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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1904)
:V Hb. a i I s B c D r a 0 n a n BUSINESS DIRECTORY The Woman Student at Michigan Put it Down J -r fr-v I- A Every Loyal 'University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing Eo. ARCHITECTS Fisk & Dieman. ART GOODS Curtice, Lincoln Book Stoie. BANKS Columbia. First National. BARBER SHOP Palace. R. & C, Pioneer. BARBERS' SUPPLIES A. L. Unde- land & Co. BICYCLES. ATHLETIC GOODS Sam Hall, Sidles. Glrard. Lyman. BOOKS & STATIONERY Porter. Co Op. Brown. University Book Store Sam Hall, Lincoln Book Store. BOOK BINDING Gillespie. CARPENTER Wilson. CIGARS Powell. Llndsey, Follart. CLOTHING Unland. Magee & Deemer, B. L. Paine. Armstrong. COAL Gregory, Dlerks, Whitebreast, P. D. Smith. CONFECTIONERY Leming. MaxweU. DAIRY Franklin, Leming. DANCING HALL Fraternity. DENTISTS Boston Dentists. DRUGGIST Steiner. Woempner, tor. Brown. Riggs. Wright, Rec Red Cros's DRY GOOD8 Miller & Paine. EXPRESS Lincoln Iocal. Lin'-oln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapln Bros. frimrciTirRrc Rudce & Guenzel. A. lH DaviB. Hardy. GROCERS Keystone. HARDWARE Hall. Rudge & Guenzel HOTELS Llndell. Walton, Boyd. INSURANCE Connecticut Mutua. JEWELERS Tucker, Hallet, Wolfe, Trickey. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros., LIVERY Forbes. LUMBER Dlerks MILLINERS The Famous. NOVELTIES Thorpe. OPTICIANS Dr. J. J. Davis, Hallet, Trickey. PAINT & CLASS Western GIbbs Paint Co. . & PIANOS Schmoller & Mueller. Robb Curtice. - VLUMBING Korsmeyer. POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. HUNTING, Griffin Greer, Nev? Cen tury, Ivy Press, Review Press, George Bros. RESTAURANTS Westerfleld. Home Cafe, Don Cameron, Hendry, Palace Dining Hall. SHOES Perklus & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson, STENOGRAPHER Shepherd, room 512, Richards blk. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS R e d Cross Pharmacy. BUJTORIUM Weber. THEATRES Olllver. TYPEWRITERS Olllver. TAILORS Unland, Bumstead, Union College Tailors, British Woolen Mills Oakley & Anderson. J. B. TRICKEY & CO. JEWELOO AND UPUMAIO Come In and Have Your Eyes At tended to. 1035 O St. The University of Michigan's pres ent Ideal for her woman students, wfhlch ha been evolved' from her three decades of co-education, Is fairly well known throughout the west. Somo phn8 of It can perhaps be restated to ndantage from time to time as con ditions vary. The type of women stu dents at Michigan has changed some what since 1872. during tho last decade especially. When' Michigan's doors were first opened1 to women, all who came, came for study, for work. With the growing popularity of cxhicatlon for women, and with the prosperity of this part of the country, the "boarding school type" of girl ha come on the scene. The other type Is not fewer In numlerB than, formerly, though the proportion Is Icfs. The boarding school girl, thf girl who needs to be made to study, who needB a considerable number of rules laid down for her guidance granting that a considerable number of rules for conduct is ever valuable for an educational institution is fortunately pretty small In aggre gate and the discipline at Michigan can reasonably bo fixed with a view to the other and better type. Michigan has government, on the Jeffersonian principle that In general the fewer tho laws the better off tho community. At Michigan tho women's building is com ing to play a more and more Important part in the lifo of the women. The present women's dean, on taking up her duties, made the women's building her official headquarters. The result has bcon beneficial to both men and wo men. There can bo no doubt that in their own building, with a large of fice and' without the disturbance caused by men students coming and going, the dean and the women students' have come into much closer relatione than ever In the past In every way It has been sought to make the building the headquarters for ail the social life of the Unherslty in which the women take part. Tho women's building, or Barbour gymnasium, as It Is inter changeably called, is open, for any Uni versity function, such as class or or ganization social or hops, and there Is no charge for the use of It except for janitor's fees. Ah It Is unexcelled for such purposes by any hall in the city, and as the expense of UBing it Is almost nothing, it has become, the most popular of places for such uses. The hours of its- iee can be controlled, and are controlled. A limit of 12 o'clock 1b fixed for the close of all entertain ments. Tho women's dean Is always present. As rules unsupported by pub lic sentiment are always failures, and as a healthy publlcsentlment among the student body can be greatly fur thered and much moro easily main tained by tho dose relationship be tween those responsible for the girls, and the girls themselves, and as the women's building is steadily and to a really remarkable degree serving more and moro as a means of bringing the women of tho University Into cloeo and sympathetic understanding with tire women's dean, the question of controll ing the social life of the women at Michigan sems to bo fairly well settled. Grill Room Will Not Be Open. Some bright individual, a fair co-ed, perhaps, made a discovery yesterday to tho effect that the grill room at the Lincoln hotel will nob bo open tonight, and of course sno told it Investiga tion proves -the truth of tho discov ery, and so there will bo nothing doing tonight at the Senior Prom. In the line of grill room patronage. The cafe is being moved to a new location at the Capitol hotel and Will not be open tonight Speaking of tho Prom., dancing will begin early. This Isn't said simply to insure commencing at 10:30, but to let you know that dancing will begin early. Delian Program Tonight. MIbs Blanchard of Beatrice has been secured by tho Delian Literary society to give an entertainment the coming Friday evening Iw tho Delian hall. Her specialty is -whistling, and from what J we hear of her, she is an adept in that line. Tho entertainment is to be free to everybody, and it is hoped' that the hall will bo well filled. An excellent program is promised and' will undoubtedly be given. Where you'll remember it you can PAY more, but you can't GET more--they're simply clothes perfection- that's our "Kensington" Suits $15.00 up to $30.00 Every fabric and style that's new. Magee & NEW HATS HAND'S 1042 O Street. Fine Watches " Those who have them, and wont them properly repaired, will find It pays to come directly to us. We have had years of experience In all klndB of watch repairing, and will guaran tee satisfaction. HALLETT 114S O Street. Lincoln, Nob. Griffin-Greer Printing Company Programs, Invitations and Wedding Stationery. 118(1 O Street. Lincoln, Neb. DENVER TAILORING GO. H. WECKE88ER, Prop. Stilus made to order from SI 8.00 up. Pants, $5.00 and up. We also do Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Workmanship first-Class, satisfaction guaranteed. 1228 M St. Lindell Hotel, Lincoln. V'vw'rtJ''vvnrfvvAsvvwvvv. There Is no watchclock or' article of w jewelry we cannot fix C A. TUCKER The Up-to-lhe-Mlnute Jeweler "ROMPT SERVICE. U23 O Street AT Deemer. A sense of taste Jb a saving quality to any man who visits our store. Clothes we make hear tho same relationship to personality that a beautiful blos som does to Its perfume. Suits or Overcoats, $15 and $20, made to order. Perfect fit guaranteed. BRITISH WOOLEN MILLS CO., Big Tailors and Woolen Merchants. 1210 O Street LINDSEY'S CIGAR STORE Up-to-Date Sod and Magazines. Fountain 118 North lltti Street. POWELL'S BILLIARD AND POOL HALl was opened this fall with tables ail newly covered, best cues and balls newly papered, everything up-to-date Including customers. t. P. POWELL. 146 N lltti St Pbttt 1 .. $$&&l$&fr&&&&&&&&t&t&i CORNEL! THE WALL PAPER I AND PAINT MAN 130 North 13th Lincoln, Neb. t&weMQfr$4t&S GEO. A. WILSON COIfTIcACTOR AND BUILBER Oltlc and 8tp. 222 t, 12. -Tlf ! Ut7 Estinmtoi furnlehed pom Applio&tioB. Job work promptly attended to. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Tiske & Dhmanl it it 4r It it H r Architects I T9oms S1S-S17 Wchard BJnk Y it r The Weber Suitorium b the up-to date pUce where yeu ca fet yoet Clothing Gleaned and Pres$ed 'Phono 708. Northeast Cor lltti u4 O Hotd Waltoi 1 515 O Street Phone 564 10t rooms beBt lowprleed Ikhw ltkjt' RATES $i Per Dy and Up A J , ,...! J - ?. .1 . Jui&&L&& . jMC.ifcwJ WJ'., bhi.t ,' . i-1taild$l&4&jab,',;t '