The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 27, 1904, Image 2

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C Dp I2ebrMkn.
iu aosaolldntton of
Vol. 81, Th Nobraakaa. ToL ).
BoarLat Mid Oraaxn, VL 4.
m!mm Manafar
John D. Mm
JL 0. ShrbM
Nrwi - - - P. A. Swing
Athlllc ' - - J. W.Voar
I lurary - Dorothy Grtto
Reporter! D. P. De Young and Mble Fouler
and Raymond H. McCaw.
t Editorial. TT S03W: Bnatnnaa. ft t1U4
Poet OflLo. Box 18, Btatlan A, Unooln.
(tabaorlptlon Price, t par fnr. in m&
itirl at tho poatoflaoa at Llnooln, Nobraaka
aa aoaoxtd-alaaa mail matter.
Editorial Remarks
The Kansas Debate.
Tlio Kansas team will come pre
pared for a hard BtniKRle to regain
the prestige In tlehato that their insti
tution has lost through successive de
feats by Nebraska. Having kept this
object constantly In view," they have
trained to the utmost and are now pre
pared to do the best that Is In them.
Here wo recognize that Kansas comes
strong and well prepared, and hence
feel safe In predicting that the con
teat Friday night will not fall short
of the spectacular.
Besides keeping this fact in mind it
would be well to remember a few oth
er points. Supremacy in debating ad
vertises our institution, gaining for it
respect and recognition because it
leads In achieving results that count.
If Nebraska achieves a good record, it
stands for Itself and because of its
own excellence public recognition is
attracted. If one can realize tho full
moaning of the debate Friday night
and all that Is connected, then cer
tainly he would not be backward In
coming out jind lending his heartiest
The following from the Chicago Ma
roon explains quite fully the changes
that will bo wrought by the Introduc
tion of the Oxford system at Chicago:
In its report yesterday the univer
sity building commission outlined
plans for a new campus for the women
and another for the men. Professor
Earnest I). Burton, of the Divinity
School, who is chairman of tho com
mission, announced that tho new build
ings necessary to carry out the plan
would cost about $2,000,000.
The scheme includes two blocks of
buildings, one for the women, locattd
between Kimbark and Woodlawn ave
nues and Fifty-eighth street and the
Midway; the other between Ellis ariTT
Drexel avenues and Fifty-eighth street
and the Midway. This will place tho
two groups on either side of tho pres
ent university campus.
In tin woman's quadrangle there
will be eighteen buildings. The recita
tion halls will bo placed In the center;
tho dormitories around the sides. Thohe
sixteen dormitories will be divided in
to groups of four buildings, eadi group
constituting a separate college. The
college of arts and literature and
science will be entirely separate from
each other even as regards sleeping
quarters. Each college will accommodate-
about 17G resident and 125 day
This idea of separate colleges has
been borrowed from Oxford.
"The system of education which tho
University of Chicago will haVo when
these- colleges are got under way is an
entirely new one for this country,"
Bald President Harper last night. "Only
in Oxford, England, do I know of such
a system being used, and when our
plan Is carried out wo will have, for
the first time In America, the small
college idea personified."
Tho men's quadrangle will be prac
tically the same as that erected for
tho women. Hero also tho college Idea
will be carried out. The working out
of the scheme- will mean as also can
bo readily seen a further application of
One of the features of tho plan which
has been worked out in detail Is the
food supply. There will be a com
missary depot ot Fifty-eighth and El
lis, at which all food will bo partially
prepared and conveyed by wagons to
tho different quadrangles. All baking
and Tough work preliminary to final
cooking Is to be done here. The food
will be conveyed to the different dor
mitories upon rubber tired vehicles
running in tunnels under the different
The women are to have a flno new
club house similar in construction to
the Reynolds club. A women's gym
nasium will also be built In tho
women's quadrangle . and will prob
ably rival tho men's gymnasium in
every way.
Engineering Notes.
The University has just received a
new Worthington pump. The new
pump will be used to feed the boilets
with feed water obtained from the re
turn mains of tho heating systems. It
Is understood that a new water heater
is to be installed in connection with
the new pump.
The class In mechanical ongtnorlng
10 are being supplied with catalogues
of the leading builders of modern engines. They will be used In
connection with the tox1 Several
firms have sent large picture of some
of their productions, and no doubt these
will find a place upon the walls of
the rooms of many of the students.
Tho class In irrigation has complet
ed tho study of the technical side of
the subject. The rest of the semester
will be devoted to a study of the
economical effects of Irrigation in its
broaded sense. The rapid extension of
irrigation in tho west and tho conse
quent necessity for a more thorough
study of its principles has led to a
great Increase of available literature on
the subject and has made It one of the
best and most interesting of the en
gineering courses.
Professor and Mrs. Chatburn will
entertain the Senior and' Junior civil
engineering students at their homo,
2850 P street, Saturday evening.
Three Officers Selected to Judge
Competitive Drill.
The following regular army officers
have beeji detailed to judge the annual
competitive drill of the cadet battalion,
which will be held on the campus May
20: Captain F A Cook. U. S. A., de
partment headquarters, Omaha-; Cap
tain C. W. Castle. U. S. A , 30th In
fantry, Fort Crook; Captain II. O. Wil
liard, U. S. A , 5th Cavalry, Omaha."
It Is significant of the reputation
which the battalion has gained during
the past few years ha"t it has been
considered expedient this year to send
threo captains to -net as judges in thle
contest. This is a thing that has never
happened before I ast year two cap
tains and a second lieutenant acted in
this capacity Tho threo o dicers who
will Inspect th drill this spring are,
of course, all men who have made n
reputation In the serice, and are well
qualified to act as judges.
The prizes will le as follows: Oma
ha cup for the winning company . In
dhidual drill: 1st prize, gold medal;
2d and 3r prizes, silver medals
Governor Mickey has consented to
present the prizes. This -is a change In
the usual order of exercises, as It will
do away wjth the customary company
sponsors. Tho programs for Competi
tive drill are now being printed.
Chapin Bros.. Florists, 127 So. J3th.
Box of cigars given away every day
at Powell's Oliver theatre building.
Oleo Club concert May Gth, Oliver
'i neatre.
When Kensington Clothes
were first offered for sale by us two years ago they were
looked upon by some as high priced. Today these men
are among our best customers. The reason Is our "Ken
sington" Suits embody every feature of custom made at
about holf tailors' prices. The result is many who for
merly patronized the tailors now come to us for the
This season's garments make an unusually
good showing. Patterns light or dark in fan
cy homespuns or 'Scotch Cheviots a big as
sortment of styles $15.00, $18.00 $20.00
and $25.00, and best of all they fit.
Where Do You Buy Your
have the swellest lot of
you ever saw
Use Hot
Water for
House Heating
The Modern Method
Estimates furnhed for work
anywhere in the state.
Korsmeyer Co.,
188 South Tenth Street
Goneral Machinists
Ail Kind of Rpairtnf
Lock Smiths.
308 So. Uth Strut.
Lincoln, Nabruki
Phwu. 4(4
We will take second hand
books that we can use in ex
change for other books we
have in stock. "We have
many books that will be use
ful as reference in history,
English literature, political
economy, sociology, engine
ering, etc., or modern language
books for reading this summer
in German,French,Spanish etc.
& 'oYororsrsrrQ-i vrrs
American Cafe
336 South Uth St. Regular Mealsajc
Meal Tickets, 21 Meals, $4.00.
Special Service Given to Parties and Clubs.
During the balance of
tho month wo offer a
special discount on
The samo quality was
never offered in Lincoln
at these prices.
Call If interested.
' 3Z
7 V ATTJlrvv.
lll KfiSi IlSI
YJt Tzyhr
139 So 13th.
Uami4 Profits o nnn aa
--.--... WWWWV
Vlio-Pra. Cashier.
AaaL C Hilar Aast. Caahlw
P. R. BABTJGRDAY, Auditor.