The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 06, 1904, Image 2

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    r ' -"-rfC IA.- TVWUMWU k'lfnioil
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E b c ID a M fleEraefntn
tbt Daily Dtbraskan.
A. oonaolidatlon of
Rm MwytrUn, Vol. 01, The Nobnukaa, YL la,
BoarUl and Graatn, VL i.
Joha O. Mm
Nwi - - - P. A. Bwlng
Athletic - - J. W. Hoar
Literary - Dorothy Green
Reporter D. P. Dc Young and Mable FotaUr
and Raymond H. McCaw,
PAomi OltmUl, V
Paorttton Prlc, H pr rr. In ftdvua
at Ml postoffloo at Ltaoola, Ribruhi
m eoond-Un taafl matter.
1 f paw I II 1 1!
Editorial Remarks
A final word. Do not forgot tin1 Gl
Club Cone it tonight. The Glee Club
Is ouo of the most deserving of Unl
verblly organizations and return should
lie ninde for the good work that It Is
striving to do. The entertainment pio
vlded will he of the highest quality, and
it is the duty of everyone to come out
and hIiow the members of this organi
zation thnt their efforts are appreciated.
The K. U. Weekly says the following
in regard to the debate with Nebraska:
"It was the hardest fought contest
ever held between the two Unhersl
tles, and the Judges last night reached
their decisions only after forty-five
minutes' consultation. The debate was
well attended and the audience was en
thusiastic. The Kansas boys expressed
themselves as more than satisfied with
the treatment ieceled from their op
ponents "
The outgoing editor of the Minne
sota Dally leaves the following advice
to his successor as to what not to do.
There Is quite a bit of newspaper phil
osophy In them, and some of the In
junctions given are quite true to life
in college Journalism. It is the ex
perience of ouo wjio has been through
the mill, and we believe that theie is
qulto a bit of sense in the greater pait
of the things that aie said Here are
the things that a college editor should
not do:
Don't let the business manager make
ou accept shoes and meal tickets in
Ltead of coin of th,e realm.
Don't let the cub reporters jolly you
Don't nay any attention to our
Don't get the Idea that you are the
Godfather oLlhe University.
Don't make any friends they are a
bother when you want to roast some"
The baseball team has taken a brace
In time to win some splendid victories
before returning home and to offset to
an encouraging degree the poor start
that It made. While Its work has been
erratic at times, there Is no doubt that
e hao a fast and speedy organization
of players who can make a good Im
pression wherever they go, provided
they play in their true form. The boys
were unfortunate at the start, owing
to the, long delay and lack of opportuni
ty to practice, and hence the changing
of the tide In their favor can be all the
more leadlly welcomed. One favorable
trait that they have shown Is that they
have gained strength Instead of lost
it, as often happens to baseball teams
touring away front home. The victories
that they have won have been of the.
most desirable and creditable character.
What weakness the team has shown
Stylish Garments Moderately Priced
No matter whether you are think
ing of biding Suit. Waist, Jacket or
Coat, you should view the stjlca
as represented In the varied assort
ment that our big suit section af
fords. The newest styles of Fash
Ion's creative brain are here in rich
profusion. The chic fIiIi t waist
suits are models of style, as are also
the new splc and span covert jack
ets. These two garments are much
nought for by college girls. Then
there are the short and long silk
( oats, and the dressier suits no end
of the newest and best here. Watch
our prices they tell their own
Eton Jacket Suits of t heviot. bril
llantlne and mohair, with or with
out capes, braid trimmed; skirts
hae trimming to match all colors
such as black, blue, gray and brown
equal to values shown elsewhere
at $15 and $10 50 our price
is only
Shirt Waist Suits of fine, genuine
linen; tucked and lace trimmed a
very attractive suit at a CC HH
small price $DiUU
Box Coat of black brllllantine; 30
inches long, puff sleeves with cuffs;
cape jacket; black silk braid trim
med sizes 32 to 42. OC (( -3
Price OO.UU W
Pol de Sole Coats Same style as
the brllllantine.
Covert Jackets Plain; satin
rahadame lined; 32
to -40. Price
Ladles' Shirt Waist Suit of Sateen
black and white check an extra
ordinary value.
Macintoshes of Oxford gray and
tan covert cloth; plaid or self lined
sold everywhere at $G.50-
Our price only
I mpim -
(an not In full be excused, as athletic
teams are always obliged to stand on
the record that they make, and ok
lenuating circumstances may explain,
but not better conditions We are glad
that the team has showed that it has
mettle and quality, and was able to
play good ball upon the occasions that
it did. In view of the brilliant vic
toiies that it has already won, the team
has carnex much credit for Itself and
should be properly welcomed on its return.
The following program will be given
by the girls of the Union Liteiaiy So
ciety, Friday night. May It!:
Song Ladies' Double Quartettte
Heading Miss Orton
Mixed Pickles
Pantomime Day Is Done.
Solo Miss M,Cune
Sweet Feminine Justice.
Piogram begins at 8:30. All aie invited.
Debate at Wesleyan.
AH members of the league and every
one who may find it convenient are
cordially invited to attend the debate
at Wesleyan univeislty tonight.
The question will be on negro
suffrage. The repiesentatives of Wes
leyan are Klein, Anderson and Tuma;
liose of the Unions are Whelan, Me
liv and Paul. A gopd time is assured.
LOST A biulieh of keys, tied with a
red ribbon, on R street. Finder please
leave at the-executive office.
Don Cameron's lunch cpunter lot
good service.
Glee Club concert May 6th, Oliver
Univezsity Bulletin
TONIGHT Glee Club Concert, Oli
er Theater.
TODAY Convocation, Music. Col
lege Songs.
MAY 7 Academy Faculty and Student
Reception at Principal's Home, 70
No. 16th St.
MAY 10 Company B Banquet, Lindeli
MAY 10 Recital; Memorial Hall.
MAY 11 Convention Nebraska Photo
graphers Association. Art Hall.
MAY 12 Recital, Memorial Hall.
MAY 12 Freshman Party, Walsh Hall.
MAY 19 & 20 Interstate Tennis, Min
nesota vs. Nebraska, the Campus.
MAY 19 South Dakota, vs. Nebraska,
tho Campus or F. & M. Park.
MAY 20 Pan-Hel Dance, The Audi
torium. MAY 20 Competitive Drill Day.
MAY 20 Interscholaatic Field Day,
High School Fete Day, F. & M. Park.'
MAY 21 Track Meet, Minnesota vb.
Nebraska, F. & M. Park.
MAY 24 Cadet Encampment Begins.
JUNE 4 Annual Concert, School of
'Music, Memorial Hall.
JUNE 9 Thirty-third Annuar Commencement
Wirlck's Trunk & Bag Store, 1036 O.
Special rate to htudents at Hendry's, j
Lincoln Sash, Door
and Mf g Co.
Interior Finish, Exterior Fin
ish, Office and Store Fix
hires, Water Tanks.
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Sold Only by Harley Drug Co., llth and O Street.
Steinway & Sons
SchmoUer & Mueller
Steger & Sons
Vose & Sons
A. B. Chase
Geo. Steck
And 23 others. We sell new
Pianos on $5 monthly-payments
"" "mri rmnrLwijiLUji
If you want a suit, with style
and fit call on
206 South J 2th.
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