The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 06, 1904, Page 4, Image 4
pOT4 gjWrJSg" "Ii-"-v n V- 1T1 ' . - j. .'.' .11 ; H-- .'.'yv ' -r 4 Zbt Dudfif fUbraaftan - M r. !.- V , .v r & i , & , . ss- 40iS r?sw -?-j? fft yjiiA M& 5iiv "i "-" rj7? '"JI i. -HV .t- KM JU SS' J KUvtMk.- .' liVJi-A " m - t Y . iudgfCqV (TjHBRv " Ji vVi VvK Men and Young Men Very generally find it to their advantage to draw on the resources of this store to supply their clothing f needs. No wonder the stocks here are broader and the assortments are at least twice over what is shown by the nearest of our followers. Fine goods and high prices are usually found linked together and right here is where we hold the whip hand. When others attempt to furnish our fine qualities they invariably ask from 25 to 40 per cent more than we do and again when they try to dup licate our prices they find it impossible to furnish our qualities. , Our First and Finest Suits and Top Coat Sell ing at $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00 and up to $25.00. All are made with hand worked button holes, hand Padded Collars and hand moulded shades while the fronts are given permanent shapes by the use of hair cloth. Every Suit, Top Coat or Rain Coat which leaves our establishment is fitted to your per fect liking and is Sold under a positive guarantee of satisfaction or your money back. One thing more our prices will be found from $2.00 to $5.00 less per garment than the same goods can be bought for else where a saving worthy of your careful thought. '" F VoM RIGHT K NEW SPRING HATS In Hats we do ourselves proud. Nothing left undone to make our hat department In perfect keeping with the high standard of our clothing. We sell the famous John B. Stetson hats in soft or stiff at $3.50 and up, in all tho new shapes and colors. Our other lines are very complete and embraces every new creation for this season. SAVOY SHIRTS The shirt that stands for quality, workmanship and creature comfort. The only colored shirt on tho market which is sold un der a positive guarantee as to color holding. Buy a Savoy and if it fades fetch It back and gel your money. These shirts come In plain or pleated styles, In white or colored. 'The patterns are most pleas ing, being the-nowest obtainable. Savoy Shirts sell at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 New and Nobby Hats In soft or stiff, made from pure fur stock; strictly guaranteed, At $1.50, $2 00, $2.50, and $3.00. MMi KsBS&to, !'"". ' ViSE'r'v .;i Jv?HkME7' .'.',r f ATCtiTCHn'XVWttC'. 1 1 : st.icw.wiCTOr. - ? i.A - ...1 v.v -V Neckwear It may be interesting to know that this store receives every Friday morning a fresh supply of the newest Neckwear creations. PEG TOP PANTS We sell the original Yale Peg Top Trousers. They have got the right fullness and shape to them. Come In bla,ck, bluo or fancy effects, and sell at $3.00. $3.50, $5.00 and $(i.00. Don't take a substitute for the' genuine. Armstrong Clothing Company l ! i S m i A I Merchants i ""7 T '!' ".""' , ..I I'iJ'f jj j Vjjiji.. ' m Z ". BjBL:' . ' J4."Jaw tim I'u ,an IJ Lijip r kiJ