 2 inches in diameter. Chancellor Andrews received a let ter yesterday from the University of Wisconsin, announcing the election of Miss Elsie M. Blandin, Nebraska ')2, as lellow in English Literature at that institution. Miss Blandin jnnde an enviable record while a student at this University and her many friends here will l.e gratified to learnof her success at Wisconsin. Baseball Men to be Banquetted. Lincoln Sash, Door and Mf's Co. Interior Finish, Exterior Fin ish, Office and Store Fix tures, Water Tanks. r IH:in Roscoe Pound gives a banquet tonight at the Untlell hotel to the nombeis of Nebraska's victorious baseball team. Dean Pound is ehaiiman of the base ball committee on the Athletic Board, and those to fortunate as to have had rxpci-leiuc will remember with pleas ure former banquets Dr. Pound has ghen. Wirick's Trunk & Bag Store. 103G 0. Special rate to atudents at Hendry's. Boston Dentists, best worlr and low prices. The Wbltebroaet Go., at HOG O St.. is the place to buy coal. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 8o. I3t. "Foirow the Fag." Jlllk Many Miles Shortest to St. Louis. The only line with its own Station at the main en trance of the World's Fair Grounds. Many special rates during the Exposition. All agents can sell via the Wabash. HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. "COOK WITH" GAS Lincoln Gas and Electric Light Company "jESBSll Take the World's Fair Special to St. Louis. i1 i H NEWTRIANLEAVES Lincoln at 4:30 p. m. arriving at St. Louis next morning. Leaves St. Louis at 8:10 p. m., arriving at Jwin coln at 12:15 nocn. Through Pullman Sleeper from Lincoln and electric lighted coaches. Three trains daily between Lin coln and St. Louis. Through connections made at St. Louis ior all points east. World's Fair Rates. are now in effect and are very low. Don't be afraid to ask questions. F. D. Cornell, P. & T. A. City Ticket offloo S. W. Cor. 12th' and O Sts Depot Cor. 9th aud Sr msEEEBsammmmmmmm V 1 - 2 SV' i s ,rt&2 '