. "-' r,,' ir- v - Cbc PallE flebrneMtn L t i I y A i AH BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing 6. ART GOODS Curtice, Lincoln Book Store. BANKS Columbia, First National. BARBERS' SUPPLIES A. L. Unde- land & Co. BICYCLES. ATHLETIC GOODS Sam Hall, Sidles, Glrard. Lyman. BOOKS & STATIONERY Porter. Co- Op, Brown. University Book Store. Sam Hall, Lincoln Book Store. BOOK BINDING Gillespie. BUILDERS Lincoln Sash and Door Manufacturing Co. CARPENTER Wilson. CIGARS Powell, Lindsey, Follart. CLOTHING Unland, Magee & Deemer. B. L. Paine, Armstrong. COAL Grgory, Dlerks, Whltebreast, p. D. Smith. CONFECTIONERY Loming. Maxwell, DAIRY Franklin, Lcming. DANCING HALL Fraternity. DRUGGIST Steiner. Woempber. Rot tor. Brown, Riggs, Wright, Red Cross. DRY GOODS Millor A Paine. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapln Bros., C. H. lrc. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenael, A. M- Davis, Hardy. . GROCERS Keystone. HARDWARE Hall. Rudge & Guenel. HOTELS Linieil, Walton, Boyd. INSURANCE Connecticut Mutual. JEWELERS Tucker, Hallet, Wolfe, Trlckey. LAUNDRIES Yulo Bros., NOVELTIES Thorpe. OPTICIANS Dr. J. J. Davis, Hallet, Trlckey. PAINT & GLASS Western Glass & Paint Co. PIANOS Sohmoller & Mueller, Robs Curtice. VLUMBING Korsmeyer: POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. HUNTING, Griffin Greer. New Cen tury, Ivy Press, Review Press, George Bros. RESTAURANTS Westerfield, Home Cafe. Don Cameron, Hendry. Palace Dining Hall, American Cafe. SHOES Perkins & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson, SUITORIUM Weber. THEATRES Olllver. TYPEWRITERS Olllver. , TAILORS Unland, Bumstead, Union College Tailors, Denver Tailors, Her cog, Kaptelin. Inspection Chemist Wanted. The United states civil service com mission announces an examination on Juno 4. 190-1. to secure ellglbles from which to make certification to fill a vacancy in the position of chemist in the bureau of chemistry of the depart ment of agriculture In connection with tiie inspection of foreign food pro ducts, at a snlary of $2,000 per annum, and vacancies in the position of chem ist of like- chnractcr. In equal or lower grades, as they may occur In that de partment. It will not be necessary for appli cants to appear at any place for ex amination. The examination will consist of the subjects mentioned below, weighted as indicated: Subjects. Weigths. 1. Trninlng and experience as an analytical chemist 25 2. Experience as a food chemist... 25 :. Experience in connection with the enforcement of pure-food laws t. 25 1. Thesis of not Icbs than JfcO'X) words on puie-food laws and methods of their execution .100 Total Ace limit. 20 years or over. This examniation Is open to all citi zens of the United States who comply with the requirements. Applicants should at once ap.ily to the United States civil service commis sion. Washington. D. C. for applica tion form 340 and special form. No application will bo accepted unless properly executed and, with the: ma terial required under the fourth sub ject, filed with the Commissioner at Washington prior to the hour of clos ing business on June 4, 1904. In apply ing for this examination the exact title as given at the head of this announce ment should bo used In the applica tion. Issued May 3. 1904 Y. W. C. A. Notes. The annual May morning breakfast given by the Y. V. C. A. will be served at the dining room of St. Paul's church next Sfatiirday morning. 7 to 10 o'clock. Business men of the city, faculty and students, are cordially invited. Price, 2o cents. Proceeds will go to the Ge neva Fund. Miss" Daura Aumnn. of Moody Insti tute, led the Y. W. C. A meeting Sun- day. taking as the text of her talk, j "My Grace is sufficient for thee,' I Cor. 12:19. The music was furnished by MIfs Auman and Miss Wilson. ANNOUNCEMENT The undersigned certifies thai h exr pectfl to be In school next year and hereby announces himself to be a can didate for student number of the Ath letic Board, subject to the approval of the student body. FLETCHER LANE. W aliBfl?3&MLLLLLLY Sam's Cafe The following extract 1b taken from the Warren (Pa.) Evening Times, of the issue or April ?.0th: "A telegram was received yesterday afternoon from Mr. Gilbert, assistant stcretary-rjf tnc local Y. M. C. A., who Is In New York, stating that lie and his family would sail for China on June 1st. Mr. u.ibert will have charge cf the army branch of the Y. M. C. A. at Pekin. China. His work will be among soldiers stationed at the Amer ican and British legatlon3. It is not definitely settled when he will leave Warren. He is expected from New York in a day or two." The only place in the city to get the Famous Little Gem Hot Waflles. Spe cial service for Ladles. E. FLEMING Timo Inspector MJ. P. II. R. Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. Graduation Presents a SPECIALTY. 1211 0. .Street, Lincoln. R. S. YOUNG BUILDING SUPPLY COMPANY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN COAL, ASH GROVE LIME, KALL0LHE KEENE'S BEST CEMENT, HADDWALL PLASTER, SARD, WHITE LIME. Cement, Pressed BrlcK, Fire BricK, Fire Clay, Stone and MASONS' SUPPLIES. Offlco 1843 O St., Tclophono 700. Yards 19th A Q. Tolephono 7E0 ""aSSI"" Take the World's Fair Special to St. Louis. NEW TRIAN LEAVES Lincoln at 4:30 p. m. arriving at St. Louis next morning. Leaves St. Louis at 8:10 p. m., arriving at Lin coln at 12:15 nocn. Through Pullman Sleeper from Lincoln and electric lighted coaches. Three trains daily between Lin coln and St. Louis. Through connections made at St. Louis tor all points east. World's Fair Kates are now in effect and are very low. Don't be afraid to ask questions. F. D. Cornell, P. & T. A. City Ticket office S. W. Cor. 12th nnd O. Sts. Depot Cor. 'tli nnd S. . I To Sit in Front or Behind I Call You Down one of those large cold Ice Cream Soda's or Sundae's, they reach the "tickle" and they're big ones. Tommy. With Riggs The Drvg Cutter TIip JefferEon club will meet this evening In the law lecture room at 7 o'clock all who wish to officiate in promoting the advancement of this organization are welcome without re gard to ago or comn.lexlon. A Bd lively time Is insured on time spent refunded. O DAKOTLDR05. LNCRAV1NCCO 71 Lomlng's, ico cream ana candy: 11th and j St Boston Dentists, best worV and low prices. I for acceptable Idea State If oateoted. THE PATEWT RECORD, Baltlnorn. Md. ilpt'on price of tho Patbitt RbooAB' 1AM M V P ia5c fry PESICNERS X$C if ILLUSTMP0R5 Wrft ENGRAVERS G?l W Jw m WL0 rSJy half-tone jl jJn) plaminlKewest (pOl Ji x footr ii y TURPINA aS !oi M m J wbJLA I j I ARROW COLLAR I I 16 CENTS. 2 FOR 2S CENTS I CLUETT, PEABO0Y & CO. B MAXt OP CLUfTT ANO MONAACH "", Bell Planes Office lfi.-.l F741 Auto. Plono Office i.m! Consnmets' Ice Co Office 1140 OSt. Lincoln, Ncbr. yvrs. J. A JR&try Wholoealo and Rotoll BAKER V Phone 5C4 234 So. Jltlt If you want a suit with style and fit call on A. KAPPELIN 206 South J2th. .;. Repairing Done; Trunks Exchanged. Valises, Pocket books, Belts, Etc. W1RICKS TRUNK FACTORY 1036 O Street. -1 t "1? 4 .,V3 K 8r'anD"m. Saroolr trxu . . "i ri' r,r(A'AK . '."V r r- - i ;.. .- . .., jk"v v. ' --.- -j----.gL ii;"'.t'". ' i i - if -'.i; E.lsis&i.T&jg: Ift T V TT " ' - Tiiii ll Hi i r- "4 i"i j ir-f- "l'l"71' '