The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 12, 1904, Image 1

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One Date Cancelled Track and
Base Ball Activities.
Manager Boll received word- from
Lombard- yesterday canceling our game
with that college for May fi. ThiH
means that another game will have to
1)0 found to All out the schedule for
the trip to bo taken at that time.
Practice in batting and fielding wa3
had yesterday by the members of the
first team. w
Next Friday and1 SatuYday the Uni.
plays the Nebraska Indl ins. The In
dians have been prattlclrfg In town for
some time, and promise to givo the
University a hard struggle. They have
always played us fast games In the
past, and Judging from the way they
play in practice, they certainly will
play us a hard game this year. Guy W.
Green, the manager, l.s au old Uni. stu
dent. The members of the baskrj. ball learn
have received the shirts which the ath
letic board1 awarded1 them. They are
slate colored flannel shirts, with a red
"N," and circle on tho pocket.
The grounds permitted the track
men to get out again yesterday. They
are getting into shape for the high
school meet to be held at the F. & M
park on April 23.
As large a number of men as possi
ble will be tried in this meet, and
every man will be given a fair show.
The Herpolsheimer Cup has1 been
cent to St. Louis as a trophy from the
Nebraska State University. Each col
lege has room for one or two trophies
in what is called the Physical Educa
tion department.
Our athletic authorleis will also send
th,e wooden, plates with the Indoor rec
ords and a few of the silver cups, to
bo shown in the Nebraska exhibit.
Phi Delta Theta defeated Sigma Chi
in a rather uninteresting game on the
campus yesterday afternoon by a score
of 10 to 18. Tho high wind was respon
sible for tho unusual number of er
rors that occurred. The Sigma Chi's
led for the first three innings, but went
to pieces In, the fourth and wcro snowed
under in' tho fifth.
Tho score- by innings:
Phi Delta Theta 4 0 1 G 718
Sigma Chi 4 5 0 0 110
Tho batteries weie: Sigma Chi,
Swan and Smith; Phi Delta Theta,
Nrely and1 Langovin.
Umpire "Fat" Moloney.
Players Getting Ready For Min
nesota on April 22.
The girls' basket ball team began
prnetlco again last Filday. The delay
was owing' to the uncertainty whether
the next gamo tp bo played would be
Minnesota or Missouri. The, teams play
by different rules and in absolutely dif
ferent stylts. Missouri plays by the
preferrng six players andr the three
court game. Tho players In the north
west reproduce almost exactly tho
men's gamo, a much more violent ono.
Nebraska plays a middle game, the wo
men's except for the division into
three courts. All in all. by experience
und motbod of play, the Nebraska team
is perhaps better fitted1 to meet the
women's game rather than the men's.
Before this year tho team has usually
practiced once a week for 30 or 40 miu
utos, from about 2:1G to 2:45, during
tbo winter months, thiB being the"
only time when tho armory was va
cant -and could bo secured for practice.
This year, owing to conflicting cluss
work, at tho ono. possible,, hour for
playing, tho team did not meet more
than a few times during the whole
year, until tho Minnesota gamo was
scheduled. For this It practiced some
thing like eight or ten times, in the
Friday, April 22. je Fraternity Hall.
Wait's Orchestra. Tickets $ 1 .
preceding two weeks. Team play lb a
thing the team haR never pretended
to develop. They have hardly met an
opposing team that had not made more
effoit and none better in this regard.
Their unbroken victories hitherto,
have been won by the excellence of
their guarding, which lias never failed
under favorablo conditions to break
up the concerted plays of their oppo
nents, and by the strength of their In
dividual play. The team they have to
meet April 22 has been training and
playing critical matches since October,
with regular practice hours, and plen
ty of opportunity for goal practice out
side. Moreover, since some of its
strongest points are speed and endur
ance, it may be expected to play a bet
ter game, the larger the floor. On a
small floor it would be rather at a dis
advantage, but with plenty of room for
running and lightning passing, it may
be expected to put up a brilliant ex
hibition. Tho Nebraska, team consists at pres
ent of Miss Emma Shlnbur. Miss Min
nie Jansa, forwards; Miss Cora Scott
(captain) and Miss Inls Everett (sec
ond center for tho Missouri game), cen
ters; Miss Elva Sly and Miss Ina Git
tings, guards; Miss Ruth Woodsmall.
Miss Archibald, center on last year's
team, was present at the practice Sat
urday morning, helping out the second
team pickod up for the occasion
Y. W. C. A. Chooses New Offi
cers for Coming Year.
The new and old members of the
cabinet mot Saturday afternoon and
discussed plans and arranged the com
mittees for the coming year. -
Following are the officers:
President, Eva Cooper.
Vice President, Caroline Wood
Secretary, Allene McEachron
Treasurer, Grace Coppock.
Membership Caroline Wood. ,
Finance Grace Coppock.
Social Ruth Wilson.
College Settlement Ethel Hendricks.
Missionary Pearl Archigald.
Intcr-Colleglate Blanche Johnson
Rooms Flossie Erford.
Devotional Annie Mooie.
Visiting Rita Clark.
Bible Study Goldona Denny.
Bulletins Cleo Howard .
Press Amy Conger.
Owing to some misunderstanding,
the Y. W. C. A. girls who oame to at
tond the Sunday meeting found tho
mala hall locked and were forced to
convene in the association room. Win
dow sills and1 overything in the room
that could possibly be made to serve as
a seat, was utilized and the girls lis
tened for an hour to one of the most
attractive services that It has been
their lot to attend this year. "Miss
Woodman took for her subject "Cul
ture" and presented It in such a bright
and charming style that all the girls
were delighted.
After the meeting some of the girls
Rhodes Scholarship Examinations
Begin Tomorrow Morning 10 . O'clock
Room 102.
remained for a half-hour song sen Ice,
In which they were Joined by some
twenty members of the Y. M. C. A. Tho
tong icrvico will take place after this
regularly at 4 p. m. on Sunday and all
ol. the Y M C. A. are linked.
Sunday Miss Withers led the Y v -C.
A. mcptlng nt Wesloyan and Miss
May Dais will lead oui meeting noxt
Sunday in return.
Kansas and Nebraska Engaged
In Selecting Judges.
Chancellor Androws has consented
to preside at the Kansas debate on
April 2iH h. This news is leceived with
plHisrre. as attempts to secure him to
act in that capacity both last year and
the ycai before were unavailing, as hit
engagements took him out of the state
on both of those date.
Nebraska Is about icady to submit
her lin of Judges to Kansas, which
will, it Is said. Include two prominent
Iowans. The Kansas debating council
has, sent a list from which our debating
board will select one. Chincellor
Strong sends a list to Chancellor An
drews, from which he Is to select one.
The order of Nebraska's speakers!
who are E. R. Buckner L. A. I.lirhtnr.'
and C. A. Sawyer, has not yet been de
cided. Secretary Ryner lb preparing to
advertising this debate as no Nebras
ka debate has ever before been adver
tised Comenius Club Address.
Another interesting program was
given by tho Comenius dub last Sat
urday evening, tho chief feature of
which was an address by Dr. Shlmok
of Iowa University. Dr. Shlmok is a
Bohemian. American born, and educat
ed In American schools. Some years
ago he held the position of instructor
in oology at our own Unhcrsity, and
at present occupies the ihalr or pro
fessor of botany and geology In the
University of lown, Although thor
oughly American In spirit, he has
never forgotten his own people, and it
is one of the objects of his life to pro
mote education among them. Hit ad
dress to the club was a splendid ex
hortationalong this line, inado all tho
more forcible by the speaker's pleasing
personality and persuasive manner of
Dr. Shlmek has been making a short
tour of the state, lecturing, here and
there, and it is now his intention to
take a trip to Mexico, where he will
spend a -few we-ekB.
Snecial rates to students wishing
typewriting done. C12 Richards block.
Try an "ice cream soda" or a "nut
sundae" at Maxwell's. 13th & N.
Tho Wbltebreast Co., at 1100 O St.
fa the place to buy coal.
Lincoln Local Express, 11th and N.
Tel. 77. Baggage hauled.
Three Debating Societies to Be
Merged Into One.
Plans have been made for merging
the ihrce debating clubs Into one or
ganization In this movement tin
union Doballng club has taken the ini
tiative. At tl.e business meeting nf
the club last Saturday evoninp a reso
lution favoring tho merging of the dif
ferent dulis was passed. A temporari
organization was later effected, and J
M. Paul was elected temporary chair
man, with G. W. Huntlntgon secretar
A (ommltteo was appointed' to draw up
- constitution and It was suggested
that the new organisation bo known
ay the University Debating league.
The object of the leagno Is to form
a strong Boelctj that shnll meet for the
purpose of discussing current political
and socln! events, and further to enlist
the efforts of all students Interested in
debate, interest In debating has be
come inthei lax, and while these meas
ures are not exactly credited with be
ing necessary to the preservation of
club debating In Homo form In this uni
versity. It Ih felt that a union of tin
three societies would be beet for all
( one rned.
Next Satin day evening permanent
organisation will be off e-ted. If the
other two clubs are willing to take co
operative action, as Miey probably will
A general mass meeting of all the stu
dents intorcsted In debate Is called to
meet at 8 p. m. In the law lectur"
room, I'. 207
All of the clubs seem to le In sym
pathy with the movement, and there
Is nothing to indicate that they will he
unwilling to Join in and complete the
action started by the Unions. It is
quite likely that tho Palladlans and
Maxwells will take conclusive action
by adjourning sine die as theUnion
has done.
The debate between the Unions and
Maxwells, which was to have been held
last Saturday night, was postponed. It
will take place next Saturday evening
nfter the meeting. Tho question to be
discuHsed will be tho fifth amendment
Academy Wins Debate.
Last Saturday night the Lincoln
Academy debating team composed of
Messrs. De Young. Miller and H. G
Mjrrs, defeated the city Y. M. C. A. on
the question, "Resolved, That It is
for the best interests of both countries
that Canada bo annexed to the United
States." The Y. M. C. A. team was
composed of Messrs. Denny, Willis and
The debate was held in tho gymna
sium of the Y. M. C. A. The judges
wore Messrs. Lee, Cronln and Buckner.
of whom two voted for tho Academy
and one for the Y.' Y. M. 0, A. An en
thusiastic crowd of over ICO was pres
ent FreshiesAVill Have Caps.
The Freshmen met In U. 106 yester
day morning nnd transacted tho neces
sary business that has- been placed on
file. Nothing very exciting took place,
soveral committees being heard from,
with favorablo reports ,and among
them tho cap committee. It was
agreed unanimously that they would
have caps and no outside force can prc
vont it.
Mr. Standcven gave a report of the
entertainment committee, nnd an
nounced that they would have a party
tome time in May. Elaborate prepara
tions were being made for it. 9 Outside
of these reports and other business of
llko Importance very little was doing,
and the mooting adjourned upon, mo
tion of Mr. Johnson.
Wright Drug Co., 117 No. 11th,
'phone 313.
Lincoln Transfer Co. Baggage
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