The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 06, 1904, Image 3
. .- V "Vf??? .1r e J- f -lv - u C -VI v t , ' i" T" ,v ttbe ID a i I fUbraaltan c .l.w-'if ir-- i r : , '. l -. ,?, ' ' Al. Iff- ' 1 ,.ri ". '&t;SlV i BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. ART GOODS Curtice, Lincoln Book 8torc. BANKS Columbia, First National. BARBERS' SUPPLIES A. L. Unde- land & Co. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS Sam Hall, Sidles, Glrard, Lyman. BOOKS & STATIONERY Porter, 0- Op, Brown, University Book Store. Sam "Hall, Lincoln Book Store. BOOK BINDING Gillespie. BUILDERS Lincoln Sash and Door Manufacturing Co. CARPENTER Wilson. CIGARS Powell, Lindfloy-Follart. CLOTHING Unland, Maec & Doemer, B. L. Paine, Armstrong. COAL Gregory, Dlerks, Whltebreant, P. ID. Smitb. CONFECTIONERY Lomlng, Maxwell, DAIRY Franklin, Lwnln. DANCING HALL Fratcratty. DENTISTS Boston Dentists. DRUGGIST Stelnor, Woetnpncr, Rec tor, Brown, Rlggs, Wright, BM Cross. DRY GOODS Miller & Peine. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Llncou Transfer. FLORISTS Chapin Bros., C. H. Frey. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenlf A. M. Davis, Hardy. GROCERS Keystome. HARDWARE HalL Rudve Goewwt HOTELS Lln-iell, Waltom, Boyd. INSURANCE Connecticut Mutual. JEWELERS Tucker, HalUt, Wolfe, Trlckey. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros., NOVELTIES Thorpe. OPTICIANS Dr. J. J. Davis, Hallei, Trlckey. PAINT & GLASS Western Glass ft Paint Co. PIANOS Sohmoller & Mueller, Ross Curtice. VLUMBING Korsmeyer. POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. PRINTING, Grlffln Greer. New Can tuny, Ivy PresB, Review Press, George Bros. RESTAURANTS Westerdeld, Home Cafe, Don Cameron, Hendry. Palace Dining Hall, American Cafe. SHOES Perkins & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson, SUITORIUM Weber. THE ATRES Olliver. - TYPEWRITERS OUIver. TAILORS Unland, Bumstead, Union College Tailors, Donver Tailors, Her cog, Kaptelin. Sam's Cafe The only place in the city to get the Famous Little Gem Hot Waffles. Spe cial service for dies. vH3V E. FLEMING Time Inspector ,M. P. It. R. Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. Graduation Presents a SPECIALTY. 1211 O Street, Lincoln. THE SUMMER SESSION. Important Communication Con cerning the Work. To those interested In tlie Summer School, the following communication, which was published some time ago In the Journal, will he of interest: Having received notices from time to time concerning the University Sum mer School, I cannot refrain from com menting on the course on superintend ence to be offered in the coming ses sion. This is certainly a stop In ad vance In the matter of summer train ing of teachers. There has long been a crying need of Just such an available course in the university. The course as at ri'csent outlined contemplates a series or practical taius on everyday problems of the school by men who are spending their lives in that kind of work. The plan is a unique one so far as giving such work In the univer sity is concerned, yet the need of It is so apparent as to apeal to everyone who has in charge the training of teachers, and to all who have to em ploy untrained teachers. The oppor tunities for trained teachers aro great er today than ever before, and such a course will certainly be an added op portunity for all who contemplate at tending the summer session of the uni versity. Such a course, to prove helpful, must be conducted by men fresh from the field of battle, men who are daily con fronted with the problems of which they speak. No one will question th value of a thorough knowledge of pedagogy and psychology. Every pro gressive teacher must have such Knowledge. Just having the knowledge, however, Is not sufficient. One must be able to apply it in pracjjee. Nothing contributes more helpfully toward rightly applying knowledge than ascer taining just how those in the work ap ply It. A teacher must not only know how to plan but she must built wisely on the plan. Indeed, such a common sense Idea ought to become perma nently fixed as a part of the training offered to those who are preparing to teach. Certainly Inspector Crabtree deserves great credit for planning the present course and Professor Hodgman as director of the summer session, Is to be congratulated on embodying so practical an Idea In the course of study. The school men of NebrasKa, who have to assume more or less responsibility for recommending teachers to their boards, ought to welcome such a prac tical departure with enthusiasm, and ambitious teachers certainly will show their appreciation by attending the session in larger numbers than ever before. J. W. SEARSON, Superintendent Wahoo Schools. Sends List of Judges. Necotlatlous preliminary to the de- Knti nlli Woehnotnn n rft nrnirrflcfllnf well. Our list of judges from which Washington will make a selection of one. contains six names of prominent college instructors and was forwarded to St. Louis yesterday evening. Our list Includes five college presidents, representing three states. The team leaves oh the 11th and all desiring to accompany It should make known the fact at once. DR. GREENE WILL SrAK. Will Address the Mens' Mass Meeting Sunday. At the men's meeting In Memorial Hall next Sunday at 3 p. m., Dr. J. L. Greene will give the address which he was compelled to postpone three weeks ago. His subject, as was announced before. Is "A Thing Every Man Ought to Know." Dr. Greene Is a man of charming personality and- an excellent speaker. u ic n DnVwinlist rf ronntntinn In his his line of work and one who has studied his subject thoroughly. His ( vast experiuiico uibu luwun muui iu make his addresses clear and Instruc tive. The subject which Dr. Greene has chosen for this occasion Is one wlilch ought to interest every man in the uni versity. There are many ttiings which we as men ought to know If we would make our lives the best possible. It Is from men of Dr. Greene's character and ability that Buch knowledge may be gained. The musical feature of the meeting will be some vocal selections by Mr. Bradford. Those whb have heard Mr. Bradford sing will certainly avail themselves of the opportunity of hear ing him again. This meeting Is one of the most Im portant of the year and every seat In Memorial Hall Bhould be taken. Every man is invited. The Palladlan Literary Society will not meet in the hall Friday evening, but will attend the Glee Club In a body. The new song books will be used this morning at convocation. All the boys are pleased with the ex tra quality of the army hat which B. L. Paine is supplying this season. If ou are going to camp better go there and get your size. They are only 90c. Frank E. Lee. successor to. F. T. Shepard, public stenographer, mimeo graphing. Special rates to students. 501-502 Richards Blk. Phone, Auto 1155. If you want your class picture framed in best style of workmanship and latest designs In moulding, the Lincoln Book Store Is the place. "Gun metal" suitings are the roods to wear to St. Ixniis. Bumstead, he makes clothes. The Whitebreast Co., at 1100 O 8L, Is the place to buy coal. Glee Club ticketB now on sale at the Oliver. 50 and 75 cents. AAAAAAAtAAAtitSi o 3 If o If o If o K o K o K o If o K o K o If o f o O M o X o o X o o o X o X o X o X o X o X o V X o X o X o X o 1 o X o X X o X o Commencement Seaeom to mear DRAWING near to Gradua tion Day and the time In which to decide the ques tion of what the girl graduate will wear, seems short enough. We have a beautiful line of the simple white fabrics that are most approved for the occasion. Particularly do we call attention to our wide range of qualities in the ever popular Of all the great variety of wash fabrics for the Graduation Cos tume, nothing outrivals the sheer and beautiful WASH CHIFFON. It possesses all the cbaractcrls tice of French Organdie, but with much more softness and draping possilblllty and will not crease or crush as do even the best qualities of Organdies. Only at this store Is It possible to select from such a wide variety of all the different qualities from the cheapest to the highest grade manufactured. We carry. only the genuine article, each bolt be ing marked with the Trade Mark. For Wedding, Graduation, or Swell Evening Gowns. Wash Chiffons have no equal In the white goods world. A guaranteed saving of 2c to 5c a yard on every quality purchased here and a bet ter quality for the money than is possible to obtain elsewhere; 48 Inches wide $1.50, $1.35, $1.25 98c, 75c, ' o v ar o V o If o V o If D K o V o K o ti o o l o 1' o K o K o K o K o If o If X o X o X o X o X o X o X o X o X o X o X o X o X o X o X o X o X o X o X o o If o If o If o If o If o If o If 60c, 50c, 45c, 35c yard. Sae our Graduation Window Display. o If o If o If o If o If o If o If o X' o X o X - o X o X Lincoln's Progressive Store. ar o j'J1JJJ'JJ1,5 Spring Opening PANAMA and STRAW HATS ciL Unland's 1042 O Street. Wedding Gifts. Our stock offers large variety of the moBt ap propriate articles for wedding gifts. Prices positively the I lowest for same quality. 139 So. 13th St. M. G. WOLFF, 139 So 13th. CORNELL THE WALL PAPER AND PAINT MAN 130 North 13th Lincoln. Neb. X LINDSEY'S CIGAR STORE Up-to-Date Soda Fountain and Magazines. . . 118 North llth Street. POWELL'S BILLIARD AND POOL HALL was opened this fall with tables all newly covered, best cues and balls, newly papered, everything up-to-date, including customers. B. P. POWELL, 146 N Mb St Phone IM I, J. THORr COMPANY GerwraLMKAInltU All KhuU f RptfHa Lock Smith, PLATERS 108 U. ItU Sb-Mt Uebif Ntbflttka TU .414 TURBINE A CLUETT COLLAR QUARTER EACH. QUARTER SIZES P.I tIPTT PEARODV A. CO. - NAKtitl OF CLUCTT ANO MONARCH HlT k8 Man i3i Ul y ;. 1 1 ) ' ',T ? 4 ' N fl t r i -.: ..- JW " i - i'IL.".-""" TV -,' r.,'v. ...-:- A '-tA. 'AT..-" 'V-ti . .. V -, , j. M ,w. , JLfe...J..&tltU 'v?r f 3 aWMMP-B