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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1904)
"J-,y iW ' ,l! " 'P ' ll'p 'Vr Mi - tin; I.,,., -vr tff be D ili? flebr ftthan Cfr Dp Utbrask. BSI II' 111 . W II "l.r A. ooanolldatlon of wUn. Vol. 81, Th Nnukaa, TL to, Scarlet and OrMia, VL A. Mncrta-Chiaf Mnm Maf ttwUtae JohaD. Bto 0. . fttwyar ASSOCIATE EDITORS Nwi - - - P. A. Ewinc Athletic - - J. W. Hotr LtHrary Dorothy Grn Rcfortn -D. P. De Young nd MM Pooler and Raymond H. McCaw. VftWertytton Mm, H p ywur. In idnix n i. Mil i II mM, i, . . m fctml a th poatoAo t Ltoottla, V brute M momc1am miM aatUr. i ii issaaatgaaggi i ,3M Editorial Remarks We do not think that It Ik too earlj to make sugRestlonH regaidlng t-ho ele -tion of student niembern of the ath letic board, and to lay emphasta on thn fact that the placrB that will be opvn hhould gt to men who are capable and willing to serve the athletics for th ffood of the cause. In the coming election It is desirable that Uk best men In the Unherslty should be put up, and oted lor. regardless of their arl ous affiliations. In brief, men are wanted, who aie leasonable, capable, ajid conscrvnthe, and who will attend the meetings regularly, taking a con st ientlous interest in the work to be done and bt-aring their share of the burden. Comparathely lew students reall.e the importance of a place on the ath letic board and the opportunity that is opeued up to student members. Surh a state of affairs ought not to be. ISvery man should consider it a personal duty to sep that his opinion Is represented, ind should not be backward In com ing out to ote. Credit Is due to thoie who do take a live interest ic the matter, and others should be will ing to profit by their example. In a matter so important all University men should take a igorous Interest, slme there is so much at stake. Let those who have not been active wake up and onslder the privilege they have been foregoing. Some may think that i' does not matter who is elected. It does matter. A student member of th board tan exercise a great deal of In fluence upon athletics, as he is In a po sition where his opinion and vote may fount with telling results. Few places within the gift of the student body car ry with them more responsibility and influence. Now let each man remember these two important tact the desirability of the most capable men In the Uni versity being elected and the duty of each one having the prjvilego to come out and- vote. And let him also re member the feasibility of pushing into vecluslou the practice of securing otes by a mere circulation of quarters and the conditions thus made possible. Keeping thtse things In mind, let each one 1-md his efforts to steps for Im provement, and- also come out and perform his duty 'by voting for those in whom he has the most confidence. The girls' basket ball team has fit tingly closed tlie season with a victory over Minnesota, whereof we have rea son to bo glad. But we certainly have much cause for rejoicing upon taking into account the many pleasant and agreeable features in connection with i the contest. Much good is accom plished, when representatives from two great Universities can meet in a social and pleasant way, and carry out au athletic contest under such conditions. ThlH'togcther with the success attend ing team ought to strengthen bas ket ball, as it Is thus made to recommend Itself more fnornb!y to the public, and be a more attractive game among the girls themselves. The Fame conditions Hhould be borne out at Min nesota. The large ntUndancc at the game shows how leadlly the conditions pre- ailing in connection with the contest gain the favor of the public. Wo aie glad to have nut Minnesota and hope that all future meetings may be as pleasant. Po not allow your attention to be tk traded from the Ladies' Minstrel Show Friday evening. It Is needless to comment upon the talent of those par ticipating or upon the good work of the Diamatic Club, as both of these are well known. It might b? well, though, to again call attention to the lact that the Temple Fund will benefit, which cause Is certainly deserving of support. lCntcrtalnmeuts given by University talent are always attractive and this one will be especially so. Hence nil students should cancel all other dates, and attend the show Thursday even ing, and show their appreciation of de serving efforts. O Fildaj evening the Kansas debater?, will come athirst for victory In iew of the strenuous preparations that we know that Kaiu-as is making, and ol the Incentives to greatest effort on her part, we do not think that we err in saying that this will be the greatest debate in which Nebraska eer took part. Interest In debut? has Increased wonderfully here this year and it is evident that the contest for Fridn evening has attracted wide attention, and Memorial Hall t-hould be packed to Us fullest capacity upon this occa sion. O Michigan is to be tongratulated upon the fine showing that her representa tives made at the big track mret at Philadelphia. It was a ictory of th. west over the east. The east has al ways claimed the superiorly, but the Michigan team showed that such u claim upon one Int-tance at least could not be sustained. Whenever a western team achieves such a notable triumph we can well lcjotte as it marks a short- i enlng of the lead maintained by the east over the west in general athletics. Seniors at Chapel Today. The Senior's program, which was published in Saturday's Nebraskan, will be held at convocation this morn ing. By request we again publish it below: Devotional Exercises, H. O. Lewis. Vocal Solo "Oh. That We Two Weie Maying," Mabel Stephen. Reading. Mildred Clark. Piano Solo "Thy Sentinel Am I,' Bradford: T. Watson. ' Reading "Wee Macgieegor," Ma Ed holm. The Senior gills will wear caps and gowns and a full attendance of the class is expected. The Freshman piogram committee is planning for an entertainment to be given in chapel soon. Glee Club concert May (Jth, Oliver Taeatre. Try an "ice cream soda" or o "nut sundae" at Maxwell's. 13th- & N. The Whltebreaat Co., at 1100 0 St., It the place to biiy coal. Wright Drug Co., 117 No. 11th, 'phone 31S. Box of cigars given away every day at Powell's Olirer theatre building. THE AMERI How Can i Keep Up with the Times ? . IT is pretty hard to keep well informed on the political news, the scientific news, the literary news, the educational movements, the great business developments, .he hundreds of interesting and valuable articles in the hundreds of excellent magazines. About the only way it can be done by the average busy man and woman is to read a magazine like The Review of Reviews," and, as it is the only magazine of the, sort, itis a good thing to send $2.50 for a year's subscription. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT says: " I know that through its columns views have beer, pre sented to me that 1 could not otherwise have had access to ; because all earnest and thoughtful men. r.o rratter how widely their ideas diverge, are given free utterance ir. its columns." EX-PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND says: " 1 consider it a very valuable addition to my library." The Review of Reviews Co. 1 13 Astor Place, New York I Read The Review of Reviews Those Soda Days The Busy "Diug Soie." Will soon be here, and we will welcome you at the big Swasteka Fountain. Sure! Tomm's here he's part of the plant. I Riggs, The Drug Cutter Waterman Fountain 'Pen $2.00 to $5:00 1200 O Street. RECTORS $&&$$$&$&$ L. J. HERZOG I ISMH) Street, Lincoln. Neb. Fine Tailoring Spring & Summer Novelties Prices the Lowest Quality the Best L. J. HERZOG 1230 O Street, Lincoln, Neb. 4&&&$&$$'$&$ Earl J. Woodward, M. D., treats dls. easeB of the eye. ear and throat. Rooms 207-08 Wehardu block, 'Phone M6. UPMj mm T-iL Ikt. P.. I..n . ty n una uai mr rrusperny AVeriUO Its course is along Easy street, and it is the most satisfactory and profitable line that the buy er can travel on. Get out at No 129 So. 13th St., and come In and see the temntinn- .itcnu.. r groceries we are selling at wee f ices. I Keystone Cash Qrocery Y fcr- j : ' -m ' k i-tl. r " ,JJ tVs fitfEwnjifrU.uff' Jb ,-fe