The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 08, 1904, Page 4, Image 4
" felBaWrul i XL b e B) Tl e b r a 0 n a n 1 I H SCttMOLLER & MUELLER THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET OUR LEADERS Steinway & Sons Schmollcr & Mueller Stegcr & Sons . Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo. Stcck And 23 others. We sell new Pianos on 55 monthly payments "wwmxihwm w ! fc i no hmmwm t Are You Going -to ST. LOUIS N. E. A. and the WORLD'S FAIR? Never before has the N. E. A. ''t arranged itfl mooting with guoh - wonderful opportunities for the , Tonohor, Instructor or Professor. The routo via tho Burlington 4 will bo tho favorito ouo, aa it has I boon heretofore. 0. W. Bonnell Ctty Passenger Agent Burjlnglon Routt Hi l.arCit .md Hist EquipfKil E.Um lliu ( in tic City. Ftirui?licd Rooms (n Conn:i.liyu. Palace Dining HalL 21 Meals, $3M W. II. Hart, Prop. 1130 N Street- Lincoln. Nob. wonwiwwwiMum''wwwa BaB3a"tttU I 1 Campus Qleanings. April 12Mh (Frila) Kansas Delcito Memorial Hall. The Academy 1 1 I h haw pun based a new basket Itall Irom t he iroi wis of their last game. Tho Seniors will meet in V. Ill Monday, when several omriiit t ai' epe tod to rojiort. Miss I.yla Lo Coore entertained the members of tlio So lal Hour t lub at her homo, l(j"!l C street, yesterday al ternoon. Tho Academy people will hold a ral ly this morning in the intensts of the debate with the Y M C A nex' Sattnda owning at ,X o'i lo k Not no The ladies' Mllistlel will I M! IS KS I, I fjllW I!S.H! tl M .IO I Mill Tin sda owning at S in lm l The entile i horns is urged to be present Dres parade was not Ik Id as orig ally inlendid last veiling on aiiount of the wit weather It will he ion duited ngulaih eai Ii Thuisday here after howowr. (' V Taylor, a graduate of the I'ni- wisity. who has he-en Sllerillteil(lenl ol the (ItMii'Mi si hools, is reported a- lui Iiik an excellent prospect of set in ing the su).'rinteiidein y of the Lead. So 1 ak . si hools The usual progiam at 1'iiinii hall will not lie giwn tonight, hut the sotietv will enjoy the hospitality of the l)i lians in the entertainment at then hall by Mrs Hlam hard The hiisini ss meeting will be held in I'nion hall I'nl low l ii k the program Putures hae been i i -i . liann i and di-t ribiiti d to the ( n si hool with the t omplinn nts ol the Ncbinska il asoi l -n nine $.")li was eii nded lor tins pin pose. All the pnturis aie either photographs or photograv in of well Known masterpiei es Miss Withers, secrelaiy of tin I'm wrsity Y V (' A . will lake Miss Carrie Harbour's phue as ehapoione at the Conservator of Music, dining the huttir's absent e in St I.otiis, where she is assisting Dr. Harbour in in .-.tailing the Nebraska Kdtuational ex hibit. The proposition of si iiding a i oic panv to i lie SI I ouis lair will be again pnseiited to the battalion in the mai llltille The I lllroads haw lieell offel -nig lati -, i(iuiaiei.t to about a tent a mile lm thes-e colli ge i adet xi in- inns and oilier nnlm eiuenls wilj seie to make the plan en more aihaiiiagi' mis than i! ftii" forinei 1 considered Coll'-ldeiable i n t I" -1 is again being ni'inile'ted in the piojiit and the dt -parlnient tias hopes ot being able to raise t he d sin d rompan v Recital Tomorrow Night. The filth students' 1 1 1 ital o tin Si hool of Music, whiili was postponed from its original date. Man Ii ;!l wi'l he held m -Memorial Hall tomorrow evening The following will be tin pmgiam: Piano solo Sonate C minor t Moart ) Kllen Anthes. Piano solo "Elsa's Dream," 'Til glims' Chorus" ( Wagnf i : Mae Van lturgh Uaritone .-olo Hem's Sonir (Nivim J So far Awn.v (Chiulvv h k ) ; ("has Tul les s I I'l.u.n solo- Prelude ami Fugue ' ' minor 'Ihnhi, "Snarls" (MosKowki) ! l-'hes I ' MlllV , T'aiio miIo N'oiiuri'e iCho pm I. Mavh. 1 .l;fi-li Soprano solo Ues ((low). Mis 1 low ie. i'iano s-olo Theme and Variations !' iiiii-or (Haydn), (loorgia Siott. i'iano olo Sonata K minor (dreig). Andante Molto - Alia Menuetto; Jessie Kinoi ii k. Soiano solo -Aria "Joan d'Arc," tHemberg) Kmnin Marsland. Piano tolo Concortbtuck F minor (Wehcr). Alyse Swejlborg. Second pia no, -Mr. Fames. The (Hue club will meet tomorrow e ening at 7 o'clock in Memorial hall. The Sliadow or- TB C OLIVER TypevVri'tcr Tin' St. -i tnl Jul Vi-ihle Wi in EXTENDS OVER ALL THE EARTH . . ' V i A',."l, . .. .1 Y v. 0 .4vtr P? ' BEST LINE TO KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS THE WORLD'S FAIR CITY Two trains daily from Jncoln with Pullman Sleeper. To Kaneas City every night. City Ticket Office, S. W, Corner 12th and O Streets. F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A. -Himfctt-iMi:. A. it.. q, U, A. nTTTTTTfT rp dtti -. TT- t. y -T- . m JH m M College ii ii H l And all other college sport is fully covered in text and illustration by The Illustrated Sporting News which is the ONLY publication giving special attention to college tl subjects. Send Us And we will send yotf The Illustrated Sporting News jj eacn wee For io wccks j outdoor sports. Address I ThelllustratedSportingNeus ii ii West 22nd lHHHHM flv A. . C iJ r- - " . ATT TAT A I. or. I fill' ON A IM'LICATIOtJ Ta OLIVER Typeri-tr Q OMAHA NEB. and q, M,-u...... Baseball One Dollar- which will cover the season of Street, New York. SS-'r- '-. " ' -: :..: r 3t )( J ii ii ii ii n a a a a ii ii n a a a a a it T.- "itai && wi !