The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 05, 1904, Image 1

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TZhe S)atlp IFkbraskan
VOL. IE. NO. 140.
Athletic Board Delays Action Un
til After the Election.
The girls will vote at I he forthcom
ing election of student members of the
Athletic board. The hoard at its meet
ing Friday night dciidcd that further
deliberation was necessary before
final action could be taken with a view
to changing the present system A
committee was appointed. consisting
of Drs. Clapp and Condra and Mi .
Horg, to investigate matteis and find
out what could best be done in the way
of providing a remedj This commit
tee will report at the net tegular meet
ing of tho board, the third week in
May, which will be after the election
has been held.
Sovcral nlaus were sucKeeted as feas-
wblo remedies for the present condition
of affalrB. It was suggested among
other things that a member can be
elected by each (lass, and the fifth
member In some general way. Anothei
plan was to make the captains of the
various athletic teams membeis e
offlclo,' It was even suggested that the
quaiter toll bo dropped It is, however,
difficult to see how an) of these meas
ures could work tho proper change.
although it is not impossible that some
good system might be evolved from
some one of them.
The main fault witli the present sys
tem seems to be that the girl vol"
goes to swell the total of candidates
who have solicited it, and who do not
by any means hold their office as the
result of the confidence placed in them,
bv their follow students. The practice
j!f girls voting has in fact become an
abuse and it is our opinion that thin
could have been most easily remedied
by withdrawing the privilege from the
Co-edfl entirely. A number of. men
who were Interested in the ele tion last
year spent from $5 to $17 apiece in
persuading the fair sex to exercise
their right of franchise. Such condi
tions may be expected to prevail this
year, and will prevail until the athletic
board introduces some new system of
conducting tho elections.
We believe that the board would
have been Justified in withdrawing ha
privilege of voting from the glils, and
such action would hae been in ac
cordance with the present sentiment in
4 tho University. We can not see any
Special object in deferring the matter
until after the election of student
members, as it is known that the abuse
exists and that its. presence is not
generally desired. It is evident that
the practice will be largely resorted to
-by both sldcB this year, although there
arc few In the University who -would
uphold the principle of the thing. For
principle has a place in- University
elections, and in this case it does not
even have tho disadvantage of being
"balanced" by expediency.
We mean to cast no reflection upon
- Iho board, as we have respect for Its
deliberations. Sinco it is evident that
it can not do anything now before the
election, we hope that it will later find
It convenient to find a remedy for the
undsirablo conditions that are constant
ly being censured even by many who
have opportunity to profit by them. If
, it Ib deemed inadvisable to withdraw
tho privilege of voting fro mtho glils,
although we believe this to be the only
eflyMive remedy, then we hope that
soldo good system may be devised thai
Will be raoro fair in its nature and lebs
apt to cause complaint. If the whole
matter goes ove rnutil next year much
good effort will be lost and the remedy
for tho present Mi-suriing i-onuuiuus
wjll bo farther away than ever.
V ' UIB6 Vziuu luuitu iiij ",
Wrlgbt Drug Co,,
'phone 313.
117 No. 11th,
I Junior Reception to Seniois
Azrnory, Saturday, May 14th-
i Tickets $1.00. All Classes Invited, i
i i
Outlook Good for Glee Club Con
cert Friday Night.
The Glee conceit tomoirow night
is now the center of attraction. Tho
members have ben training hard and
will give a concert that will certainly
be woithv of the name and one that
lTnheisit people and the citiens of
Lincoln in geneial can appreciate A
nunibii of new compositions such (is
are si lclorn presented by college glee
clubs will be given A song composed
by Dnector Fames will be sung for
tne f'i-,1 tune Among other pioduc
t ions to be lendered aie songs b) Dud
lej Huck. Damrosch and llullaid
Phillip Hudson, of the Unlversitv
School of Music, will be the pianist
Mr. A (' Hates, who scored such a
success last year, will read again
The sale of tickets has been good,
all of the boxes naving been taken
mostl) by sororities. Several of the
fraternities have icserved sections of
seats, although not as many have done
so as was desired. The club has been
meeting regularly three times a week
In Memoiial Hall for practice On
May 13th and 14th It will visit Wisner
and Norfolk, and give conceits ther
A Mass Meeting.
The "baibs" will hold a meeting in
U 107 at 1 o'clock this afternoon, tor
tne purpose of nominating candidate.
for the Athletic Board Five nomina
tions aie to be made and the meeting
piomjses to 1)0 a spirited one This is
diffeient from the usual mode of pro
cedure, but the "baibs" hop thus to
obtai nbetter lesults. It is expected
that a large number will be present
and that plent) of enlliuslasm will be
ejected into the meeting
Fig'-1 thousand maps of the United
States showing conspicuous!) the ter
ritor) inc hided in the Louisiana pur
chase have been received at the execu
tive office for distiibution among the
public schools and teachers ot the state.
On the back of each map is printed
many facts concerning the histoiy of
the I oulblanae territory and the exposi
tion itself Questions are asked and
the ansvveis printed in such a manner
as to impress the reader greatly As
an educational method of advertising
this system is certainly To be lecom
mended F F. Myers has been elected a dele
gate to the republican state convention
fiom Custer county Mr. Myers was
chairman of the Custer county corn
mitt., c last year.
Tickets. T5
Mrs. W. J. Bryan at Chapel.
Mrs W .1 Itivan gave an address
jesteiday morning during convocation
I erlod on the subject. "Tho Present
Hiitish Policy in India '
She stated a a t India today was in
a piosperousi onditlon butthat we must
consldei point of view She gave man)
good reasons toi the piesent state of
affairs Among them were the advan
tage of British commerce and the tiade
and levenue laws, the benefit of ii li
gation and British iule v lth the low
est taxes in the world
The gieat cause of the famine was
attributed to the tail that the food
nil ply w js' so largely shipped out that
a failure means no tood at home
One drawbacK loi them is that they
have no woiking capital, and rents
must be paid, which takes ."() per cent
ot the ciop, and a high rate of inter
est on money, together with poor im
plements and land that does not yield
more than one-thir.. of its productive
capacity makes the circumstances very
trying indeed.
Many interesting fac (s vveie brought
out about the deaths In times of fam
ine, when they averaged two evety min
ute and 1D.O00.. () in the last ten years.
The field. was well reviewed by Mrs.
Urvan. and tho different Ideas and
ka ts presented and backed by statistics
which she read A good crowd was
present to greet the speaker, and the
enthusiastic applause spoke for the
appreciation of the address.
The electrical engineers and civli
engine eis baseball game will be pla)cd
this evening at i p m . on the campus
Engineer ing students should all be out
and see the championship decided
The semi-finals In tennis had to be
postponed yesterday on account ol
rain The men who are yet to play
are exceptionally stiong men, and
tliould make some very interesting
contests. They are Scrlbner, Mathevv
son, Tyner and Cassady. All are well
known in the tennis circles of Ne
braska. On-Ftiday the semester's gymnasium
work will end. All who are behind
must make up their work by that time.
After thatjt has been planned to have
elassesin swimming three nights a
week, provided enough of the mem
bers signify their intention of joining.
It will cost 15 cents an evening. This
includes the suit and towels and th3
class will be held from 8 to 9.
Frank E Lee, successor to F. T.
Shepard, public stenographer, mimeo
graphing. Special rates to students.
501-502 Richards Blk. hone, Auto
and 50c
Democrats in the University to
Take Active Part in Campaign-
'I he JeiTcisonlan Democratic club of
the University was called to order
Tuesday evening' b) Mr C P Cialt. foi
the purpose oT electing officers an I
adopting a resolution endowing Mr
.1 A McOaiite. a former Unlversitv
student, and president of that dub. as
delegate to the national democrats
convention at St I ouls. and recogniz
ing the leadership and statesmanship
oi Hon W .1 Hryan
Tho resolution which was piepaied
by a paitv of the students, was intro
duced by Mi R .! Anderson, as fol
lows: "Whereas. We, the membeis of the
Jeffersonlan Democratic club of the
University of Nebraska, recognizing
In .1 A. McGulre, a former preslden'
of this club, an nrdenr and efficient
worker in the cause of demociac) and
good government, and
"Whereas. We believe that a delega
tion should be sent to the St l.ouls
convention from Nebraska to support
W .1 Hryan, America's foremost citi
zen and democrat. In his effort to se
em e the adoption of an honest am'
unambiguous platform setting forth
true democratic principles, therefore,
be it
"Resolved, That we endorse .J A
MaGuire as a delegate to paid conven
tion from the First congressional dis
trict." !tfl
On account of a misunderstanding
among the gentlemen there was occa
sion for some tall rhetoric and keen
logic among the members. Some of
them thought they were trying to in
dorse Mr. Hryan as a presidential can
didate for a third term by the clause
which refers to him, and that was the
reason of their objection, not that they
denounced the principles of Mr. Br) an,
but they thought It unwise to again
place him in nomination. Hut after the
masterly dlspla) of logic from Mr
Craft and Mr. Anderson, and others,
tho matter was thoroughly explained
and complete harmony prevailed Mr
Hryan's policy was heartily indorsed,
and the resolution was passeTI with but
one dissenting vote, and that member
was afterwards found out to be a re
publican who was trying to be convert
ed to democratic principles.
The election of officers w'as affected
by choosing the following: D. P De
Young, president, and It. J. Anderson,
sec retary.
Miss Alice Howell and the members
of the Minstrel Show committee "will
be at home Informally Saturday even
ing, at 8 o'cIock, at 51G No. lGth street,
to all who so kindly took part In the
mlribtrel-show, and to the members of
the Dramatic club. No cards.
A fine short collection of of popular
college songs such as "Jingle Bells,"
"I isten to My Tale of Woe," "Swanee
River," and "My Old Kentucky Home."
have been selceted by Mrs. Carrie B.
ItaaymondA. L. Candy and L. L. Bol
ton. These will be used in chapel on each
Friday morning, and every student who
wishes to be popular must obtain one,
which he can do by seeing Prof. A. L.
Candy of the University of Nebraska
The compilation of these songs is a
very 'commendable piece of work, and
Is something that ha long been de
manded In the college world. Let every
one provide himself with one of these
popular books.
Glee Club tickets now on sale at the
Oliver. 50 and 75 cents.
Earl J. Woodward, M. D., tceats dU
eases of the eye. ear and throat.
Rooms 207-08 Richards block, 'Phone
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