Ir I ttbe E a p Ylcbra&Ran r it ! i L fV If v V )Ut SCHMOLLER MDELLER THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET OUR LEADERS Steinway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Stcgcr & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo. Stcck And 23 others. We sell new Pianos on 55 monthly payments VwwDX'i mw wn..ii)W'ijr Are You Going -to ST. LOUIS N. E. A. and the WORLD'S FAIR? i Nerer bfor has the N. B. A. arranged its meeting with mob wonderful opportunities for the Teaohor, Instruotor or Profossor. The route ria the Burlington will be the farorite one, as it has been heretofore. 0. W. Bonnoll Oltjr Pautngor Altai Burling! Routs Lincoln Sash, Door and Mf'g Co. Interior Finish, Exterior Fin ish, Office and Store Fix tures, Water Tanks. fflRffl Univezsify Bulletin CONVOCATION THIS WEEK V ICDNKSDAY -"Practical Value o I he Drcniii and Vlttion Faculty," Rev H M I oiik. THUIISDAY "The Rise of Bulgaria," Mis Hlnman FRIDAY -Music. TODAY -Graduating Recital. Memo rial Hall. TODAY Track Moot, Lincoln High School vs. Nebraska, F. & M. Park. APRIL 28 Viking Danco, Walsh Hall. APRIL 28 LadieB' Minstrel, Oliver Theatre. APRIL 29 Interstate Debate, Kansas vs. Nobraska, Memorial Hall. APRIL 30 Intercloas Track Meet, F & M. Park. MAY1 & 2 Ixn-al Tennis Tournament, the Campus. MAY 3 Recital, Memorial Hall. MAY f -Company H Banquet, Lindell Hotel. MAY 6 Gleo Club Concert, Oliver Theatro. MAY 7 Acadomy Faculty and Student) Reception at Principal's Home, 700 No. 16th St. MAY 10 Recital, Momorial Hall. MAY 11 Convention Nebraska Photo graphers' Association. Art Hall. MAY 12 Recital, Momorial Hall. MAY 12 Freshman Party, Walsh Hall MAY 19 & 20 Interstate Tennis, Min nesota s Nebraska, the Campus MAY 19 South Dakota vs. Nebraska the Campus, or F. & M. Park. MAY 20 Pan-Hel Dance, The Audi torium. MAY 20 Competitive Drill Day. MAY 20 Intorscholastlc Field Day, High School Fete Day, F. & M. Park MAY 21 Track Meet, Minnesota vs Nobraska, F. & M. Park MAY 24 Cadot Encampment Boglna. JUNE J Annual Concert, School of MubIc. Momorial Hall. JUNE 9 Thirty-third Annual Com mencement. Campus Qleanings. The State Historical society roomt weie closed yesterday. Sigma Chi will gle a party in Walsh hall during the second week in May. The Boys of the Delian Sodily will gie a program on Saturday ovelnng Company B will hae another lian (iii t at the Lindell hotel on May fth The list of the new Innocents-eU cl will be published In the Saturday issue ot The Daily NebrabUan. Palladian Boys are request! d to meet in their hall at 10 a. m. today to transact Important business. Mrssos Webster and Redford of the gtology department, hae gone to St I ouis to asist Dr Baibour In arrang ing the educational exhibit The Original Weslejan male quaitet, assisted by Miss Juanita Boy niton, reader, will gle a conceit in St pinl's church Friday evening. April 29th Admission. 2fc BORROWED At Fraternity hall, Fiiday night, a 3-bladed knife Please return to C S. Johnson, care Nehras Kan NOTICE Tr-outs for the tennis preliminaries will be held on the tennis courts Fri day. 10 a m. Boston Dentists, best work and low prices. Sam's Cafe. The only place In the Mty to get the famous "Little Gem Hot Waffles." Special service fa ! diftC. Don Cameron's lunch counter tor eood service. The University of Chicago Schools of Each school has a spoclal Circular of Information which will bo sont on roquest. The Courses in Medicine are given in connection with the work of RUSH MEDICAL Collogc. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, SUMMER QUARTER ,, June i8 September a i BEST LINE TO KANSAS CITY and ST. LOUIS THE WORLD'S FAIR CITY Two trains daily from LncoJn with Pullman Sleeper. To Kaneae City every night. City Ticket Office, 3. W. Corner 12th and O Streets. F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A. (Hsw r n m -JssLsBssssr W mmL Fr igsJJ UnDCBLATB BflNBnNS Sold only by Harley Drug Co., nh id O Street V. V-U1ICV tT3 It g Jm ' And all other college sport is fully covered in text and U illustration by The Illustrated Sporting News which Is the I it OlMT V nffMlratJnn rrixrinr, m-tal nftontinn . A11.4. il -,- fv.tsAwii..i.wi 54JU j subjects. j Send Us One Dollar jj And we will send you The Illustrated Sporting News j each week for 16 weeks which will cover the season of j outdoor sports. Address j Th Illustrated Sporting NeAsi jj West 22nd Street, New York. Law Medicine Theology Education Chicago, Illinois. HIGH GRADE ihh sT-fcirl 9ie ITlfil I l 1 r mr - w ' r- mm m m. m j- fvvuu UUVUUUU IU t,UlIlgC iWJHMHfcWMHMHlwS -i n it it it it it it it it II n it 41 it 41 it it .l M il n -OfclU