T l I wrtr- -r-VST v&z " T -r -i v- C b e Da tip TUbcagftan BUSINESS DIRECTORY Academy Notes. yy 'gtf t 1 i vi "ft Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. ART GOODS Curtice. Lincoln Book Stoic. BANKS Columbia, First National. BERBERS' SUPPLIES A. L. Unde- land & Co. v BICYCLES, ATHLETIC OOODS-Sam Hall, Sidles, GIrard. Lyman. BOOKS & STATIONERY Porter, Co- Op, Brown, University Book Store. Sam Hall, Lincoln Book Store. BOOK BINDING Gillespie. BUILDERS Lincoln Sash and Door Manufacturing Co. CARPENTER Wilson. CIGARS Powell, Lindsey, Follart. CLOTHING Unland. Magee & Deomer, B. L. Paine, Armstrong. COAI-Gregory, Dlerks, Whltebreast, P. D. Smith. CONFECTIONERY Lemlng. Maxwell, DAIRY Franklin, Lemirlg. DANCING HALL Fraternity. DENTISTS Boston Dentists. DRUCGIST Stelner, Woempner, Rec tor, Brown, RIggs, Wright, Red Cross. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. Lincoln Transfer FLORISTS Chapin Bros . C. H. Frey FURNITURE Rudgo & Guenzel, A. M. DnviB. Hardy. GROCERS Keystone. (St HARDWARE Hall, Rudge & Ouenzel. ' Tft unTRl-S-Llndell: Walton, Boyd. HwNSURANCE Connecticut Mutua.. "fcfiiEUSRS Tucker, Hallct, Wolfe, Trickey. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros., NOVELTIES Thorpe. OPTICIANS Dr. J. J. Davis, Hallet, Trickey. PAINT & CLASS Western GlasB & Paint Co. mMnCQnl.mnl1pr & Mueller. ROBB Curtice. VLUMBING ICorsmeyer. POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. PRINTING, Grimn Greer. New Cen tury, Ivy Press, Review Press, George Bros. RESTAURANTS Westerflefd, Home Cafe. Don Cameron, Hendry. Palace ' DJnlug -Hall, -American Cafe. 8HOES Perkins & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson, SUITORIUM Weber. TliEATRES Olllver. TYPEWRITERS Olliver. TAILORS Unland, Bumstead, Union College Tailors, Denver Tailors, Her cog, Kaptelin. TIip fills' pclltion of the Acndemj Npws is (hip to startle tho woild Mnv 10th Whnt it will be no man l.noweth nor i any man likely to 1 urn. All that is hup is that it will go d The principal was absent in ('Imago most of last week and this week muft Ko to St I ouis He finds himnelf not at nil necessary to the Academy, ind therefore. hlc i nit it ha- t uffei etl a bat "-men; Tiu baseball tinm under tlie t ap tnlnty of Mr .1 .1 Haines, is meeting with unusual siuret-s. In fnct it il beginning to be an accepted thing that when the Academy goes tor i piie ir gets It Many iliis ham of mind con tinue. Deuntp tin heaw rain fllty 1 op!" tame out to the closing reception at the piincipal'H home Saturday evening Piano foIok. choius singing, lefresl ments and an auction filled the bonis full The oung people pro d desper ate bitldeis at the auction nnd nian.v stopped onl when bankiuptd Mr John F Dudgeon has felt obliged to leae school and make u, his woik next fall A business opportunlt cam.1 to hi m too good to refuse Mr (' V. Smith has also wlthdiawn. having bee l elected a delegate to the national con vention at Chicago of the Y. M. C A. Up will spend the summer In Penii'jl ania with relatives and give bis evc, which have given him much nnxictv, a chanc e to i c ovei Sam's Gafc Take the World's Fair Special Iio St. Louis. NEW TRIAN LEAVES Lincoln at 4:30 p. in. arriving at St. Louis next morning. Leaves St. Louis at 8:10 p. m., arriving at Lin coln at 12:15 nocn. Through Pullman Sleeper from Lincoln and electric lighted coaches. Three trains daily between Lin coln and St. Louis. Through connections made at St. Louis lor all points east. World's Fair Rates are now in effect and are very low. Don't be afraid to ask questions. F. D. Cornell, P. & T. A. City Ticket office S. W. Cor. 12fh and O. Bta. Depot Cor. 0th nnd S. EaWSl Mfxvm-w?ai The only place In tho eltf to get the Famous Little Gem Hot Waffles. Spe cial service for Ladles. With great regiet the laeubv and students Invt received the news of MlfH Kingsbuo's tlettion to the teeth ing foite of hrr alma mater in Onio Yrsterdi a t-Wgiam Miniinuned her to go on at out e Mi'-s Kingsbuiy is a teacher of unusual piwer incl Is lie loved by old and voting SupM Intend-' out J .1 Fofcsler or Huntington, will be In charge of the fin-man (lasses in the Ac adc-m next year Mi Fossler is nn nliimnns of the Universitv. a suc cessful executive and a capable German teacher, and the Acadenij will extend him a hearty w home Attractions at the Exposition. nemonbhatlon" Is the kejnote of the I.ouiiana I'm chase exposition Life and motion chaiac tcrie the exhibits. Education is the giand impose. As the plan of the exposition developed in the minds ol Its projectors It be came pv.ilent that a veiy much larger exposition that any which had preceded il would be ncces'-ai) because more loom would be returned Uu the demon stiation of processes of manufsdup or production than loi the meie clis nlav of finMied pioduc ts Thij exposition covei-, 121) 'ic re s while the aiea at Chicago was f: acies The Payls K osituin covered 330 acres, the Pan-Ameiican exposition 3'J0 acres, hip Centennial at I'hiladel phla 33U. and thv Trans MlbbiFalppi ae Omaha 130 Chlcego has eight v-two ac;es under mnf n fis m-iminal exhibit palace.?; the world's fair has 128JIHGB The Buffalo exposition had but fifteen and Omaha nine acres One of the most attractive features of the exposition will be tho Irish Indus trial exhibition Among other thing tho liish. house of parliament. . Ross Ca3tle and an Irish lound tower will be rcpiod.iced. A theatie seating 1. SCO people will present hish plays ot n Miri, flnsf- wbeie may be heaid prize singers harpers and pipers, and the famous' Inland's own brats ami reed band. There will be many antlqu. treasui r,, idles ot celebrated Irish men, as well as numeious objects of au In the inuHimm. STUDENTS For first-class Tailoring at low prices, sec Union College Stu dents Tailors. Telephone J 209 Union College Tailors South Entcrance College Bldg. Use Hot Water for House Heating The Modem Method Estimates furnished for work anywhere in tho stato. Korsmeyer Co., 188 South Tenth Street B'11 Phones Office lcV.l I-7H Anto. IMirno Office Yml Consumezs9 Ice Co. Office 1 140 OSt. Lincoln, Ncbr. Vrs. J. W. Retry Wholesale) and Rotall BAKERY 'Phone 301 234 So. 11th If you want a suit with style and fit call on A. KAPPELIN 206 South 12th. Repairing Done. Trunks Exchanged. Valises, Poclot books, Belts, Etc. 1 WIRICKS TRUNK FACTORY 1036 O Street. E. FLEMING Time Iuspector luVP. R- R- 12.U P stree Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. Graduation Presents a SPECIAL.'! Lincoln All Sizes In duck pants at $1.0 to $1 50 Blue flannefshlitb at $1 u). $1 5'), $250 and $3.CJ. Also the best arm hat every shown, at W c sntb The D. I.. Paine Clothing Sioro. Eile B. Woowward, M. D, e ?. ear, ncso and threat. Glasses fitted. Bich prds block. Lincoln. Student help wanted. Cafe-. 32G So. 11th Tit. American Have you seen tHa swell $3.50 Ox lordu at Sanderson's, There Is no watch, dock or article of jewelry we cannot fix C. A. TUCKER Tb Up-to-lbe-Mlnute Jeweler PROMPT SERVICE. J 123 O SUeet THE FIRST. NATIONAL BANK Gkiui MOOJJO.M rffrllri rrdfHa 40,000.01 B. K. 9URNHAM, PrMldcni. A. Jk flAWYTlR P. B. FBBJDUAH VUPtir. CfcMtr. H. B. HVAN1 FRANK PARS AMt C tiller Aest. OMhltr It BAiTHflDAY, Auditor. UNI'njD STATBS DHJPOfilTORT. r L. J. HERZOG IsIiLTiCrStroet, Lincoln, Neb. Fine Tailoring Spring & Summer Novelties Prices the Lowest Quality the Best L. J. HERZOG '1280 O Street, Lincoln, Neb. $&$&M&$&&& American Cafe I 336 South 11th St. Reeular Meal asc Meal Tickets, 2J Meals $4.00. Special Scrrlcc Gircn to' Puilt and Out. vvvvvvvvvvvvvivyvvvv. it " ,9 A i ' r i ' I Jl 4 m i y3 tfr i ;-s ,' -. '- r . f i fAhi,Ajk H . ."- .i .'.! .1 .?!. - & A 1. if V - .'W'U', l"V. ". , -itj iAS. j : Y R. S-i" VX. V ' " 4H -?i ". i v