rjqpwpilpGqpw pSS5?i5S??5!5'w?wS? ' n Ttbe g)allp fUbcaohan . wa& looked upon by most young mon of the neighborhood as a very brilliant youn: fellow. Fred felt how far beyond hi in was t liia glib tongued young man. His own overalls were dusty and torn. 1 1 If straw hat was somewhat fiaycd. Don's (lothej were tailor made, soft and grny. Fred hands were rough and large Don's were soft and white. Don took Uodak plctuies and smoked cigarettes He plowed, fed cattle and hulked corn Why couldn't ho be like this curlj haired young man, with his tnhs of College. He could and would, thought Fred Ho would go to the University. He would then nave foft hnndi, wear niei ( lothea and take pictuira and talk of gay, times. As Fred rode slowly home that even ing, for heTiad stayed longer than Ik intended, hold by Dou's thrilling talk he felt somewhat aggrieved that hl life had been so weary and common but It would change. Thrco days had patscd sime Fred's isit lo Don Sanders, three days spent In the orchard trimming and prun ning small apple trees and mowing tho tall grass. He had just come out after eupper to cut a still) of rani weeds which grew clooo to tho hedg bordering the road. It was an old hedge, for many years untrimmed, and formed a thick impassible barrier tow ering above the trees of the orehard The shadows east by the sun, now de Lecnding in n red blaze, enveloped in thade the lows of tiers, some green, Lome white with blossoms, that sloped upward towaid the little cottage, nes tled among tho buslKS and p.iplars. Here and there an old gnarled skel eton of a tree with scare crow, made of v. discarded blue trousers and jacket spread its empty arms in warning to birds and rabbits. Fred had leveled nil the tall weid and leaned hid scythe against an old dead limb, he stood backing nl the loose cracking bark with his prun ing knife. The startled cry of a crow at the lower end of the hedge and the scurry ing of a- rabbit past him drew his at tention down tho road. What had frightened them? A wagon for ho could now distin guish the rumble of wheels and the Lteady plod of horses feet. As they came nearer and the horses slowed to a walk he eould e'iBtlnguibh the bound of voice;;. That heavy tunoious loin belonged to Hanker Woods, anel the nasal, high-pitched voice, leminding ono of nails nnd scraping tin, belonged to Crooks, tho hardware man. - The voices ceased for a moment, and then broke out again, ns they came cloic. It was the hardware man who poke flret. "So I understand, that poor woman has slaved her life away for that boy. Pho has scraped together a home for J both of them, and iow he's an idea bo's cut oul-foEllCH. Sad thing to leave his mother at her time of life all alone." "It does eecm very foolish of the hoy," replied Woods. 'I offered him a position hi my bank the other day. Thought ho'4 accept It." "Oh, well, that young scapegoat of a Sanders has turned his head. Col lege made a fool out of him with his foppish hand and cigarettes." "Too bad the boy .associates with Sanders. He's young and easily led Ills nroth.ee. ought to object.' The boy has a good enough education." "Oh, the doesn't object enough tr hurt his feelings. Mrs. Dirk was ur at his mother's a few days ago, ane tho poor old. woman felt pretty baellj hie going away. But she Is too klne .o tell him what he ought to know." 'It'a certainly hard on Mra. Curran. Her life has been n dreary one. The boy has good traits In him. Jemn urian was a noble man, and T felt his 'on was jupt the man for my bank. Never liked young Sanders. Too flkle and unsteady." Fred listened, mouth open, hands holding his hat tightly. When the men had passed he sat down em a 3tump and with his elbows on bin 'enees, his head resting In III baud'?. His temples were thiobbing violent ly and his cheeles burned furiously. A sickening disgust moved him. Every thing seemed changed. He thought of ')on and his light nonsense, his rib )ons and his cigarettes. "College made 1 fool of him." rang in his ears. "Too )ad he appelates with him." "easily 'ed" fired his face with shame. "The ioy has good traits In hitn," made him lespiso Don ajid his airy ways and )lush that ho had ever envied so vorthlesB a young fellow. An honest armcr boy his father a "noble man." and he had thought of going to col 'ege to work no to have a good time, o have soft hands, to but Fied could stand no more. He rote violently, rushed his hat over his eyes and with hands in his pockets, walked savage ly toward the house. His head was in a whirl the orchard was In bloom and 'he odor was soft and fragrant, but he did not know It. His steps became Flower. He reached the gate. Ills mother was standing In the yard, her 'lack towaid him. looking toward the setting sun. Her head was almost whiti Her foim was Komewhat stoopod and heavy 'Sad thing Jo lease his mother." 'hl.ifd her lite-." 'her life hns been a dieaiy one." sU:ng him to the eiy mil. Twenty years she had toiled for him. Twenty yeais her form had Ucn slowly bending beneath the weight of tare. Twenty yeais her hair viad been growing white. Twenty years she bad suffered and toiled for him. The little home was silent. the bushes and flowers seemed listening te the beating of his heart. The trees wvic tull, sliaight and hushed, stand 'ng like silout sentinels over the little 'ottagc. Only a (lull glow remained In tho west and the Taint glimmering of a btar broke tho broad expanse of the heavens. The dainty perfume of the Mines spread like a cloud of unseen incense over the spot. Fred's mother turned and slowly oielitd her halting s,teps between the Mlacs and tho flowers and passed un 'nr the alne coveied porch into tho house. A boy stood at the gate with pale lips and heaving breast, his hands grasping the baiar Slowly and cau iously he opened it and avent noise lessly into the house and to his bed. When Mrs. Curran rose next morn 'ng slio found on the table a piece of wrapping paper, with these hurriedly srrawled words: "I've gone to see Banker Woods to take the position. Want to be there early to catch him at home. Ue hack in timo for birakfast." She folded tho paper slowly, while her face lighted with a dim expre-sshpn of peace. Her eyes filled, but she shed no, tears. The window was open and the. cur tains were gently waving In the fre3l morning breeze. She looked out upoi the lawn. Tho sun had awaiceiied th sparrowa from their silence, and the: twittered merrily in the pTum nne gooseberry bushes. The short tuftee blue grass was covered with the snow bloom of tho plum bush, tho fragran odor of falling blosbomH, tho mild per fume of the clustered lilacs wero waft ed through the wide open window a Maiblenib of peace and rest. 9TbjSnw 1 1 1 8 I i f i I t 6 hM-8-H-M-frl 1 1 Ml H Hi j i l-W-0 H 1 lit I I HIM I Dry Oak Chunks For Stoves. Gregory, The Goa Man i "Vn2 '.i' " A M T r- ' I! M f .yttice 1.U.44 U il,t fhones, 343-488. ? The University Schools of TKCiim jumii CMcag; Law Medicine Theology Education Each school hao n special Circular of Information which will bo gont on request. Tho Coursca in Medicine arc given in conrxction with tho vorl: of RUSH MEDICAL College. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, SUMMER QUARTER ' Chicago, Illinois. June 18 September i -" $25.00 EVKRY l5AY Until April 80th 1001, UNION PACIFIC As passongers through Oinahu over the Union Pacific enn reach Portland many hours quickor than, via any other route, thoro are fowor incidental oxponscs on the trip. A having of limo and money always nppoals to the American people Be sure your tickets rend ofber this line Inquire of E. B. SLOSSEN Agent. DAKEKDRD5. tNGKAVlNCCO. 9 if ILLUSTRATORS l W ENGRAVERS JM Df"")) ufanTinliicwcst (pO RAZORS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK atpcui. ?3oo,ooo.oo Surli 110,000.00 U41yW! Profltii ;.. , 40.000.00 8. H. BURNHAM. President. A. J. gAWYER H. 8. FREEMAN Vlc-Pri. CaBbler. H. B. BVANB ' FRANK PARKS Aml C shier ., AEVa8hIer P. R. BA8TURDAY, Auditor. UNITIDD BJTAT)I2P DKPOSITO&Y. A full assoitmeut, iuclnding tho GEM SAFETY RAZOR ALSO LINE OF STROPS . JUST RECEIVED. Jrl ALL 5, -l M i t A rt T . J , bvi&X9itMtiu&!AT X t.o.Jk , A.viu '-Aititif&idi&kiTs ,l 1 1 H 1 1 II H i.i ,l I i I l'-l-m-H-i-W-M"KI-M-W-A l.l ll.J4