The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 13, 1904, Image 1

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Minstrel Show Will Be Held April
28 !mtead of April 15.
The Ladies' Minstrel Show lias U fi
nitely rot tied on Thursday. A.nil 2S,
as the date when thoy will hold forih
at Urn Oliver theatre with thrlr dusk
beauty, their rag time songs, and t lit iv
clog dancing. All that icmains in
make this the greatest micccks oi an
similar undertaking ever tried hy t!
dramatic' talent of the lTiiicii-i , is
a proper managenirnt ol the busine--details
in order to get out a ciowd
Those competent to sprnk say the rr
leFt talent in the University and th
city has been cbtalnrd and a good
house is nil that is needed to irake the
success complete The management is
starting out right in these details with
a competent business and a press
agont. In fact evidence is not wanting
that the house will be filled to over
flowing. The tickets were plit in th '
hands of a large number of the mem
bers of the Dramatic dub estcniay
uoon, and one who has often nin
vsLsaed before for similar undei takings
slid when seen last night tint lie
never saw tickets sell to easilv. He
said the universal comment was: "I
know it will be good, and I ian'1 alford
to miss it." Many of Hip talesmen re
turned for more ticket before th"
after noon was over, having sold as
high as twenty-five. The scramble for
boxes among the fraternities will prob
ably be as keen as it has been anidng
the sororities for boxes to the glee
club concert, to which the IM Phi's
i'lone rook all the boxes on one sid.
of the- house. The young men will cer
tainly be no less gallant to the young
ladierj In the Minstrel show. Six of the
. fraternities have already signified theii
intention of going in a "bunch."
There are more than forty girls in
the minstrel. Every sorority and lit
erary roeiety is represented. These or
ganizations will no doubt turn out to
see their dark and shining stnr& win
glory and applause.
The price is not enough to kce p any
ono away. Reserved seats in the pi;
and the first fbiir rows of the balcony
are 50 cents, the rest ol the halt on)
is 3f cents and the galleiy U." cents.
Tickets can bo procured from the bus
iuess manager. Miss Ruth Wlison, or
from any of her numerous corps of
salesmen who are canvassing the Uni
versity. BEGIN TODAY.
Rhodes Scholarship Examina
tions This Morning in U 107.
Tbis morning at 10 o'clock the much
heralded Rhodes. Scholarship examin
ation will begin. The package contain
ing the lists- of questions arrived a
week ago, and is In Professor Cook's
keeping. Tho envelopes containing the
different llBts will be opened' at 10
o'clock, when those in charge of the
examinations and the students tak
ing them will know for the first time
of the contents. There are fifteen
lists for each general branch given,
and this will probably be more than
enough to go round.
Contrary to tho general supposition
candidates from "other colleges will
be obliged to come here and take the
. examinations. Just how. many will
come from abroad is not known, but
several are expected. Four candidates
have announced their intention of en
tering from this University. Follow
ing' Ib tho program for the two days'
10 a. m. to 12 m. Latin translation
Into English.
1 to, 3 p. m. Latin prose composl-
42 Bouncing Black Beauties 42
t ion.
:?:::i to r. : :t p. m deck and latin
Ci am ma.'.
H a. m. to 12 m. Arithmetic
1 to '.' p. m. Algebra or C.eometr.
.''.:::) to B:30 p. m. Translation- of
Creek into Knglish.
All Freshmen elesiring taps aVc
asked to see one of the following
(ommittee during this week: Roy
Sunderland. I.. A. Hlggins, It. H. Kind
ley. D. C. Wilson. R. N. Stryker.
Track Meets All Arranged for
Fraternity Game.
The schedule for the track team hm
been finally completed The pielimi
narlcs will be held April 20:
Following arc- the dates of the tegu
lar ecnts as scheduled:
High School, Lincoln, April "J.!.
Intcii lass meet, April .'0.
Handicap. May 7.
I'nhc rsity of Colorado, Houlder,
Ma j 11.
I'niiert'ity of Minnesota, Lincoln.
May LM.
I'nhcssity of South Dakota. Vermil
lion. May 30.
The interclass meet is a new event
here, and should be a meet full of
interc-t and class spirit. Let the
lass's support their representatives
There will be tho regular events from
the 100-yard dash to the 2-mile run,
broad and high jump, hammer and dis
cus throw, the 120- and 2120-yard hur
dles, pole ault. shot-put and the l-jnil-lelay
For this meet Dr.'Clapp wishes each
class to choose their class captain, and
get the men out so that the meet may
be a good one. There aie many good
men who can be gotten out on ly in
that way.
In the handicap meet the best man
must start from the scratch and the
ether men are. given as much advan
tage in tho start as the best man is
better than they.
1 he Fleming cup, which Is in Dr.
Clapp's office, is to have the name, of
the class winning the meet engvaecl
on it and It is to remain as the per
manent possession of the class" win
ning it in two consecutive years.
The Delta Upsiloh fraternity e-rossed
bats with the Kappa Slgs yesterday
afternoon. The latter were out lasseel
ap" lrently and lost the game by a
score of 12 to 1. Hagenslck for the
Delta U.'s. pitched a good game and
allowed only one of his opponents to
crois tho plate. His three-base hit in
the third inning was- the feature of
the game, it bringing In three men.
fcrc by innings:
I . V 2 3 2 112
K. S 0 10 0 01
Batteries Delta U Hagonsick and
I'ollaid; Kappa Elgs, Westover, Mason
and Roth. .
Umpire Townsend, Stein.
The University met tho Lincoln "In
vincibles" yesterday afternoon on the
campus, and defeated them by a score
of 12 to 2. In spite of the fact that
tho I incoln aggregation mado their
first appearance of the year at that
time, they put up a goocj game, and
made the IJnl.'s earn everything, they
got for the first two innings. Tho hard
hitting of Zobe'fl Colts was largely
responsible for tho difference in the
: : 25, 35 and 50c. j
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.-(ore. AdAins, Townsend and Fenlon
made home runs anel Steen made three
good hits. The whole team rlaycd a
cood game. Adams, Morse Townsend
and Miller constituted Nebraska's bat
tel. , and Torgenson ami Sequin op
1 '- d tl.cni.
Dr. Ward on the Committee.
Dr. Henry U. Ward has been ap
pointed a member of the committee
to rer resent the Ameilcan Society of
Zoologlbts in transmitting to the In
ternational Zoological Congress nn in-
Ration to meet in the United States
in irt('7. The Congress mepts this Ali
gn; t in Heine, Switzerland.
Debating at Other Colleges.
I'liams has submitted to Dart
mouth the following question for the
aii'Mn! drbate, '"Resolved, That the
Sherman anti-trust act of 18!l(), asi in
terpreted by the Eighth Circuit Court
c.f the United States in the Noitliern
Securities case, is hostile to the best
intercuts of the people of the United
flates." The debate will be' held at
. New Books In Library.
The Library has Just r?ocd "The
PhitOTOphical Transactions of tho
Royal Society or London." This valu
able srt of 195 volumes represents the
full text of all papers read before the
leading scientific societies in the world
from lCtio to the present year. Its pur
chase by the University library is of
interest to every scientific department
on the campus. This set has been
greatly desired for several yca'is, but
its grcJt cost has mad? it impossible
to consider the purchase before. The
set bound In leather" cost the library
the sum of $(40.
Dr. Moody Announces Subject.
Dr. R. O. Moody of "The University
of California, who delivers tho com;
mencement address of the College of
Medicine of the University of Nebras
ka, has announced as his topic, "Re
search anel Medicine." He will speak
bioadly upon this subject, which Is
under special consideration in the mpd
ical world at the present time, and
the medical students are looking for
ward with much Interest to this dls-
cutslon of the subject.
George C. Ross, a lawyer of Redwood
City, Cal., has offered a prize of $100
to bo glveu to the winning team in the
Intercollegiate debate between teams
from the State University and Lelaml
Siunford, Jr., University, which is to
be held at the Alhambra theatre, San
Francisco, April 23. Mr. Ross made a
similar offer last year. Mr. Ross made
this offer last year In return for the?
educational advantages which that
Ftate has offered to his sons.
yaS'rhcoln Transfer Co. Baggage
Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. Ldth.
Phono 17C.
Try an "'Ice cream soda." or a ''nut
Biindae" at Maxwell's. 13th & N.
Wright Drug Co., 117 Ko. 11th,
'phono 313.
Special rata to students at Ilendry'a.
Regents Let Contracts for Phy
sics and Farm Buildings.
Tho Hoard of Regents met yesterday
arte moon In U. 103 and awrhled the '
contracts for the new Physics and
State Farm buildings. Several bids
for the construction of the building submitted, but the contract lot
both Ht i ii( tm es was awarded, to Mi"
Capital City- Hrlck and Pipe Co.. or
Dia Molnee. la. The eontrae-t for the
Phscis building calls for $rK.!)7r. and
that of the farm building for $r2,7ftr..
Thcrfc amounts call for more fund
than were at firbt considered avail
able, but tho plans demanded a great
er outlay than was figured upon.
It is not definitely known when work
will commence on the buildings, but
will bo as soon as the necessaiy sub
contracts are awarded and other n. al
ters attended to.
The regents arc still in session, and
will continue so today and perhaps to
morrow. We hope to be able to print
a. full report of their proceedings in
tomorrow's Nebrasknn, but If this is
impossible it will appear the day after.
Dr. J . L. Green to Address Uni
versity Men.
University men will lx glad to
learn that Dr. J. L. Green, for sev
eral years superintendent of tho stnte
asylum -for tho Insane, will deliver
an address next Sunday afternoon at
3 o'clock In Memorial hall, on the In
teresting subject, "A Thing Every Man
Ought to Know." Dr. Green was for
merly a lecturer on the law faculty,
and If recognized as a rain of intel
lectual power and of great pergonal
magnitude. His success as superin
tendent at tho asylum has been very
maiked, and he is well versed In many
things which are of practical interest
to men. The address will begin at u
o'clock sharp, anel It Is- hoped that
the large crowd of men who are ex
pected to hear It will be there n little
before the appointed hour.
Appointments In thfi.Battalion
Special Orders No. 17
Tho following appointments are
lereby made in the battalion to take
effect this date:
Corporal C. D. Wilson to be sei
Privates J. B. Jackson and G- H.
llelnke to be corporals. They will be
obeyed and respected acordingly.
Weather permitting, . dress parade
will be held hereafter every Thursday
White duck trousers will be worn at
elress parade hereafter.
By' Order of.
Junior meeting In U. 107-at 10 o'clock
today. Important business. Caps.'
Sam's Cafe. The only place In the
city to get the famous "Little Gem
Hot Waffles." Special service f of la
dies. The Whltebrenst Co.. at HOC O St..
Is the place to bu,y coal.
FOR SALE At a large discount, a
new $25 or,$50 bicyclo, latest model, u
life scholarship in a business college,
a $300 piano and a Margin shot gun or
rifle. Can be had' cheap. Address A.
G. Shrelber, business manager.
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