The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 11, 1904, Image 1

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ZIIflDatlp IFlebraefean
Speeches in Chapel this Morning.
Men Go this Afternoon.
Tlc debuting team leave.-, on tin
Burlington nt 4:2f this afternoon for
St. Louis, where they will inert Wash
ington University Friday evening. They
will arrive at their destination rally
Thursday morning nnd will be abb to
put in a couple of days viewing tin
sights and visiting the fair. They will
not start back until Monday, and thus
the men will be allowed sufftYknt op
porttniity to visit the fair
The question of judgrs has been set
tled, a final agreement having be?n
reached yesterday afternoon. The list
is as follows: 'Judge (). H. Dean, a
prominent member of the Kansas City
bar, and dean of the Kansas City law
school; Prof. J. A. Woodburn. Ph. I).,
of the chair of history and politics In
the University of Indiana, and Prof
N. G. Weatlurly, Ph. I)., of the chai:
of economics and social science in tin
University of Indiana.
On account of Washington's delnj in
selecting judges from the list furnished
by Nebraska and because only oik- o!
the three gentlemen In Washington's
first list was satisfactory to Nebraska.
It looked until well along in the after
noon yesteiw-y that there was going to
JUfc VTO'ible in the matter. But the tPle
graph was utilized with good effect.
and nr;w everything is considered as
nettled, since all three of these gentle
men have assured tat they will serve.
TUUnprka another bid for victory
Nebraska; as she will attempt to
iake It seven straight. With six suc
cessive IctorIes to her credit there is
special Incentive for her to go In and
round out the year by again scoring
complete success. There is no doubt
that Washington will be able to fur
nish strong opposition, but we are con
fident !n the ability of our team to
make a hard finish fight.
Ab a means of stirring up enthusiasm
for this debate, special talks will be
given at convocation this morning. The
speakers will be Dean Pound, Professor
E. A. Ross and probably Chancellor
Andrews. This meeting should be as
largely attended as possible, as our men
should be given a good send-off to en
courage them In meeting the difficult
situation before them.
The faculty and students are going
to give the team a good send-off at the
train this afternoon, and all University
people are desired to be there and take
part in the demonstration attending
the leave taking; for whatever they do
along these lines will certainly count.
Remember that the team leaves at
4:25 this afternoon and do neglect to
to be at the depot to join in bidding
them farewell and wishing them good
The members of the team are Gaorge
A. Lee, '03, of Humboldt; Burdette G.
liwiB, '04, of Omaha, and John C. Mc
Reynolds, law '04, of Lincoln.
Freshmen Defeat Sophomores.
Yesterday afternoon the Freshmen
defeated the Sophomores in a pretty
exhibition of, baseball, In which the
work or the opposing pitchers was the
V- feature. For the Sophomores Hru
besky struck out nineteen men, and for
the Freshmen Dort twigged fifteen of
his "opponents. The final score was 3
to 2, an4 well represents the character
of the game. But in spite of the close
ness of the score, some long hits were
made. Robertson landed on the ball
with tremendous' vigor and circled the
bases as a reward for his exertion. Cole
and) Rlne both drove out a fine three
bagger. The Sophomores were the
first to score, sending a man in during
the second Inning. The Freshmen tied
the scoro In the fourth, and added two
more la the sixth. The Sophomores
kh-h.h-m..M"I--j-m :w:-:::-:..Mv,
I Tickets :25
Tickets :25 i
scored again in the eighth, but beyonc'
that there was nothing doing for them.
Fen Ion umpired the game, .hint who
will get his life insurance i-, inner
tain. Scene by Innings'
Freshmen H 0 (i 1 i 2 0 ti -3
Sophomores 0 1 (I ll ll II II I 0-2
Tuesday the Freshmen will meet th"
Juniors The Juniors have beaten tin1
Seniors and this game will settle the
class championsmp. It will be an hi
tnestiuu; contest. An admission of in
cents w ill be charged
Lincoln Business College to Co
operate in Summer School.
The I incoln Business College bus
made ai rangements with the diiectoi
of the Smnmer Session, win ri by I'ni
veisity students may take certain com
mercial subjects at reduced rates. This
arrangement is being advertised exten
sively, and will meet the needs of manj
t-.aeinrs jreiarlng for the s-tate exam
inations. City Superintendent V. I Stephens
has an article in the May issue of the
Nebraska Teacher strongly recommend
ing the course in school management
for which he sees great need. The In
dications point to a heavy enrollment
in this couise.
The special University train to St
l.ouls Is at last contracted for and
the long fight ended. The director has
bien at work three months and at last
has what lie set out for. Within a few
dajs he will know whether the band
can als-o bo carried He hopes to se-
ure a elate lor a concert program by
Magenow's Stars on the exosltion
grounds. Secretary Harry Sheeld. of
the Nebraska commission, is helping to
bring this about. The director goes
to St. 1 ouis this week to sign the hotel
contract and then the total cost will be
known. It can be eaid though now
that the cost Is Irresistibly low. This
excursion Is proving very attractive.
Teachers all over the west are making
reservations for this trip. Full partic
ulars will be .published nevt week.
Junior Caps Appear.
The Juniois have blossomed out in
bran new caps. The transformation
began yesterday, when a sprinkling of
them at first scant, swelled Into con
spicuous frequenecy. Properly speak
ing they are not caps, but bats with
wide biims. and seem cool and light,
as well as attractive.
I.omlng's, ice cream ana candy: lltb
and L SU
Track Team Leaves to Compete
With Colorado.
Yesterday morning the track team
that will meet Coloiado left over the
Rock Island tor Boulder, where it will
compete this altcmoon The hit n have
been well ti allied, and although soni
ol them aie not in the best of condi
tion, jet they hope to win out The
Colorado papers aiv confident the Colo
iado men will give Nebraska a close
shave, whethrr they win or not. Fol
lowing are the men who compete foi
Nebiaska. and the event in which they
will take part
UK)-- and 220-jaid dash - Heinle r.
110-jaid clash Smith. Hoar
.SXO-yard inn Benedict. Ptniod
1 mile Penroel, States
2 mile States. Benedle t.
12H- and 220-hurdleb Haus-e i . Hag
enslck. -
Pole vault -Benedict. Hagcm-le-k.
High Jump Benedict, Bowman.
Broad jump -Hagensick. Bowmnn.
Shot -put--Hagenslck, Bowman.
Hammer throw Martin. Weller.
Discus throw Weller. Newton.
Dr. Clapp and Manager J. K. Morri
son accompanied the tram.
Creighton Tomorrow.
Tomorrow Creighton comes here to
play a return game with our team. The
game will be played at the F. & M.
park. Saturday Nebraska indicted a
merciless drubbing uixin the Omaha
men. beating them by a score of 12 to
(. It is probable that Creighton will
conic well braced up for the game to
moirow. as experience has taught them
it Is well to do so. There Is no reason
for feeling assured that the game will
be one-sided, and it will probably be
cry interesting.
Senior Laws Class meeting Friday
at 5 p. in., to make arrangements for
class banquet.
Don Cameron's lunch counter fo
good service.
Chapln Bros.. Florists. 127 8o. IStk.
Box of cigars given away every day
at Powell's Oliver theatre building.
The Whitebreast Go., at HOG 0 St.,
Is the place to buy coal.
Boston "Dentists, best work and low
I prices.
33v-8S' r$x$SS$$H $$ $K$$$S$$333
I cMay Morning Breakfast
Given By Y. W. C. A.
St. Paul's Church, Satuzday, May 14th., 7 to 10:00 a. m.
Tickets Twenty-five Cents
Leave Lincoln on Their Annual
May Outing.
The present Senior UM ,,,,. ,1M
that refused to sneak, and Sneak Da
I" no more. Instead, they Ult cari.,
for Mi I ford (his morning on theli Flis't
Annual May Outing This chnngr of
name wan decided upon after a eonfei
ence of the representatives of tin- Se
niors with the ChniHTllor. The Se
niors jev-terday seemed quite well sat
isfied with the new mode of designat
ing their annual outing. Inasmuch as
it will in consequence ho recognized
find countenanced by the Unlveivlty
authorities as a holiday
"This removes the ban that has 'test
ed upon the custom of the Seniors of
hieing thinselves off in the May of each to Indulge themselves in a pleas
ant time The lemoval of the appella
tion by which the dny has been desig
nated places the occasion In a much
I'tter light, and lends It an air of re
f?p liability that It has never hereto
fore enjoje.l. We understand thnt tin
members of the faculty are more will
ing to the delinquents, and wiU
not so strongly object to their tem
porary withdrawal Ironi classes In their
pursuit of happiness
This Annual May Outing affords tin
members of t,he class an opportunlt j
to get together Informally antl en
Ihemselvfs They are enabled to enjnv
u short space of rustic- life, after the-y
have been forced to view It through
the ejes of Virgil and Horace, and
ure free to wander In the fields as
they did In their childhood days, pluck
ing the fragrant flowers and being
chased to the woods by the autocratic
(ows. In whose domains they Intrude.
Faeh year the Seniors hie themselves
away secretly for a day's outing. Thev
find it neevssray to keep their prep
arations strictly secret If they wish to
avoid Interference from other classes.
Last year the Juniors sought to com
plicate matters by getting out som
deceptive posters. They depicted the
dignified Seniors as Intending to make
the trip on handcars, with Wondlnwn
as the objective point. However, the
beniors managed to hold their outing
In peace and came back weary, happy
and relieved.
This morning about a hundred Se
niors found it convenient to decamp.
The rest promised faithfully, or wer-'
supposed to do bo. that they would
not venture into the vicinity of the
class room at all, but enjoy the priv
ilege that custom has given them. The
excursionists are expected to return
at 6 o'clock this evening, and will be
back In classes to render their reckon
ing tomorrow.
Complimentary Notice for Girls."
Last week's number of the Allnnesoti
Alumni Weekly contains a notice of
the recent girls' basket ball match very
complimentary to the playing of the
Nebraska team and enthusiastic over
Nebraska hospitality. Lincoln play
ers will be Interested to learn that Miss
Hattle Van Bergen, the forward who
scored two out of three field goals dur
ing the game here, was made captain
of the Minnesota team for next year.
The undersigned hereby certifies
that he expects to be in school next
year and announces himself a candi
date for fltudenl member of 'the AthietlV
Board, subject to the will of the stu
dent body.
Special rate to atudenja at Hondry'a.
Wright Drug Co., 117 No. -11th,
'phone 31S.
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