The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 07, 1904, Image 1

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Tflbe Batl IFlebraehan
VOL. DX NO. J42.
Candidates for the Athletic Board
Announce Themselves.
The preparations for the coming ath
lotlc election have been quite active
In character, and the busy politicians
woro greatly In evidence yesterday,
having the petitions of their candldatOB
signed up. This activity was due to
the fact that 6 o'clock this evening
was tho limit set for filing petitions
with tho secretary of the Athletic
Board. Tho time was extended a week
from laBt Saturday, owing to tho lack
of preparation of many of the candi
dates. The election will bo hold on
Wednesday, May 18th, leaving a space
ol less than two weeks, but it Is evi
dent that much good work will be
done In that time.
Tho girl vote has been a general
topic of discussion, and It la evident
taat It will figure quite largely, In this
year's election. In fact, hopeful glances
aro cast In their direction and much
la expected of them. Tho practice of
voting them promises to be general,
although few con bo found who would
defend the practice. It Is phophesled
that tho election will rurnisn an oojeci
lesson that will- be remembered and
looked back upon with Interest.
The action or the barbs In putting
up a ticket of their own is alBO caus
ing much discussion. Principal and
expediency aro tho two chief points of
dlBcusslon as far as wo can find out.
Some bellevo that their action has been
too precipitate, but tho barbs in gen
oral believe that they have acted for
f tho best. They realize tho potency of
organization, but have Btlll to find out
what results it will bring to them.
Tin n voftt.frrinv ovonlnc nine candi
dates were known to be in the field.
These aro L. P. Hewitt, C. T. Borg,
fiotcher Lane J. L. Van Burg, W. J.
Woods, Frank Beers, Cy Mason, F. A.
Barta and Maloney. Another fraterni
ty candidate or even more will bo an
nounced today. Cy Mason's petition
has already been posted, rtnd is now
ready for public inspection. Both fra
ternity and barb men showed a will
ingness to sign each other's petitions,
but of course this augurs nothing of
any great importance.
Tho campaign will probably be the
most Interesting that has ever been
waged hero, and Is full of uncertainty.
It is certain that Interest will be add
ed because of the girl vote and the agi
tation that bos been arouse concerning
it. Then too, students seem to realize
how important a place on the Athletic
nnnrrt roniiv is. A student member of
the board has power and influence of
a substantial character, and can make
his pressure felt in tho government of
athletics. Nebraska's sudden rise into
prominence has increased the desira
bility and honor of such a position,
which fact is gentrally realized. Our
football, basketball and baseball teams
have forged to tho front, and are able
to go up against the best that can bo
scheduled. Nebraska could hold a
place In tho "Big Nine," and could
make the best teams hustle to beat her
out. What wonder Is it then that a
position on the Athletic Board is so
When we look ahead and see what
the future holds for us, if the present
progress continues, tho true position
and Btanding of athletics in this Unl-
verslty are mod fully apparent. Our
groat football schedule for next year is
an evidence of what has been accom
plished, and the results of It coming
duo in their season will further demon
strate tho possibilities in store for us.
It Is essential then that good men be
elected to tho board, men -who are re
liable, reasonable and conservative and
who are willing to subvert their own
Interests to the good of athletics.
It is most desirable that men be
elected who will attend the meetings
a rPinrrc
m j ire n...A
, ..
DR. J. L.
SUNDAY, MAY 8. 3 P. M. :
of the Athletic Board regularly, as the
maBS of bU8lne8B to bo done Is indeed
great, and If a few are obliged to
snoulder the burdon as a result of the
lack of Interest of the others much dif
ficulty Is caused.
Care, then, should be taken in see
ing that the beet fitted mon aro elect
ed. The purpose of an election of this
kind is to obtain good, capable and
conscientious men for tho Athletic
Board, and the students will be doing
well by thoir own interests by sup
porting men who will fulfill the re
quirements. This 1b tho principal that
should govern, and if it is adhered to
it is safo to say that athletics in our
University will be benefitted im
Cornhuskers Trim Their Whis
kers At The Rate of 12 to 8
Nebraska added another victory to
her already brilliant list yesterday
evening, defeating Highland Park Col
lege by a score of 12 to 8. In spite of
the fact that Nebraska piled up eight
errors to Highland Park's three, Ne
braska had the game well In hand for
the greater part of the game. Nebras
ka made ten hits to Highland Park'B
seven. Batteries: Nebraska, AdamB
and Bender; Highland Park, Riley and
This afternoon at 2:45 the prelimi
naries for tho quarter mile will be
run Tho remaining sprints will come
off Monday. Those who will try for
the quarter aro. Smith, Mouck, Houser,
Hoar, and probably one or two others.
If the F. & M park grounds will per
mit it the trials will be pulled off there.
Otherwise the University campus will
bq used.
Tho swimming classes which bad
been planned for next week had to be
abandoned, because tho sanitarium Is
going to close up at that time.
t at nvnninc fountain States enter
tained the competitors' for the track
team at his home. He treated them to
a delicious supper, after which Dean
Drlscoll and Ed Hagenslck entertained
them on the violin and piano respec
tively. Those present were Dr. Clapp,
Manager Morrison. Benedict, DriBColl,
HagenBlck, Wellor, Martin, Newton.
Havens.- Houser, Hoar, Mouck, Ponrod,
Nelder. Winchester, Bowman, Voor-
hoes, Smith.
Boston Dentists, beat work and low
Laming'ft, lco cream ana candy: lltfr
and L Bui
Walsk Hall
nrr n7rr?T
i i i virvixi
- ,
: : HALL ij
University Men Urged to Attend
a Valuable Lecture.
The address to be glvon by Dr.
Greeno, superintendent of the state In
sano asylum, tomorrow at 3 p. m. In
Memorial hall, will bo one of the
strongest addresses which University
men have been prlvllogod to hoar this
year. "A Thing Every Man Ought to
Know," 1b tho subject which Dr. Greene
has chosen.
Dr. Greene is a man of thorough scl-
eniinc training and Keen observation.
His lectures are treated In a scientific
manner, but not, however, In the way
In which many specialists treat the
subjectB to which they have given their
entire time and Intention. Dr. Greene
holds the Interest of hlB audience from
the beginning to the end of hla dis
course. He Is a man of pleasing per
sonality, and posBessed of extraordi
nary mental power. This Ib Illustrated
In his dealing wiu. the patients In the
asylum. If at any time bo mo disturb
ance 1b aroused among them, his pres
ence immediately dispels It.
Every man in the University should
avail himself of this opportunity 6f
hearing Dr. Greene In order that ho
may learn some of those tilings which
are indespeiujlblo to UIb welfare. In
asmuch as Dr. Greene speaks from
actual experience and facia which have
come under his notice, his lectures are
Intensely practical and Instructive.
Mr. H. E. Bradford has kindly con
sented to provide special music. He
will sing some choice selections.
The meeting begins promptly at 3 p.
m., and closes promptly at 4 p. m., so
that those who may have engagements
for tho afternoon will not be greatly
inconvenienced by attendlng.
Palladians Defeat Unions.
The Palladlan and Unions played an
exciting twelve-Inning game on the
campus yesterday afternoon, which
finally rosulted In a score of 7 to 6
In favor of the Palladians. On account
of tho latter changing the order of bat
ting in the last Inning the contest was
declared "no game," and will be played
some time next week.
The score at the end of the nlnthn
nln was 4 to 4. During the next two
Innings both sides added a score each
time at hat.
Batteries Union, Bowman, Jones,
Mellck; Palladians, Hill, Newton,
Umpire Frank Beers.
Wright Drug Co., 117 N. llto,
phone 313.
- May 12th
Clee Club Puts up Good Music
at the Oliver.
The Glee Club mado Its Initial ap
poaranco last night before a fair sized
and very enthusiastic house. An ox
tended program was rendorod, which
In point of rendition and quality far
oxcoeded anything of the kind ever
attempted at tho University. Follow
ing Is tho program: ,
Nebraska Men, Now Give a Cheer. .
Henry Eames
Come KIbs Yo' Mammy Good Night
Noel Smith
Annlao Laurie. .Arr'g by Dudloy Buck
Rhapeodlo No. 6 '. Liszt
Mr. Hudson.
Italian Grand Opera (Flnalo) . . .Genee
Mr. Brockway and Glee Club.
Reading, Selected
Mr. Bates.
In Vocal Combat Buck
'memo and Variations in B flat....
Mr. Hudson.
Tho Frog that Kicked Steele
Messrs. Wright, Higgins, Elliot
and Williams.
Tom, The Piper's Son Kendall
Mr. Bates.
Drink to me only with thine eyes..
Come O'er tho Sea Bullnrd
The Glee Club.
First Tenors
F. E. Clement
F. R. Wright
P. L. Brockway
T. A. Hutton
Socond Tonora
J. W. Voorhees
J. Anderson
L. A. Higgins
R J. Mansfield.
First Basses
N. J. Elliot
F. A. Sweeley
W. B. Bonekemper
T. V. Goodrich
J. L. Clark
Second Basses
E. 8. Williams
J. B. Chesslngton
I. J. Clark
J. R. Caloy
Director Henry P. Eames.
, Pianist Mr. Philip Hudson.
Reader Mr. A. C. Bates.
Manager F. A. Sweeley.
Nebraskan Board Meets and
Elects P. A. Ewing Editor.
The board of managers of The Dally
Nobraakan met yesterday In Librarian
Wyer's office, and elected Mr. Paul
Ewlng editor In chief for the coming
year. Mr. Ewlng was highly recom
mended by the present management,
and by the English department. He
will be a Junior next year, and has a
year's experience on thepaper.
No arrangements were made with
retard to the business managership.
The resignation of Dwight Pierce as
a member of the board was accepted,
and the place left vacant until the
annual election.
After discussing plans for next year
and votlnK to reduce the Saturday is
sue to four pages the rest of the year,
the board adjourned.
The Whitebreait Co.. at 1106 O 8t,
la the place to buy co&L
Frank E. Lee, successor to F. T.
Shepard, public stenographer, mimeo
graphing. 8peclal rates to students.
601-502 Richards Blk. Phone, Auto