The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 09, 1904, Image 1
T&i 'iU&ZtsWi?" - Vi " :-0r' ' ' '& Wf A 'MVi t .V "i fr.t' ' I'., r ' II w State Iliit. Sooicij. Zhc IDail Iftebraekan UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY APRIL 9, 1904. PRICE 3 CENTS VOL. IH. NO. J22. .. -'-TWirr" r " -r INTERESTING TIME Struggle in Iowa Legislature Watched By All Institutions. University acquaintances ot formei Chancellor Q E. Mad. can have boon watching with much internet the strug gle that has been going on in thr Iowa legislature It appeals that t he old rivalry between the state agticultmal college at Ames, and the state Univer sity at Iowa City has become so inten sified that tho legislators themselves havo unfortunately found it necessary to take sides. Each institution asked for much larger appropriations than ever before, and each has sought to obtain an amount consldeiably larger than the other's Committees from the legislature were received nt both of these institu tions with wide open aims and nothing was left undone that would contribute to their entertainment Thry were regaled at each place with arguments in favor of the local institution as be ing more, deserving than the other So convincing Wfre the arguments pre sented that the legislators weie be wildered, so that it was recommended In the legislature that the entire con trol of all the state educational insti tutions be placed in the hands of thiee trustees. Though after a hard strug gle It has been decided that for the present at least the state educational Institutions of 'owe will not pais un- der (he management of a single board of control, press dispatches say that it Is likely that some equally radical measure may yet be enacted. The friends of President Mac Lean realize that 'he l now In tho fight of his lire and trust his Rooseveltlan luck will still attend' him. Tho history of the efforts made to establish a board of control is Interest- -""j lug, as It has been the center of a bit ter and hard lougnt contest, rue mil irovidlng for the establishment of luch a hoard of control was passed in tho senate by a vote" of 30 to 14 after fierce and protracted debate. Strong arguments were presented In favor of Mich a board, and tho opposition in tho senate found itself battling against an overwhelming ffirco. One of the main arguments advanced in favor of the establishment of tho board of control system was that the cost of maintaining each school would be lessened. It Is claimed that the cos for each student -at Iowa University Is greater than at other state Univer Eltlee, and that a boonl of cqntrol would adjust the difficulties caused by .thjrlvaTflfs of tho various Iowa in stitutions. It Is also claimed that-politics play too Important a part in the "present method of selecting trustees. On the other hand the opposition claimed: that the establishment of such a board would1 only complicate mat ters and' that politics and petty -rivalries would have freer fields for action than ever before. The tendency would be to hinder tho advance of educa tion by making Its progress depend ent upon cumbersome machinery that is a part of another system and not an Independent system in itself. The bill while in the senate attracted wide spread attention and practically all of the Iowa papeis were inteiested in it. Last Wednesday the lower house of the legislature by a vote of 50 to 41 referred tho bill passed1 by the senate providing that the educational institu tions bo abolished and that thoso in stitutions be placed under a single board of three members, to its Judici ary committee. The committee met immediately after tho adjournment and voted: to recommend tho indefinite ,postponement of tho measure. However, it decided to recommend the appointment of a commission of threo members to investigate the ad visability of adopting a single board ?. :.- ? T t ran-ttellenic uance i FRIDAY, MAY 20. ...AUDITORIUM... WALT'S FULL ORCHESTRA. TICKETS $2.00. t ?$ $&$$ &&&W$t4Q44&& of control sjstcm. This committee will repot t at the next session of the legislature in 1906. During alljhis bit ter contest Iowa and Ames, the two institutions that were so vitally In terested, have retained their compos ure, as the following editorial in the Daily Iowan indicates: Kery two jears the Iowa State Col lege at Ames, and the State University appear belorc me general assemmy, and ask appioprlatlons for carrying on their work And in the endeavor to secure such runcls as eacn needs, theio inevitably crops out a certain enmity between friend of the two In stitutions. This ear what appeals to us very unfair treatment ot S U I in comparison with the treatment of biAmes, many friends ol the Univer sity, including certain local papers, have indulged in tirades and invectives againbt the Agricultural College But it is the belief of the Iowan. shared in by most of tho supporters of the S. U. I., that this not a proper attitude to take. Every citizen of Iowa should be proud1 of Iowa's University. Every citizen of Iowa including students at S. U. I. should be proud of Iowa's Agricultural and Mechanic Arts Col lege at Ames. The two are not rivals and are not going to be. Both are necessary and valuable to the state and tho success of ono does not mean, the failure of the other Ih any sense or in any degree. In the larger view of tho situation there Is no room for envy or jealousy. Both institutions are here to stay and1 to prospei ; and if the general assembly can not at this time see its way clear to give us all wo ask we should not on that afi count refuse to rejoice with Ames w its success. Let us put away the idea of 'Ames s University, and take un rather Ames and tho University? Succeps to Iowa's two great schools!'' SUCCESSFUL LECTURE. J. A. L. Waddell Speaks to Large Audience Last Night. In spite of tho miserable weather last night, one of the largest exclusive ly men's crowd gathered in Memorial haH in tho history of tho University. The occasion was the much-heralded lecture of Mr. J. A. L. Wadded, of Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Waddell was Introduced short ly after 8 o'clock by Professor Stout of the civil engineering department. His address was on "Higher Education for Civil Engineers." He devoted his lemarks chiefly to changes in and ad ditions to the engineering courses pf technical schools of America, which In his opinion, would conduce to the hlgh or efficiency of the average graduate. He Insisted on the lengthening of en gineering courses from three or four years to at least five and suggested that entiance requirements also be made more strict. Ho advised', In addi tion, that frequent practical talks and lectures by expfedlenced' engineers' would do muqh toward putting the student in closer touch with his sub ject. Mr. Waddell entered1 an earnest plea for greater familiarity with' the Eng lish tongue, both in speech and in writing, as essential to tho successful engineer. While tho nature of an en gineer's work demands close speclall- . rx i sHg3$S2 7atlon, he said, the more general and fundamental branches of learning should not be neglected. Mathematics should also form a field for continual research. He advised, besides, the study of a long list of technical sub jects. Mr. Waddell'3 audience was some what Inconvenienced by tho lack of volume in his delivery, as well as the frequent entrance of late arrivals Aside from these disadvantages, howr ever, the lecture was a decided suc cess Mr. Waddoll speaks again this morning in U. 10(5. and another large ctowd is expected to hear him. His talk will bo on "Laige and Important Structures." and will commence at 10 o'clock. During his stay In Lincoln Mr Wad dell is the gucft of the Engineering society, to whom credit Is due for se curing hlB visit to the University THE SENIOR PROM. Brilliant Function At The Lincoln Last Night. The Senior From, tho annual for mal dance given by tho Senior claes, occurred last night at the Lincoln ho tel. The dance hall was decorated with palms only and from the celling of the rotunda hung tho Senior flag, from which streamers of '04 colors ran to each column, making a very pretty decorative effect. Tho promenades were decorated with, palms. The decor ations, while simple, were much more effective than some previous affairs, li which havo been more elaborate. A, program of seventeen dances with no extras was used. Tho small number gave time for long dances and frequent encores. During Intermission Ices were served In tho promenade. Walt's or chestra furnished tho muBlc. The par ly was chaperoned by Chancellor and Mrs. Andrews and Professor and Mrp. Fogg. The success of the Prom. Is duo in a great measure to Chairman Hewitt and Master of Ceremonies Bell, who had worked hard to give an enjoya ble dance. Tho balancer of the committee- was Messrs. Harrison. Townsend. Myers, Blckford, Bridge, Huntington. Harris. Mansfield, Brown, Parker; Misses Ed holm. Sterling, 3tephen. Heacock. Rob lson, Woodruff, Meeker. LOST Between 11th and V streets and1 the Botanical lab., a navy blue serge chatelaine bag containing n fountain pen, about two dollars, and some minor things. Flndsr plsaae leave at Register's office. M. Edith Walker SPECIAL NOTICE. Our number Is 210 So. 12th street, and our business Is wholesale and re tall Barber'b Supplies. Razors, Strops, Combs, Brushes, Cosmetics, and Toi let Articles of e,very description. A. L. UNDLAND. Wright Drug 'phone 313. Co., HI No. 11th, . Special rates to students wishing typewriting done. 512 Richards block. Try an "Ice cream soda" or a sundae" at Maxwell's. 13th & N. nut A RETURN GAME Negotiations Closed to Bring Minnesota Girls Here. Negotiations were closed Friday morning for a return ganve In girls' basket ball between Minnesota and Ne braska, Friday evening, April 2, sub ject to the approval of the date chosen by Piesident Northiop. This Is tho enly Friday evenjngj)2Htible.for the Nebraska team, owing to tho various debates, minstrel shows, etc.. in pros pect. An Invitation from tho MIssou il tram to play In Columbia during the month of April could not bo ac cepted. The Nebraska team had al ready one long "foreign" trip, and wished to have a return gamo with Minnesota while there was the chance. There have been "ho gins' matches with outside teams1 yet thlB season. In terest will be Intense, In the coming game becaime of the recent defeat of tho homo team after an unbroken series of victories for eight years, by the Minnesota team, boforo an Invmonso body of spectators at Minneapolis. Tho team play of tho Minnesota girls Is ieorted to be a marvel of brilliancy and speed, and It lb promised that their game will be a revelation to Lln- oln spectators. PRES. NORTHRUP PLEASED. Favors Minnesota Girl's Coming Here. For tho (list time the Minnesota girls' basketball team, which hitherto has always brought teams to play in its homo Armory, will bo allowed to m&ko & long trip to a sister University. In a letter very gratifying to the Nebras ka - management, President Northrop recently wrote: "While I am on general principles opposed to having our girls' team roam around the country in pursuit of ath letic contests, nevertheless the Impres sion made upon me by your team was -so favorable, and' your whole inter course with our girls seemB to have been so delightful, that I shall be dis posed, In case our girls should desire to accept an invitation from you, to be less strenuous in opposing their wishes than I should bo under ordi nary conditions." An endeavor will bo made to glvo tho Minnesota players as enjoyable a time will lie they are in Lincoln as they gavo to tho home team whop tho latter were their guests In Minne apolis. DR. WHARTON LEAVES. A Parting Word To University Men. In a couple of weeks Dr. Whditon will leave for his new field of work at Seattle, Wash., and as tho time draws neur for Ms departure people of the city and Unlveulty realize more and more the loss they will sustain. He has always beym a close frlond to the men of this University, and as he addresses them Sunday for the last time he will certainly nave a host of good thlngsito say. Dr. Wharton is very glad to have this opportunity to meeting University men personally, and of giving them a parting handclasp, and will be greatly encouraged by. tho sympathy for him In tho heart pf this student body. This meeting Is for men only, and will bo held Sunday afternoon in the chape), beginning promptly at threo o'clock. Every University man is In vited to bo present. , ' pr- Lincoln' Transfer Co. Baggag .l 4 '-41 i 1 5 4 a . v"l 1 rfl H w . iA Ji iti 3 t- j. v; 'J L ,,,. jtf'-.; 4 V-i' .'sJthy&jL'l' ,. j. '