f&1 ," w be 2atl IRebraehan o VOL. IE. NO. 145. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, MAY J2, J904. PRICE 3 CENTS I K '. fe-- RETURN IN SAFETY Senior Class. Back Again After Strenuous Days Proceedings. -- -- ----- .. --. The Seniors left yesterday rucrnlng on their Annual Mny Outing, and after spending an Interesting day at Mil ford returned in the evening fatigued, but well satisfied with the time they en joyed. The party included about one hundred and twenty-five Seniors. Thev assembled at the B. & M. depot earl in the morning. with-an abundant of provisions on hand antl prepared for a day of geroial pleasure antl ex citement. As thoy were especially eager to do something noblo before starting thoy deputized a party of powerful men to go and capture the first Junior that tncy could find. They were not long occupied In their search, as they speedily returned with Uie person of John V. Allen, prosident of the Ju nior class. The Seniors landed him safely In the car, but through lack of strict watch ho departed tiom their midst and started up town. He was promptly pursued and brought bad:, and after a second unsuccessful at tempt to escape, was pacified. The new emblem of the Senior class was floated to tho brcezo for the first time. The party arrived at Milford at ! o'clock, and at once piocreded thiough the streets to the center of the busi ness portion. There they formed a large circle and made the people of Milford acquainted with the fact that they were from the University, and were indeed that august body, the clats of 1904. They perpetrated their new class yell, which is: We coiuo with a shout, Wo corao with a roar; We're the class of 1SMM. A number of speeches were made b prominent members of the class, and tho Seniors then proceeded to the grounds of the Spldlers' Home. No better spot could hae been selected for tho dny's outing, as the grounds were spacious and attractive, and the shade was quite good. A match game of ball was played be tween" two teams, one. picked from the Senior girls, and the other fiom tho Senior boys. The girls won by a score of 13 to '2. Airs. Bucknei pitched an elegant gairie'for the girls, puzzling her opponents with her laige assortment of curves. For the boys Edwin F. Myers did ci editable work In tho box. He tried hard, but the odds, were too-great against him. and ho was forced to resign In Mr. Buck ner's favor. Miss Ethel Erford did some splendid base stealing and slid ing for her side, and Mies - Shinbur . earned- much-applause by her batting, throwing' and baserunnlng. Miss Har riett Brayton- presided behind the bat lor the girls and let nothing escape her. Later a game was played between two boys' teams, one being the Dande lions and the others the Black Dia monds. The former won by a score Fiesfyman Patty Walsh. Hall - To-Nigh t Tickets $i.oo 4 - - --- .-------- of J) to ?. Tho class assembled to partake of luncheon, and thanks to the providence or tho committee there was an abund ant supply of tho requisites on hand. In fact, tho commlttco are to be con gratulated on the completeness of de tail with which thoy attended to their task, as not a hungry Senior could be found on tho ground, In spite of the fact that the members of that class aro habitually so. After luncheon a number of inter esting 'speeches were made by mem bers of the class. Emory R. Buckner presided and succeeded In tickling the vanity of the Seniors as he called upon them In turn, so that they all responded readily. A large- red um brella suspended above the speaker's qjlatj'qrm served to heighten the effect, and add to the dramatics of the situa tion. The h( ecli-making having u hid ed, the Senior athletes got into opcara tion, and pulled off some in( rusting contests. A number of records, several pair.- of suspenders and a col la l button were bioken by the mighty Senior men v. ho entered the lists. About p dozen men participated in a f)0-yartl dash, antl Mr. Ludden .was finally declared winner. John West- over and Miss Mabel Stephens ran an ecitlngrace theformer wlnningout alter hard exertion. In the threp legged ace which was the final event. Mouck and l.udden carried off the honoiv Alter the races the Seniors seated themselves again in the shade and lis tened to very interesting readings by Miohc-K May Edholm ami Josephine Poyntt , Upon .special invitation they then adjourned to the Soldieis Homo, where ever thing possihle was done to enter tain them. The old soldiers wire gen uinely glad to receive their guest, and too much, can not be said in regard to the courtesy and accommodation that they showed After the whole class had filed in anil signed their names to the visitors' roll book, they were shown abtut the building and a gen eral invitation was extended to them to dance, some of the old soldiers fur nishing the music. Quite a number took advantage of the Invitation and others entertained themselves in other wayj The Senior baseball team wandered off up town in search of trouble. They finally landed up at the baseball park and were defealetl by the Milford team by a score of i, to 15. At 1 o'clock the Seniois began to assemble at the depot .and returned to I fiieoln In good time for their even ing meal Upon alighting from -the train they formed a profession and mafched through the streets follow ing the flag, and being inspired to on IniLsiasm by a band consisting of ope nns-ightly peace, which discoursed bril liantly. They marched along P street and turned down Eleventh, with all the demonstrationlhat their volatile spirits could muster. As a captive in their triumphal march, they led along their distinguished prisoner taUeu In the foray in the morning. The triumphal body of Senior par aded about the campus walks and rounded, up at the big stone east of tho library. Here they compelled the captive to mount the stone and after cutting his bonds they allowed him to go free. A number of Juniors were anxious to despoil the Senior flag and caused a respectable "rough house." They succeeded In getting some strips and these are being proudly displayed about the campus. A Senior by some swift foot work lescued the flag pole and tarried it off to a place of safety. And tlrns ended a elry of momentous hap penings, and today the faculty will vveltome back the truants to the fold utter misting the pleasure of their as sociation lor so many hours. Withdraws from the Congress. . rhi Camma Delta fraternity has of ficially notified tho Pan-Hellenic Con gress of IVs withdrawal from that body. The reason given for its action Is that it can not give assent to or partici pate in the corning Pan-Hellenic bar becue, because of certain underslrable features which It is reported will be connected with it. The communication regarding this matter was submitted at the meeting of the congress held yesterday evening. Y W C A FUNCTION May Morning Breakfast will be Event. PLAY CREIGHTON TODAY First Homo Game Since the Re turn of tho Team. This afternoon at 3:,i0 the victorious Cornlrusker.s will meet Crclghton Uni versity on the V. & M. park diamond, arrd Nebraska fans will be given the opportunity of seeing in uction the team that skinned Minnesota antl Notre Dame. Adams will be in the box anel will endeavor to demonstrate to the Omahogs any of the fine points of tne pitchers' art which may have es caped them in their collision with Morse last Saturday. The Creighton te3m has, however, been reorganized nn. Is expectei. to put up a much stlfTer game than It d.d in Saturday's contest. It is not known who will do their twirling, but the rest of the team wi'.l lirre up as follows: I annigan, ss; Cal lahan. If: Mullen. W.. If. Kennedy, 2b: Creighton, c; Mullen, J., rf; Cassldy, if; Pendergast, lb; Garvey, lib It is expected that Johnny Bender will return from Boulder in time to do the receiving tor Nebraska, but It this is impossible, Miller will probably take his place. The other men will line up in tire usual order. a Delightful Uaturdiry morning. May 11. the Uni versity Y. W. C. A. will serve break fast from 7 o'clock till 10 at St, Paul's church. Undoubtedly, In more seiiFes tnau one. the breakfast will be warm The price per plate, will be L'fi cents. Competent cooks will occupy the kitch en, antl a satisfying repast Is prom ised, with something to suit every pal ate, even the most finicky. Every wise student and every member of the fat -ulty will bring his relatives and friend? and will come early and stay late. Any person who deslres to eat more thar. one May Morning breakfost will be given ample opportunity and a poss bio deduction in rate. Altogether there will be fifteen ta hies. Tho second year domestic sci ence girls, under Mlfcs Mary Benedict, will decorate and serve at one table. There will be a special faculty table. at which members of the faculty who wish to set In state and haughty Iso lation, may be accommodated. Eight of the tables will be decorated by fra ternity girls In the colors of their various organizations, and guests will bo served by attractive relasy from tire various fraternities. It Is expect ed, however, that no members of a fraternity will be served at the table bearing her colors, but will seek her breakfast at another table. The sup ply of food and the patience of the waiters will be Inexhaustible. On this occasion even the latest comers will not find that the early birds had all all the fare, v.altresses, It Is sol emnly affrmod. will not be allowed to receive gratuities. Those in charge of the breakfast are- General Managers. Elsie Piper arrd Eva Cooper; "kitchen queen," An na Van Zandt; head waitress. Flos3ie Archer; door keeper, or "money jug gler," Ruth Wilson. Among the host esses aro Mrs. Hodginan, Mrs. Piper, Misses Alice Howell, Nellie Dean, Laura Puffer. All sizes In duck pants at $1.00 to $1.50. Blue Marine! shirts at $1.00, $1.50, $2.30 and $3.00. Also tho best army hat every" shown, at 90 cents. The B. L. Paine Clothing Store. Debaters Off for-St. Louis. Please Kelp the poor. Buy your cigars nnd tobacco of Frank DuTetl, 1020 O St. Tho debating team left yesterday af ternoon for St. Louis, where they will meet Washington In a discussion of the Monroe Doctrine tomorrow night Nebraska will uphold the negative of the eiuestlon, as It Is expected that Trom experience already gained, our men will put up a spirited cpntest . Speeches were made In chapel yester day morning by Dr. Pound and Dr. Ross, who discussed the principles of debate, making a number of especially Impressive statements. A number of Intlmato friends weTro at the depot to bid the men goodbye, and express their best wishes for their success, In which the whole University Joins. The Home shortcake. Cafe for strawberry Wright Drug phone 313. Co., 117 No. 11th, 4H4H-H--HH-W-M-H-H- i-H-W-M-K-HX": $ BASE B A L L CREIGHTON vs. NEBRASKA t TODAY Xiclcets :25 R 8c 7VV Park .Ticloets :25 Mr. Tompkins' Hired Man. Another of the popular plays, that have attracted attention will be given by the Dramatic Club In Meomrlal hall next Tuesday evening. This time It will be "Mr. TompklnB' Hired Man," and the plot Is said to be an excellent one. This Is the second play that the Dramatic Club has given at the Uni versity this year. An addraission. oi 10 cents' will be charged. The DrAmatle club has developed some excellent tal ent and this play will be awaited with interest by. University people', H"MM-HM4K'M''Sl!,M'': Erlo B. Woowward, M. D., eye, eai. nose and threat. Glasses fitted. Rlcli-'" ards block, Lincoln. j Student Cafe. 320 help wanted. So. 11th St. American i ,1 1 fi A i 71 ?5 vffj it t n U, t n -.. -4m,. .