The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 27, 1904, Image 1

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rlDatlv Haebcaskan
VOL. m. NO. J34.
Track Contest with High School
Boys This Afternoon.
The annual track moot with the Lin
coln High School, poostponed from
Monday, will take place this after
noon at the F. & M. park. In spite
of the gloomy weather that has pre
vailed our athletes have lost none of
their vigor and speed, and the contest
this afternoon ought to show them to
good advantage. The high sihool boys
are always strong In track work and
are In the habit of springing surprises
in this line. Track work is a depart
ment that can be developed hero and
deserves to be encouraged, and Uni
versity peoplo should be out this after
noon and show thir men that they are
well backed up. The events will begin
at 3 p. m., the program being as fol
lows: 100 yard dash.
220 yard dash.
440 yard run.
120 yard hurdles.
220 yard hurdles.
Half. mile run.
One mile run.
Polo vault.
High jump.
Broad jump.
Hammer throw.
Discus throw.
Shot put.
There will bo three or four men In
oach event. They are all showing up
well and are in good condition for this
, .;. ,. .;. .;. .;. --. ;. .. .. i. .;. . . .;. ; ; .;. ; . ; 4.
Kansas Debate
Merrforial Hall 25 Cents
Chancellor Andrews to Preside
-fr-3..--.;. .. ; .;, ; .; ; ; J ! ; l ! ; & ! ; fr &. 4 4
to bo hoped this year wo can oblige
her to bo mor generous.
The team will spend Sunday at
South Bend, Ind., a very desirable
stopping place. Monday they meet
. otro Dame.
Next day, returning to Chicago, 'the
team will start on its return trip,
playing Knox at Oalcsburg, and as has
already been stated, at Grinnoll on
May 5.
Engineers Banquet.
The interclass meet will have to be
hold at IT & M. park because our field"
will nc-c be In condition for use b
that time. A fence 'a going to be bulk
across the campus. H. States was ap
pointed captain of the Junior track
team, and Hoar manager. It is in or
der for the other classes to get their
offlcers and create as much competi
tion as possible, it would be a good
idea for each class president to appoint
a leader for a rooting squad to cheer
on their own class contestants for !
will be quite an honor to the class win
ning the cup.
The rules governing the meet shall
bo as follows:
1. No class shall enter more than
four men In any event.
2. Points First, 6; second, 3; third,
1. In relay races the same.
3. The A. A. U. rules shall govern In
tho contests.
In cawof a tie tho cup will bo given
to tho class winning the greatest num
ber of firsts.
In tho relay races will be- a good
place to show your class spirit.
Tho Nebraska baseball team was un
able to play Grinnell Monday on ac
count of wet grounds, but are going
to play thom on their return on May
v5, which date Lombard cancelled wltn
'us. Only optimistic reports have been
heard from Minnesota. They have a
very strong team and a good game Is
expected next Thursday. They con
sider Nebraska a strong team, and are
getting in shape as fast as they can.
Two years ago Nebraska beat them by
a score of 4 to 3, when Sam Letherby
twirled tho ball.
, Today Nebraska meets Luther at
' Decor.ah. This game 'has always been
a comparatively easy proposiiton for
Nebraska on her eastern trip, and al
though no reports have been forthcom
ing regarding the strength of that team
this year, It is quite safe to predict
that Nebraska will depart with vic
tory perched on her banners. Friday
Nebraska meets Belolt, which team
-- has already defeated Chicago, hence If
Nebraska defeats Belolt her chances
with Chicago may be reckoned upon
at least upon paper. Chicago has had ft
' selfish habit of doling out defeats to
us whenever we came her way. It is
The annual banquet of the Engin
eering society, which took place at
the Lindell hotel Saturday evening,
was tho largest in the history of en
gineering at tho University. The plates
wore laid in the dining room, the ordi
nary being too small to accommo
date the banqueters. After the nine
courses the following toasts were re
sponded to, J. B. Davidson being the
"The First Born Impulse," Jas. A.
"In Changing Wind nnd Weather,"
R. H. White.
"Sunshine of Days Gone By," H. R.
"Castles in tho Mist," L. W. Chase.
"With Each Encircling Year," Verne
"When Fades at Last Our College
Days,"- Russel Harris and -Norton
"The Truo Knight of Learning," J.
B. GIbbs.
The members of the faculty and the
old graduates were called upon to say
a few words. Somo of the jokes and
stories that were sprung will never
be forgotten by those present.
No doubt the annual "banquet will be
looked forward to more and more as
one of the leading events of the year.
Wet Grounds Cut Out Contest
with Grinnell.
Senior Girls Program.
An excellent program was given by
the Senior class during convocation pe
riod yesterday morning, which was
rendered as follows, President Borg
Devotional exercises, B. G. Lewis.
, Vocal solo, Mablo Stephen.
Reading, Mildred Clark.
Piano solo, Henrietta Rees.
Vocal solo, H. E. Bradford.
Reading, May Edholm.
Both music and readings were of
the highest order and a good crowd
greeted qach speaker with applause
This was the beginning of a series of
chapel programs to be given by the
different classes of the school and the
Seniors surely did themselves proud,
and set a pace that will be exceeding
ly hard for the others to follow.
C. H. Froy for choice cut flowers,
1133 O Street.
Another disappointment has been
reaped by our baseball team on Its
trip, owing to unfavorable weather
conditions. Because of very wet
grounds the game with Iowa could not
uo played yesterday. A special tele
gram to The Nebraskan last night
stated that the team would play Luther
College, that games will be played
with Iowa and Grinnell on May 5th,
and that the team will meet Highland
Park on May Gth. This means that
the team may have an opportunity to
play out tho full schedule before re
turning. The continued wet weather
has been disastrous to our schedule,
and tho remedy possible will be gladly
Conditions With Which Candi
dates Will Have to Comply.
Wo have been requested to publish
tho following from the constitution of
tho Athletic Association, regarding tho
conditions to be complied with by those
coming up as candidates for the Ath
letic Board. Although the following is
tho strict wording of the constitution,
we take pains to clear up a few points
and to call attention to changes that
have of necessity been made this year.
The petition of each candidate must be
In tho hands of the secretary of tho
Athletic Board by Saturday eve"hlng,
April 30th. The electron will be held
the third Wednesday In May Instead
pf the second. The constitution reads:
"Any University student in good
standing may become a candidate, on"
petition signed by twenty students-filed
'ith the secretary of the board April
25th, together with a statement In writ
ing from eaid student that ho desires to
be a candidate and expects to be in
the University next year. Petitions
In duplicate are to be posted In the
gymnasium and Unlver&ity Kail for
flvo days and in lack of protest accept
ed by tho Athletic Board. All names
of candidates are to be published at
least onco In each of the University
weekly papers. (Tho "petitions in du
plicate" are to bo posted by the stu
dent candidate, and he is responsible
for Insertion of notices In papers.)"
The hours1 of holding the election
will bo from 10:30 to 12:30 a. m. and
1:30 to 3.30 p. ra., at Grant Memorial
This ought to enlighten all who may
be In doubt as to the methods of procedure.
Xiclcets. 75 eincl 50c
Forty-Two Black Beauties Will
Shi before the Footlights.
Tho Ladles' Minstrel show at tho
Oliver tomorrow night promises to bo
a great success. Tickets went on Balo
at the thoatro yesterday and wont with
a rush. Two-thirds of tho first floor
was sold out before noon. If UiIb
keeps up tho minstrels will surely play
to a crowded house.
Whether the rate at which the tick
eta are selling is duo to tho rhothoric
of tho prese agont, Mr. Edwin F. My
ers, tho hustling abilities of tho bus
iness manager, Milss Ruth Wilson, or
tho charm of tho forty-two bouncing,
black beauties, Is a problem which
Dean DavlB has assigned his class In
the theory of probability. Their re
port will be duo next Friday morning.
We will publish tho complete pro
gram tomorrow. A list of tho "col
ored" ladles is the minstrel Is as fol
lows: Martha Washington.
Uneeda Whitewash.
Clementine Do Vere
Pinko Hopkins.
Dinah Johnsing.
Topsy Punklnvlnc.
Pansy Peachblossom.
Pearl White, the "Black Diamond."
Llllle Snowball.
Goldle Gittlngs. the "Goo Goo Gal "
Mud-Faced Moll.
Shifty Sadie.
Rickety Roxy.
Polka-dot Poll.
Ruby Russell.
Adellna Pattl.
Slippery Ann, tho "Queen of Spades."
Coralle Cottonblossom.
Dimple Simpkins.
Darlle Doollttle".
Olga Nethersole.
La Duskie Dobbins.
Dolly Madison.
Klnkle Knott
Clilffon Simpson.
Lulu Little field, "Zulu Lulu."
Venus Smith.
Psyche Primrose.
Euphrosyno Do Lancey.
Maudie Adamson.
Mayme Mannerlng.
Ellen Terry.
Lobelia Leftover.
Petunia Plnkerton.
Juno Jones.
NfctmrNcsBelrode, "Nugget Noll."
Minerva Montmorency.
Dovey Dewdrop.
Aramlnta Belinda Cordelia . Snod
grass. Lovey Popjoy.
Persephone Pomgranate.
Calliope Callilns.
Pearl White
Black Diamond'.
The Sophomore track team will
meet today at chapel time In the lock
er room to elect a captain.
LOST A pocket knife at Fraternity
hall Friday night. Please return to
Nebraskan office.
Earl J. Woodward, M. D., treats dla.
eases' of the eye, ear and throat.
Rooms 207-08 Richards block, 'Phone
The Wbltebreast Co., at HOG O 8t,
Is the place to buy coal-
Try an "Ice cream soda" or a wnit
sundae': at Maxwell's. 13th & N.
Wright Drug Co., 117 .No. 11th,
phone 318. '
Looting's, Ice cream ana candy: 11th
and Li Sta
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