The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 06, 1904, Image 1
U ' If . tj t T 1H T f) '? - " J r-j., " . r, IRebraeftan vol. m, NO. HI. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1904. PRICE 3 CENTS Brake !-- r ti 14 L CONTINUE TO WIN Cornhuskers Down Grinnell by a Score of 9 to 4. . - ' GLiih CLUB CONCERT x Gilnuell. la, Ma T (Special to The Nebiaskan ) Nebraska added another to hei list of i tours today b defeat ing Grinnell ! to 4 She lias struck hei gait and can't be stopped Ileavj hitting on the part of Nebraska was the' feature of the game, the ball being safely landed upon eleven times Gim nell made fom hits which, aided b Nebiaska's generosity, allowed her to score foui runs Nebraska made fle enors, while Grinnell piled up six. out doing our team quite valiantly in that lespeit The batteries were Belter and Bender for Nebiaska and Swalm and Benson tor Giinnell Another victory for Nebiaska' Our men aie coming in wlnnna on the home stretch. Grinnell beat I Make by a score of 11 to 1. and holds the Iowa championship. This shows that th" victor of the team esteiday amounts to something We hae a fast aggre gation of plaers. and when the) plaj theii game the) aie a hard bunch to beat Today the team plays Highland Park at Dcs Moines and Satin da it meets C reign ton College at Omaha The Chicago Univeisit correspond ent to the Michigan Hail) sas the fol lowing in regaid to the game with Ne -biaska "Today we defeated Nebiaska b to 1 in rather a unique game During the first tour innings it looked like a slug ging match, as each team droe ball after ball to deep center and left field, but both Ditchers settled down and in one of the fastest games seen on Mar shall Field for a long time, the Corn huskers were defeated. Stlllman. oui fieshman pitcher from Morgan Paik. covered left field, and pulled down an apparent home-iun when a hit would have brought two Nebraskans oer tjie plate. Chicago showed up especially well on Infield flies, while Bender. Ne braska's backstop, caught the best game seen on the local diamond this ear Ellsworth pitched for Chicago and Morse for Nebraska " The events for the meet with Colo lado have been definitel decided and are as follows: 100, 220, 440, 880 yards, one mi'.e and two miles. Running high jump, running bioad jump Pole vault. 120 and 220 jauls hurdles Hammer throw Pisctis throw Shot-put. Half-mile relay From twelve to fourteen men will go on the trip Preliminaries wjll be held Saturday and Monday to decide on the competitots for the sprints OLIVER THEATRE I FRIDAY, MAY 6th Tickets, 75 and 50o t I i f &$&&$&$&&$y&$4 THE CONCERT TONIGHT. Glee Club Will Furnish a Fine Entertainment. Tonight the Glee Club Conceit Do not lit a few intervening boms c has" this fact fiom under the coer of our l)i am Kerp it well in mind and show up tonight at the Oliver piepaied toi an evening ol excellent enjo merit Be tuere to hear the men sing, and bear witness to the fact that the pre.-,nl glee club is tne best we eer had and that it is a ciedit to the univcisitv It ou appreciate good music-. ou can lies! show oui taste b coming out and let others see that jmi know wheic M can b found These aie a few words in explana tion as to wh each univcisitv student should come out. and heie aie a lew more (m anv oiganiation ol the na t in o or the glee club thnve in the inli ne lsitv unless it is leeognicd and Mipported. no matter how deseivinu and me i Motions it ma be9 It takes a gieat deal of time and trouble to build up a good glee club, and w have re-win to feel proud bee a 1 1 -1 this task has been so sueeesslullv ac c ompllshcc' heie W hae a line org.iniation and that alone ought to mo.e us to come out Tickets toi the conceit hae been selling well, but theie is loom foi more, and it will be well loi to avail themselves ot this oppoitunlty to attend a conceit ol uc h a supeilor qualitv The boxes will all be occupied, most I by the vaiious mhoiMics The fraternities will also I' in evidence special sections of scats having been leserved for them Mr Phil Hudson ot the Consc rvatoi v of Music will be the oiganist and the club will be led by Mi Fain - also ol the Cons ivatoi.v Mi Fani"s de scm ves special 1 1 edit foi the eat m m and laith tul work he has clone in turning the club The men have shown a good spirit in coming out tegulail.v loi Dtactice It is eilelnl their clue that they be mght A STRAIGHT TICKET. Barbs Meet In Convention Put Up Five Candidates. and c f Fleteh e lei ted foi the It should be remembered that the names of all candidates for athletic board must be handed in to Dr Clapp. or at least mailed by G o'clock Satur day evening, May 7 gic ted I a c iov e'ed hoiifee, to- A SPLENDID BOOK. General Verdict Stamps Senior Annual a Success. The efficiency of our phsical educa tion department, due to the excellent work of Mrs. Clapp, has gained a good reputation in the east Miss Alice Tovvue, '05, has been offered the posi tion or instiuctor of gymnastics at the summer school of the Universit of Chicago this coming summer This, however, she had to refuse because she had accepted a position as instructoi in heavy gymnastics at the Chautauqua School of Physical Education Chau tauqua, New York. Please help the poor Buy your cigars and tobacco of Frank DuTell, 1020 O St. The Home shortcake. Cafe for strawberry The Senior Annual has been drawing muel-fa c.rable comment, and it scmus prettv well agreed that the look is a marked linpiovemcnt ovei an of Its predecessor The typographic al wotk on the look is splendidly finished and Its man excellencies in this dei ail ment i-hlne foith effectlvel) In the individual vviite-ups an eFoit has been made to btat a few simple facts le garding each pieon the boaid having deenucl it the best practice to omit all humorous reference-, A membei ol the facultv said: "It is one of the neatest productions of the kind that I have evci seen The book is well edited and the liieiaiy work is good The typographical vvoik btioughout is vei attractive, and I think that the eclltois ou,;ht tqion- giatulate themselves upon Ms general fine appearance " Yesterday afternoon the "Baibs" of the Cniveisity held a mass meeting in I' 17. for the put pose of nominating live candidates loi the Athletic Boaid The meeting was held m Pallaclian hall and was called to orclei b F F Myeis. who was elected tempoiai chair min Ru-sel Moore was elected tornporao secretary I'pon motion llw temporary a)i)ointments weie made permanent Attei a spiiited balloting Boig F A Baita Fiank Bcei.s ei I ane and V .1 WcjocIs weie i anclic! ites Ten men weie out places and these live were e how n The candidates weie placed In nomination with the instructions that no ballot should I,,' counted unless it contained the name ol at hast one and no nioie than two members of the law school The pile aids announcing the meet ing were put out vcsteida morning and weie the caiiv of much suipiiw to mini of the barb element et. al though shoit notice was given, the loom was filled with a demonstrative thiong at the time of the meeting The Fnlversit) jells weie given re peatedly and ruin h enthusiasm aroused, This is practically the nVt attempt at conceited action b thn baibs in the Fnivcisity on any important action of general Fnlvcisit.v inteiest They as sert that if they ever expect to get pic pei representation on the Athletic Boaid, they must oiganie and piose c ute a vlgoious campaign Such a the ory is in general eonect upon any oc casion and it is ceitainl tine that In union the re is strength Theii lack of representation on th" Athletic Boaid in th. ast has been due to the- dlsinc lination of the men te) c orne out and vote and the barbs themseUes aie willing to admit that the havesuf teied through lack of -common Inter est and of an nuclei standing among themselves But by combining tlrv hope to better theii condition The tra- teinit ticket is always strong because of the oiganization behind, it, and thetTTrrtTK appear to have become aware of the fact and to see the advantage ol doing some oiganiing lor themselves How' their candidates will fare is a matter of spec illation, although varying opinions aie expressed on the subject One thing Is apparent The barbs will leap certain advantages because of this step toward oiganiation, but at the same time strenuous efforts must be made by them if tey hope to suc ceed ynlversity politics nas in the main been largely a barb-fraternity, scrap, but never before has the line been drawn so shaily as to the Ath letic Boaid elec tions The idea of com bination was ruled out of considera tion, and the barbs have decided upon a straight ticket Fvery prospect poln's to an Interesting fight at the coming election, as much concern is being shown by students in general YORK IS SELECTED Place of Cadet Encampment An nounced. Competitive Drill. The annual encampment of the cade' 1 ittalion will, in all piou ibillt. be held at Yoik this spilng Tli.s w i-. the ntatiMiunt made bv Captain ('has,- i st"i dav morning In an Interview foi th" Nebiaskan. and settles deflni'n ly .all the coj(ture and spec illation wllch Iris been In cue ulatlon for fie past month In icgaicl to 'he matte i The encampment has con.e to have a universal interest thioughoiil the state and scveial towns mini" 'Hong eftoi.i to scenic 't thin veai Anioug lhei we iv Fall" Clt. Milfonl. Nebraska Citj and York Fall.-. City was, how ever considered too far Irom Lincoln. is was also the case with Nebiasku C My Miifoid Is somewhat smaller and c'ld not offei other advantages which might be had le the othei towns All in all. York seems to be an ideal place for the affaii, and It is thought that Its selection will meet geneial ap pioval Captain Chase lett last even ing to look ovei the giound and make definite aiiangements We are In foimed that several beautiful camping giounds aie available while the si,e ot the- cliy and the lad that it is th" home of mini universit students seems to insuie a most pleasant outin, loi the soldiers The battalion will leave Lincoln Tuesda afternoon at five o'clock May 21, and letuin Satuida night Fur thei announi e menlh concerning the dally program while at camp, and othei matters peitalnirrg to exclusions, etc , will be made soon The following Is the progiarn for the annual competitive drill of the bat talion, which will be held at F & M park, Frlda afternoon. Ma 20. at 't o'clock. Music I)i 111. Company C Music Drill. Company A . Music Drill, Company B Music . Aitilleiy Drill.. .. Individual Competitive Cadet Band .('apt Brown . .Cadet Band ..Capt Stanley .Cadet Baud Capt Mohiman Cadet Band Lieut Kimball Drill (Four Selected Cadets fiom Fac h Company ) Dresh Parade Presentation of PrUts... Music JUDOFS Frank A Cook, Sub S S Cadet Baiui Dept . F. VV Castle. SOth Infantry, V Henry O Williard. 5th Cavalry. C Seniors who want duplkat pictures from last year's negatives cat. get them at th rate quoted Tovvnstud The Palace, 109 N. 11th St. O The R ancj C. 1141 O St. I Green's Barbershops Box of cigars given away every day at Powell's Oliver theatre building. Glee Club tickets now on sale at th Oliver. 50 and 75 cents.' Capt A Capt A Capt U S A PHIZES Individual drill: First prize, gold medal: second and third, silver medals. Omaha cup for winning company braska has consented to present the prizes to the successful competitors The winning companies in former drills were as follows. Year. Co Captain. 18!)U T).. .F. D. Eager 1894 B-C I D. Dixon 1S95-B C A. Elliott 189C D J C Sedgwick 1897 B R C. Saxton 1899 B J Stebblns moo d j. h. Woodland 1901 A ,...H. A. Tuke 1902 D A. K. Barnes I90:i D J. H Farney Captain Chase said yesterday In re gard to his statement In yesterday's Nebraskan, concerning the Senior An nual, that he commented only on the general appearance of the book, and that he had not read the contents. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Earl J. Woodward, M. D., treats dls. eases of the eye. ear and throat. Rooms 207-08 Richards block, 'Phone 666. A f .!l .rCi Jill's