J5f "r rrrri "? - , -V ; ytTiei ' T 'T',Q.-t!Affif w J, 3 tTbc Dall Webraclian r . - 1 V BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. TARGET PRACTICE Men From Our Battalion Wanted To Compete At California. ARCHITECTS Fisk & Dieman. AJFIT GOODS Curtice, Lincoln Book Store. BANKS Columbia, FlrBt National. BARBER SHOP Palace. R. & C, Pioneer. BARBERS' SUPPLIES A. L. Unde- land & Co, BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS Sam Hall, Sidles, Girard, Lyman. BOOKS & STATIONERY Porter, Co- On, Brown, University Book Stor. Sam Hall, Lincoln Book Store. BOOK BINDING Glljcspie. CARPENTER Wilson. CIGARS Powell, L.ndsey. Follart. CLOTHING Unland, Magee tc. Deemer, B. L. Paine, Armstrong. COAL Gregory, Dierks, Whitobreast, P. D. Smith. CONFECTIONERY Iteming, Maxwell, DAIRY Franklin, Lemin. DANCING HALIv Fraternity. DENTISTS Boston Dentists. DRUGGIST Steiner, Woempner, Rec tor, Brown, Riggs, Wright, Red -Cross. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. EXPRESSLIncoln Iocal, Llu'-oln Transfer. FLORISTS Cbapin Bro. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenael, A. M. Davis, Hardy. GROCERS Keystone. HARDWARE Hall, Rudge & Guonael. HOTELS Lin dell, Walton, Boyd. INSURANCE Connecticut Mutual. JEWELERS Tucker, Hallet, Wolfe, Trickey. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros., LIVERY Forbes. LUMBER DierkB. MILLINERS The Famous. NOVELTIES Thorpe. OPTICIANS Dr. J. J. Dais, llallet, Trickey. PAINT fc CLASS Western GlaBB & Paint Co. PIANOS Sohmollcr & Mueller, Robb Curtice. VLUMBING Koremeyer. POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. PRINTING, GrlOln Greer, Nevr Cen tury, Ivy Press, Review Press, George BrosT" RESTAURANTS Westerflold, Home Cafe, Dpn Cameron, Hondry, Palace - Dliflng Hall. SHOES Perkins & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson, STENOGRAPHER Shepherd, room 512, Richards blk. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Red Cross Pharmacy. ' SUITORIUM Weber. THEATRES Olllver. TYPEWRITERS Olllver. TAILORS Unland, Bumstead, Union College Tailors, British Woolen Mills Oakley &. Anderson, Denver Tailors, The place of the annual cadet en campment will be announced at, soon as Captain Chase can hear from all th towns with whom ho is corres ponding. York and MHford are yet to be heard from. A letter from Mil ford 1b expected today, and York will probably bo heard from before tho end of next week. Captain Chase has received tho fol lowing letter from the Olympic club, of San Francisco, which la solf-ex-planatory. Tho Invitation can not, of course, bo complied' with for obvious reasons, but it Ih considered as a de cided compliment to tho cadet bat talion: To the Commandant of Cadets. Uni versity of Nebraska, Lincoln: Sir Captain Waito, commandant of cadets, University of California, de siring to ptaco the direction of the Intor-Colleg.au, rifle shoot, formerly conducted by him, in the hnjuls of a disinterested party, and having re quested mo to assume charge thereof, I accept the position, and will en deavor to carry on the contest In ac cord with the conditions previously governing. 1 therefore Extend an invitation to your college to enter a team for thib year's shoot, feeling sure that the con tests in the past have developed an activ interest in rifle practico In the cadet corps thereof. Tho conditions governing are: Teams of ten men each; ten shots each, off hand; two hundred yards; Man Target "A"; Springfield rifle with regulation trigger pull; no sighting shots or other preliminary firing ou day of contest; match to be shot on home range and results (original pcoro sheet and bulletin) certified by com mandant, and forwarder! not later than Juno 30, 1904. Attention is called to Par. 436 and 535 in firing regulations tor small arms for the United States ftimy. AddresH all communications other' than final scores to S. E. Mont gomery, Berkeley, California, whom I have detailed as adjutant of the con test and who will furnish any infor mation desired. A list of entries will be sent you as soon as possible and a certified statement of results will be forwarded by August 15, 1904. Entries should bo made by April 30, 1904, If possible. Judging from reports received from colleges entering teams In the 1903 shoot, this annual contest has been instrumental in creating and main taining an active Interest In target practico in the various corps. I hope you will join in making an other successful series of contests, and that this proposed action will meet with your approval and adoption Very lespectfully, GEORGE B. SAGE. Captain U. S. Army. Retired. Tber b so watch, dock or aritd ef Jewelry w cannot fix C. A. TUCKER To Up-4-tbe-MiaMfo Jewel PROMPT SERVICE. 1123 O & The first dress parade of the year was held ou the campus last evening. The battalion appeared in white duck trousers, and" made a surprisingly good chowing. Considering the fact that the exercises were entirely new to a large number of the cadets, the show ing was especially good. A large crowd containing a moost inspiring propor tion of Co-Eds, .watched the move ments from the grandstand, and the bleachers on tho south end of the field. The next issuo of tne Academy News willl appear next week and will prob ably contain a cut of the victorious de baters. There will also bo several signed articles of various points of in terest. Tho May issue will be a wo man's edition gotten out whoUy by the women teachers and students. The men have a notion that they can eas ily beat this edition the following month. We thall see. Box of cigars given away every day ( at Powell's 'Oliver theatre building. Try an 'Uoe cream soda" br a "nut Bundae" at Mjvxwell's. 13th & N. -1' ,M ""' The Wbltebreaat Co., at 1100 OSt., 1b the place to buy coal. Woman's Rome Companion flOO A YtAH 0 A COPY. Qtir otm wiwATMtcttcoftrAWv.vpuHe' THE IDEAL HOME MAGAZINE Tq in itn tu'ntu.crVit1i nnr' Se B. primed on fine papor and pro kisdy illustrated. It jrfves 40 to M paces a month, ewcli pacu by 16 inches, and a new ami beautiful cover in colors every issue. Its editors nnd contrib utors arc the most popular American writers ; in cliort, it t is the ideal family magazine, K magnificently illustrated. its departments are edited by ex perts nnd are full of interest. Asa home magazine it lias no su periors, and few, if any, equals. 6 Pages 1,201 Pictures EACU PA0E IS EQUAL TO FOUR ORDINARY MA0A2INE PA0BS... Hundreds of thousands con sider it a family necessity. It is clean, pure and inspiring. Its contents, white varied, are entertaining nncTof the highest order. It contains neither sen sationalistn nor provincialism. Bo.lklj, 4C I. U iBff, EMk It bj 1 lathe It already has 340,000 subscribers, and this number is constantly increasing. A Live Agent Wanted in Every Commoaity. Most Liberal Terms. Subscription Price SLOP a Year. Tea Cents a Copy. 1 Send Tpn Cp-irte or a sarrp'c cpy ant' wc Wf" sent yn nn s1 juiiu 1 cil vcilia engraving, ao by 35 inrhes in size, of Lai.dseerV, Inmnnc niinltnrr " nofwnrn nr Jtfiir !it II i ' Mont inn tliio nffor iihon r.li writ." Address WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION, Springfield, Oiilojj BEST LINE TO KANSAS CITY and ST. LOUIS THE WORLD'S FAIR CITY -- - i-. 1 ii . . - ... 11- 1 - r Two trains daily from Lincoln with Pullman Sleeper. -To Kansas City every night. City Tioket Office, 8. W. Corner 12th and O Streets. -F. D. CORNELL, P. A T. A. nnnn College And all other college sport is fully covered in text and illustration by The Illustrated Sporting News which (m the ONLY publication giving special attention to college subjects. Send Us One Dollar .And we will send-you The Illustrated Sporting News each week for 16 weeks which will cover the season of ; outdoor sports. Address : THo Illustrated porting INeA j West 22nd Street; New York. " H u el ii 4 '1 4 aft -J 1 11 "1 If. A 1 -.! m 1 Vii 4" - f,jfft'Swfliri5ffifa&tii .VLt .M iA4iJWJWJiWiitvt.v., . afctw.-uitiU ..ri.