The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 26, 1904, Page 4, Image 4
""""yt;'"wr w "yiTMJU-" !.' ' '., II: I -1 I be 1D f Hcbraenan M f y u M0MVWvMMflMWWmMMMNtMMrtMli SCHMOUER & MUELLER THE BIG PIANO . HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET OUR LEADERS Steinway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A, B. Chase Geo. Stcck And 23 others. We sell new Pianos on $5 monthly payments lMMMNWMMMMWMMMMMMlMMmfW Are You Going -to ST. LOUIS N. E. A. and the WORLD'S FAIR? ! Norr tfor-liM the N. B'. A. arranged ita meeting with raoh wonderful opportunities for the Teacher, Inatrudtor or Profewor. The route yU the Burfihgtoa will be the farorita ono, aa lb has been heretofore. 0. W. Bmnell City Patttnger Aaet Burlbiglea Route Lincoln Sash, Door and Mf'g Co. Interior Finish, .Exterior Fin ish, Office and Store Fix tures, Water Tanks. jk i w Univezsity Bulletin TODAY Convocation, Seniors Pro gram. APRIL 27 Graduating Recital, Me morial Hall. APRIL 27 -Track moot. Lincoln High vb. Nebraska, V. & M. Park. APRIL 28 Viking Danco. Walah Hall. APRIL 28 Ladles' Minstrel, Olivor Theatre. APRIL 29 Interstate Debate, Kanraus vb. Nobraska, Memorial Hall. APRIL 30 Intorclasa Meet, the Cam MAY1 & 2 Local TcnnlB Tournament, Lho Campus. pus. MAY 3 Recital, Memorial Hall. MAY 6 Gleo Club Concert, Olivor Theatre. MAY 7 Acadomy Faculty and Student Reception at Principal's Home, 700 No. 16th St. MAY 10 Recital, Memorial Hall. MAY 11 Convention Nebraska Photo graphers' Association. Art Hall. MAY 12 Recital, Memorial Hall. MAY 12 Freshman Party, Walsh Hall. MAY 19 & 20 Interstate Tennis. Min nesota vs. Nebraska, the Campus. MAY 19 South Dakota vs. Nebraska, the Campus or F. & M. Park. MAY 20 Pan-Hel Dance, Tho Audi torium. MAY 20 Competitive Drill Day. MAY 20 Interscholastic Field Day, High School Fete Day, F. & M. Park. MAY 21 Track Meet, Minnesota vs. Nebraska, F. & M. Park. MAY 24 Cadet Encampment Begins. JUNE 4 Annual Concert, School of Mimic, Memorial Hall. JUNE 9 Thirty-third Annual Commencement. Campus Qleanings. Mr. HiiHbong came in from Ashland jenterday morning. The. Academy News came out today with a picture of tho victorious debat ing team. Miss Dragon, the ofllcial stenograph er of the University, left yesterday for ner home in Indiana. Miss Marie Larsh who is teaching in the public schools at Cerenco visited with University friends ocr Sunday. As its meeting last Friday evening the Medical society passed resolutions extending sympathy to Miss Berg, who was recently called home on account of her father's death. Miss Woodman of the English de partment has left for Florida to which place she called by the sudden death by her sister. She will not return for a number of days'. SENIORS. Order your programs- and invitations at the registrar's office this week. The complete order will be sent in Satur day and all individual orders must be in by that time. CHAS. MOHRMAN. Chairman Com. Union Paogram. Mr. Frank M. Sherman, a former student of the University, rendered a sene from "Hamlet," and also one fiom "Ingormar" at a recital given by the Nebraska School of Oratory and Dramatic Art last Wednesday. Mr. Sherman assisted by Miss Virginia McReynolds, repeated tlje scene from I 'Ingomar." before the Union Literary society last Friday evening. The mas- terful way In which ho handled his part in both of these, productions was u revelation even to tho most critical of his audience, and the skill, talent and artistic interpretation that he dis played made a striking impression ufton all. Mention should also be made of the work of Miss McReynolds. which was exceedingly good. Boston Dentists, best work and low prlcea. The University of Chicago Schools of Each school has a apodal Circular of Information which will be sent on request. The Courses in Medicine are given in connection with the work of RUSH MEDICAL College. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, SUMMER QUARTER June 18 September! BEST LINE TO KANSAS CITY and ST. LOUIS mMvH l sr THE WORLD'S FAIR CITY Two trains daily from Lncoln with Pullman Sleeper. To Kansas City every night City Ticket Office, 8. W. Corner 12th and O Streets. F. D. CORNELL, P. A T. A. mmr 'F Jp'mmm, EHDCDtATE5 BDND0N5 Sold only by Harley Drug Co., ix h r id O Street W1Hffifttttfrlftrt)rtf('ffrtttti)H'i(wafiMiMrMr)HMi w it :i i i t u it t- And all other colleee snort Illustration by The Illustrated vni-i, puuucauuii giving subjects, College SsriH I lea C"i-n .Pis-Vfllet- I And we Will send you The each week for lb weeks which will cover the season of outdoor sports. Address THe Illustrated I West 22nd Street, New York. . i tTh. Law Medicine Theology Education Chicago, Illinois. jGH mm wwntwwiiifwTttiimmmmmm is fullv covered In text And Sporting News which is the j I apvAatu uucimuii io CUUCgc y 1 1 u II If II II II II II II II II II II II Illustrated Sporting News Sporting Noiab II II I! ,,,,,; t I (v;il 1 41 - 1 vi u i w r- n -''4 y k V V V. Tfl k - - m "".. &. ih&...fci.t. . v jrV-AiJ HryJfrjp