ggSSS5 na-fciii. In FMyt 77 -4. V J , ?W' " ( S e IDatl? IFlebraefean VOL. IIL NO. J43. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1904. PRICE 3 CENTS r SUCCESSFUL TRIP Baseball Team Back After Win ning Majority of Games. After tho moEt successful trip In the history of Nebraska baseball, the Cornhuskers returned from tbe cast last Saturday night over the Burling ton. Tho men are all enthusiast it over the results of the tour and re port that thc were eveiyu he ic le etived with the utmost courtesy and hospitality. Manager Hell gave our reporter a brief account of the trip which was essentially as follows The team was unable to plaj un til Tuesday after lealng Lincoln Sat urday, Sunday and Monday an almost continuous rain made the ojntlook gloomy. On Tuesday the team arrived in Deeorah, where a royal reception was accorded the men. A dance was held in their honor that evening and every effort was made to make tneir visit a pleasant one. The next da, however. Nebraska was defeated by a score of 10 to 0 in a rather loosely played game. The team had had no practice for over a week and did not play in anything like its usual form. The ride to Minneapolis was long and exhausting, but the Cornhuskers took a wonderful brace there and defeated the Gophers by a score of 10 to 1 Man ager Bell is very enthusiastic over this game. "No team in the whole coun try," he said, "could have defeated us that day. It was the best game played in the history of Nebraska baseball. The only way Minnesota scored at all was through a hit and two errors tho only ones we made. The Gophers treated us in elegant shape, nothing waa too good for us." The next day the Cornhuskers re ceived their only deserved defeat, at the hands of Bololt. An all night ride had put tho team somewhat on the bum, but the game was a good one, nevertheless. Tho arrival of the team at Chicago was the occasion of a huge jollifica tion and reunion of old Nebraska men in the metropolie. "Deac" Koehlei met them at the train, ana Coach Siagg entertained them aL supper at "The Commons" the big University club house. Tobln, and Adams and a host of old Cornhuskers were on hand and at the game on the following day Ne braskans by the score were meeting and shaking hands with old acquaint ances. And though, through a short run of 111 luck the game was lust by a score of 3 to 1, our team put up a better game than, the Maroons, which -was acknowledged by the latter them- jsejvw ihe game which had been scheduled tho professional team at South was cancelled, and the team Im- ired Its opportunity by witnessing f game between Illinois, and Notre ie, whom they played next day. In game, Illinois, through pure luck, victor, In a long ten-inning strug- v n unrxt-n nf 9 r 1 Tho ctlinnY ,, u, ... . w. - ..V, the Cornhuskers success was Lched tho next afternoon, when by a ro Of 5- to 4 they repeated the di ub- ig which Illinois had administered day before. This was the game for lose winning Nebraska would have llllngly sacrificed the whole remain- Bchedule, and capped the climax the whole trip. Thc games played on the return trip jro all comparatively easy. A late fain- wag the cause of the team's not rrlvlng In Galesburg until 5 o'clock 10 next afternoon. The men dressed their ear and on their arrival were Irlven at dnce to the ball field, where loy defeated Knox In a swift battle loforo tho latter were really aware it what was happening. The score ras 10 to2. An all night ride did not affect ma terially tho showing made in the game -- - IFiestiman Patty t Walsh Hall Tickets way tli rough . The game was easilj ours bj a score of 9 to 4. Highland Park was also a (inch although she put up a snappy game throughout, and made but three errors to our eight A good contest may be expected in tho return game, which will take place the 17th of this Ma). Cn ighton was the last team played and provided a good contest in spite of tho shut-out they experienced. They play at the F & M. park next Thurs day. At cery place the te'am went the ut most hospitality was accorded it Man ager Bell echoes the statement of the Chicago "Maroon." that the Cornhusk eis are gentlemen, and sajs that the trip wms absolutely tree from the pett squabbling and bickering which usual-' 1 accompany such a tour. Eer morning at II o'clock the team met for a "knocker's session." Anyone who had any objection or suggestion to of fer in regard to the management or things bad the opportunity to oice them at this time and kept the peace at all others The scheme was a great succets. Managei lL-ll repoits a sentiment among tho eastern colleges to i'w Nebraska as a rising jrawer in athletics. At Minnesota and Chicago. hn says, the Cornhuskers are regarded with ex treme n?Bpe I and are considered as "Comers'." This is an attitude we have orten noticed of late, among our exchanges. TRACK TEAM DEPARTS. Will Vie for Honors With Colo rado Tomorrow. This morning at 9-30 the track team left oer the Rock Island for Boulder, Colo There they meet the Colorado University on Wednesday. From all reports that school has a strong team this year, and expects to defeat us. Their records for this year eeitalnlj prove the first part. Our men will have a heavy handicap placed upon them, because of the altitude and rid ing for.s-o great a distance on the cars They are expecting a hard meet, but are going there determined to win. Several try-outs were held last night to determine who sjiould be our rep resentatives in the sprints. In th" hundred vard dash Bender took first place in 10 2-.r seconds, Neider a close second, while Drlscoll and Bowman tieJ. fo third. In the 220-yard dash Smith won "in 23 seconds. Bender a clone second and Hoar third. In the two mile States won from Havens and Winchester in 10:40. This time is within six seconds of the Uni versity record and was run parti in the face of a strong west wind. : : -:-: -! -!!- j'K- ?! Junior Reception to Seniotsi t Aimory, Saturday, May l4tfy T J Tickets $1.00. -- - May I2th $i.oo The men who went to Colorado are as follows: Captain States, Benedict. Penroel, Martin. Newton, Weller. Mor rison. Bender, Hoar, Smith, Hagensick, Hauser. Bowman, and I)r Clapp In the different events the follow ing men will compete: 100- and 220-yard clash- Bender. Smith. 40-arel clash -Smith. Hoar. 880-yard run Benedict. Penroel. 1 mile Penrod, States. 2-mile ftates, Benedict 120- and 220-hurdIes Hauser, Hag ensick Pole vault - Benedict, Hagensick High jump Benedict, Bowman Broad jump Hagensick, Bowman Shot-put -Martin. Weller Hammer throw Martin, Weller Discus throw -Weller, Newton The Sophomores Meet. Tke Sophs met vesterday In lT lOtl at 10 o'clock The constitutional com mittee reported and advised that the class adopt two amendments, one of which provided that the president ap point committees with the approval of the class. Cy Mason reported that the Soph party will be held at Fraternity hall sometime during commencement week. Clement Waldron leported that the Soph program in chapel would come off this morning. J. I). Clark and L. S. Legro were appointed as a com mittee to compose a ciass yell for the occasion. All Sophs are urged to gather in tho basement of Memorial hall five minutes before chapel time. Another Band Concert. Saturdav evening, Maj 21. the band will give its second conceit In Me morial hall The excellence of the piogiam rendered by the band at the Oliver theatre sometime ago. and the success which accompanied it will cause this announcement to be received with considerable pleasure by Univer sltv Ktudeuts. and a large crowd will proLbaly be present. An admission 25 cents will be charged. of Sophomores and Freshmen Play The Sophomores and Freshmen teams will measure their strength on the athletic field today in a baseball game that promises to be Interesting. Hrubesky and Carson will be the points for the Sophs and Dort and Denslow for the Sophs. An admission of 10 cents will be i barged. Frank E. Lee, successor to F. T. Shepard, public stenographer, mimeo graphing. Special rates to students. 501-502 Richards Blk. Phone, Auto 1155. i-v $ : -;- ; -j $ ;- i-- 5 All Classes Invited, ---- ---- ---- LEAVE TOMORROW Debating Team Preparing for Contest with Washington. Tomorrow at 1.25 p. m the debat ing team that will meet Washington Unlveislty will depait over the Bur lington for St. I.ouls. They will go on a special world's Talr train which will arrive at 7 a. m Thursday. Tire hour of departure Is a convenient one for the friends of the team to come out and see It depart. It leaves to under take a contest which If successful, will add greatly to the prestige of our Uni versity in debate Nebraska's three- representatives an C. A. Lee. B. O. Le'wls and .1. C. Mc Rcjnolds. Prof, and Mth. Fogg will ac company thorn to St. Louis. Mrs. Fogg Intends to go on east to visit with rela tives. The matter of selecting Judges occu-' pled the authorities here yesterday, and final arrangements are yet to be made Of Washington's list of three only one is acceptable to us. One Is absolutely unknown here He is in the real es tate business in ht Louis and Is a Harvard graduate Another Is a pro fessor in a neighboring University, and tne third, whom Nebraska has chosen, is Profe-sHor David Kinley, professor of economics in the University of Illi nois Some doubt exists as to whether he can serve, and lie Is being commun icated with in an effort to reach a defi nite understanding His name was originally proposed by Nebraska, but he notified our authorities that he could not serve. Later he was pro posed by Washington and Nebraska at onco accepted Prof. Albion W. Small. Ph. D.. L. L. i., head professof sociology at Chlcugo. whoso name was under consideration, telegraphed Professor Fogg yesterday that a previous engagement lor May 13th prevented him from acting as judge. Nebraska has submitted Wash ington a list of six men, from which the latter chooses two. This list In cludes one professor from th Univer sity of Iowa, two from Indiana, two from Chicago, and one from Kansas City Mo. For the debate Washington has en gaged Memorial hall, St. Louis. A del egation will meet our men at the train and give them a fitting welcome. Notifications are being sent out from our executive office to all Nebraska graduates and former students In St Louis to be on hand and attend the de bate. - - - Two practice debates were held yes terday by the members of tho squad The debaters are rapidly rounding Into shape. They will-go prepared to make a stiff fight for lctory-and will carry with them-the confidence and wishes of the student body. bett Cassidy Wins Out in Tennis. Yesterday tho finals In the first round of tennis were played. The struggle was between Scrlbner and CSassady both old experienced playcds. Cassady won out by taking three of four sets. He was on the aggressive during near ly the whole game. His headwork was superior to that of his opponent. Time after time IiIb swift "Lawford" strokes shot across the coqrt untouched, while Scribner's returns seemed weak and not so well placed as is usually no ticed in his playing. The score: Cas sady, 7. (5, 3. 6; Serlbnrr. .", 4, !, 2. Scniois who want duplicate pictures from laot year's negative--, can get them at the rate quoted. Townatnd. Please help the poor. Buy your cigars and tobacco of Frank DuTcll, 1020 O St. The Home shortcake. Cafe for etrawberry md had things well in hand all the :--mi:-m:::- v-k--:j----.j flth Grinnell. Beltzer was In the box