-, hjj.-,-. 'y,"",y ' C be alls fe b r ae ha n r i ir A Matter For 'Pljysfcal Research Billy Yonkers wrm loaning on IiIh el bow dictating a MUr to mo, and1 I sat by tho bedside writing down his Jerky (Unconnected sentences reluctantly. Ho worried me terribly and ever Blnce he had begun to convalesce from this aw ful ncrvoiiH prostration of IiIh. he had bagged mo to write a letter to his uncle. I hud1 kept him off as long as I cop Id, and had yielded tonight only because he hod threatened to do the (Veed himself If I refused. "Dear Uncle Ben:" It began. "I'm In trouble again up to my ears and wont n lift It Isn't money this time. It's nerves. Doc's been doing what you wrote about, that fancy massage nncl BLUff, and he said ho never saw anyone get ovr the prostration In the time I did. but Uncle that as far as I'vo gotten. I'm not any better than I was a week ago, although I'm sup posed to bo convalescent. I can't sleep, to bpealcof, and when I do I have tho moot horrible nightmares. 1 don't want a prescription Uncle, only ad vice. If I told my troubles to father, he'd juet laugh', and send me a check and tell mo to cheer up but i don't need that kind of a tonic. "You don't know how I happened to get sick, do you? You may laugh and say It was a girl's trick to faint, etc., but you would hove done It, too. The way It all happened was this: I picked up "Magic of the Middle Ages." I guess I didn't notice whom It was by. Well tha thing just took a hold of me ana T couldn't leave it alone (it was a book 1 ovif mil nt Din llhrnrvl until I'd rond thci thing all through. I got home too late for dinner and the fellows Jollied me, but I got l.antry and Stuart to help mo got up a regular mediewil clandes tine calling affair. They took It as a joke then, but not later. I can toll you. "Wc followed the directions given in tho book to tho letter and draped our selves In sheets and chinked our fa(s to a degiee beyond recognition, and got our magic circle drawn on the flooi with the white chalk, and " Billy was interrupted here by a gen tle tap on the door. I shoved the tablet under the bed, and Hilly back against tho pillows. "For Heaven's sake! Shut your eyes, man! They're just blazing," I whis pered before I opened tho door, for Dr. Anvers. tho college doctor. That Individual stepped softly In. He saw Billy's dosed lids and beamed upon me. "Ah, so the patient Is sleeping, at last," he whispered and wanned his hands over the radiator In his ptofes slonal manner. "flood. Good! You make a splendid nurse, Mr. l.antry," which made me feel rather cheap, but I admitted that "It.wfas quite a struggle," and sighed at the remembrance of It, but I didn't JusL specify what the struggle was over. Dr. Anvers tip-toed toward tho bed He ttas over bix feet, now, In spite of his bent form andfioventy years, and It wap rather nwiciilpus to see his at tempt at daintiness.' Ho felt Billy's wrist and then stroked hla own long beard. Then ho "humphed" a few tlmea juid asked If the patient's tem perature has risen) that evening. "The pulse Is rather uneven." he said,- but m. assured him that Billy had seemed more like himself In the afternoon than at any time since his sickness. So finally, after rummaging In his bottle case, and leaving some pellets In an en velop, he took his departure, repeating tho Injunctions of the morning, that Mt. Yonkers must be kept In perfect 1 1 I I I I I f I I I M II II I H I I I II 8 I I Dry Oak For Stoves. Gregory, The Goal Man. Office 1044 O St., quiet, and not be permitted to talk As soon as tho door had been softly closed and the sound of footsteps had died away down the long corridor, Billy wa on his elbow agialn. "Dump that buttons out of the wlnJ dow, and come on," ho demanded when ho saw tho little tablets. "That man thinks I'm still sick, Just because he doesn't waul to stop calling. Come on with that letter," ho repeated, but 1 mapped out the electricity. 'Not -on your life," I muttered, "do you want to kill yourself?" and fum bled my way towards the couch in the corner I hadn't sooner given Billy his rrrp of malted milk in the morning than n legan to beg me to go on with ij letter I pretended tint I couldn't find it, until Billy declared he con... dictate It all over again So It suddenly had to make Its appearance. Billy is Irre sistible when he's sick, and when he'-s well, he makes yo.u do things against your will by main force I fumbled over the shoots of bloti bed paper and hoped ngainst hope that the doctor would (ome in for his morn ing call, before I could find my place, but it was not to be "We wore just at the place where I was telling Uncle Ben about tho night I got sick," Billy piped out. "Oh, yes," said I "wo drew a ring, with white chalk, that's Just whore" you stopped." "Weil." Billy proceeded, propping himself up again on his elbow, "we made tho ring, etc., and all got in. The book of magic said that anyone with a hem of his garment over the chalk lino would perish when tho oil one and his hosts should arrive. We decided to (all upon tho ('."'nion Main, and had made our collection of skulls, boner, f.ulhpur, etc , complete, and rubbed tho phosphoiascont end of a match over our faces and hand-j. when 1 noticed how scared the fellows wore getting, to 1 quoted the magician's words. "Courage, fortitude, or you are lost" which made tho boys begin to snicker I toll you they found out the seriousness of it all later. "When all was ready the lights were turned out. 1 repeated tho martini in cantations and at the end whispered the sacred name, "Tenfall." "Immediately a crash followed, and a crackling, sputtering rod light seemed to fill tho room and in the very midst a sort of Mephlsto appeared in brilliant led. l.antry was just going to shriek out something and made a grab for the creature, but we hold him down and Fred1 put his hand over his mouth. I will admit I was scared, but I had my little Satan spool at tho end of my tongue, so 1 was the only one who made a wish. The creature hesi tated a moment, and 1 thought may be my wish was too much It was that I might pass this semester's examina tionsbut he finally stretched out his rod hands and cried. "Fiat voluntas tua," and disappeared, and with him tho red light and the voice "That's what's the matter with me Thiothor follows were pretty well shaken up, but I guess they picked me up in pieces. It was a regular girl's trick, I know, to take It so hard, bu I can't help feeling that i vc sold my self (o the Devil. Tho idea of having the insolence. lack of piety and rev erence to do a thltTg liko that. I don't think I'll live. I know I don't want to. but I'd liko a little peace of mind befoj-e I leave this earthly sphere. I know I've meddled with holy things you can't call me a bad name that I haven't already given myself but I think I might be allowed to die a natural death. And I feel as though I were going crazy. Can't you run down for a few hours, even. Now II I I I H M-H--fr-M-4-Hn Chunks j! Phones, 343-488. J arancsaoigBRTrxiKa Woman's Home Companion flOOAYTAM 4 f -rv 10 A COPY f me cnowtut KiRKhMnTcn company. ruouMir.ns I I HoatM7,4C to M I .jr., brh 11 br 10 lcb. 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