gywrtpg "CifljyflLtWT'?8'V?ff tuimid rs4-wrt J'1 5be all? Debtiehan tv5!$ii "wf fT5f-; wioyi IS H-"" 1 r . k- Un Society. Gleo club concert May 6th, Oliver theater. Alpha Omlcron PI have Issued Invi tations to a dancing party at Walsh hall, May 5. Regular Glee club rehearsal tonight at 7 sharp. Memorial Hall. The annual banquel of Alpha Theta Chi occurs Saturday, April 30, at the Lincoln. The lnter-fraternlty society of Vi kings will give a dancing party at Walsh Hall, April 28. PI Beta Phi gives a dancing party at Walsh Hall, April 29, and their an nual banquet at the Lincoln, April 30th. The next social function for the Uni versity cnlendar Is the Pan-Hoi Hop at the Auditorium, May 20. John West over is chairman and Messrs. Sprague and Sutton masters of cermonles In charge. The following committee has been appointed by President Smith to take charge of the Sophomore party: Cy Mason, chairman, Joyce Broady, G. M. Tunlson. F. E. Denny, Miss Hut ton, D. K. McLennan. The annual hop of Company B oc curred last night at Fraternity Hall. In splto of counter attractions, the dance was well attended and enjoyed by all. Walt's orchestra furnished its usual delightful music. The commit tee in charge was Lieutenant Shorey. chairman, Sergeant White, master ol ceremonies, Messrs. Denney and Pave. Tnursday evening Captain Townsend entertained the members of the base ball team, the managers alul Dr. Ilos coe Pound, chairman of the baseball committee, at a smoker at tho Sigma Alpha Bpsilon chapter Iioiibp. The evening was spent In tho usual manner at Buch gatherings and wound up with delicious refreshments, after which Dr. Pound, Captain Townsend, Manager Bell and the various members of the team delivered themselves of their re spective opinions regarding the great American game. The smoker proved a very decided success and a lot of spirit was aroused. The team is pulling to gether beautifully, not a single bit of tho disagreeable undercurrent of oppo sition being in evidence With the spirit of unanimity and the ability of tno players, we can count on the Gorn huskers winning a majority of 14e carries included on the trio hecun this morning, and those next wouldn't beM at all surprised if the team returned with a clean list of victories. For the past ten days the "Innocents" have been at work upon the list of Juniors most eligible for election to that society. It is understood that the whole number, thirteen, has been chosen and the names of the fortunate men will be made public next Saturday, April 30, through the columns of The Daily. The "Innocents" Initiation and ban quet will be hold Thursday evening, May 19th. The twenty-four hours which the young ladles from Minnesota spend In Lincoln are about as full as can well be. After the game last night the teams of both universities, together with n few Invited guests, wero given a chafing-dish party by Kappa Kappa Gam ma at the home of Miss Gladys Har greaves. At 9 o'clock this morning Delta Gamma gave a breakfast in honor of tho visitors at the Lincoln ordinary. At one both teams will be given a luncheon at tho Lincoln, after which Kappa Alpha Theta entertains at a tea at the chapter house-. Tho Minnesota team leaves at C over the B. & M. for Minneapolis. First Class Printing The Ivy Pfess Company. Debating League Meeting. The University Debating league will hold a regular meeting this evening and a lively debate will follow. The organization now consists of the tena cious fellows who hung to the old so cieties in spite of their fast approach ing death, because they were deter mined to gain some practical experi ence in debate and public speaking. From the timber that Is now to be found in the compost, success Is the only prophecy that will siifllce. Fifty or sixty good stiff men have placed their shoulders to tho wheel and the project must move toward the goal of great accomplishment and make the Importance of its position felt In the institution. Let more come and take a part in tho debates. Y. W. C. A. Notes. Rev. C. C Slssell, of Hanscom Park M. R. church, Omaha, will speak to V. W. C. A. girls Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. This will be a meeting which no girl can afford to miss. Room IOC, U. Hall. Tho noon meeting Thursday was In charge of Miss Flossy Erford, chair man of rooms committee. She read extracts from Newell Dwlght Hillls on "Faith and Character." Friday noon meeting was a Bible study meeting in charge of Miss Gol dena Denney, chairman of Bible study committee. Miss lossie Archer and Miss Mary Jameson are detained at home on ac count of sickness. Thedvlsory board will be at home to old and new Y. W. C. A. cabinets Saturday afternoon at 700 North Six teenth street. The rooms committee will give a fudge party for members of the com mittee at Y. W. C. A. room Saturday night. Girls' don't forget that you are very welcome to eat lunch and drink cocoa with about thirty other girls In the Y. W. C. A. room every day. Bring your lunch and be sociable. Hugh Cook, of Missouri Valley, la., was initiated Into Kappa Sigma at the cnapter house last night. The following men left at 2:14 this morning on tho C, R. I. & P. railroad: Captain Townsend, Bender, Miller, Adams, Belzer, Morse, Hammel, Steen, Williams, Fenton, Cook and Manager Bell. flllllllf Hill III t HI IIIMUIIIII M M I I I H I 11 II 1 1 1 IJ I Dry Oak Chunky I For Stoves. Gregory, The Goal Man. I Office 1044 O St.. Phones, 343-488. 1-7.1 HIGH ORAM EHrjraLATES BONHDNS Sold only by Harley Drue Co., nh r;tdO Street BEST LINE TO KANSAS CITY and ST. LOUIS THE WORLD'S FAIR CITY --- - ii-. ii r -- - Two trains daily from Lncoln with Pullman Sleeptr. To Kansas City every night. City Tioket Office, 8. W. Corner 12th and O Streets. F. D. CORNELL, P. A T. A. EDISON'S J PHONOGRAPH - HOUSE v ' ' For Higli Grade Bicycles Sewing Machines Typewriters Talking Machines and Athletic Goods Call or Telephone C.A.LYMAN&CO. 251 Ss. lift SL Hunt 11232. Special Attention Given to Bepalrini. 0AeJL2JtjftiLftJLAjaAflAaAaAaAft. " SECOND HAND BOOKS WANTED We will take second hand books that we can use in ex change for other books we have in stock. We have many books that will be use ful as reference in history, English literature, political economy, sociology, engine ering, etc., or modern language books for reading this summer in German,French,Spanish etc. THE CO-OP Owned and Managed by Stvdcnts 6 rBTarverryjTyvryrarvoXo o"tj u- K I n40IMtlllMmMlfkiillM R H. GILLESPIE BOOKBINDER (524 O Street, j Lincoln PHONB 1140 ntrmti00$Hiir00f'0m'ittF VtVWVWWVW'VWVW I American Cafe S 3a6 South Hth St. Regular MeaJa ago. J Meal Tickets, 21 Meals, $4.00. Special Service Given to Parties and Club. 1 UUUUUiUiUUMHUtA During tho balance of tho month we offer a special discount on Wafche s The samo quality was never offered in Lincoln at these prices. Call if interested. Yl. G. VAOLFF, ,l 139 So 13th. Si IrSfli VmQ 4fr rrinri' This signature Is on every box of tho genulae Laxative Bromo-Quiniqe Tbiet the remedy tbt cares n ooM to me Jjr tl - i ' t x I ,3 . f V. J ' J M i 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii-i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 mi 1 1 1 1 1 i ii Vr1 n. l&tf4 . r - m J't. h.Jt'i. hmMM