The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 08, 1904, Image 2
Cbe E)a i Ip T! e b r a 0 H n n Zfyt Daily Debraskan. Jl. uuniioUdatlon of Am HMptrUn, Vol. 01, The Xebrakaa, YoL U, Scarlet and C renin, Vol. 4, aitoe-ta'Chltf dtn Manarr OUrovlator John D. Hi A. O. Sokralber 0. JL Sftwyar ASSOCIATE EDITORS Nw - - - P. A. Ewlng AthUtfc ' - - J. W. Hoar Literary - Dorothy Grcn Reportert D. P. De Young and Mable Pouter and Raymond H. McCaw. Port Ofllo, Box 18, Station A. Linooin. ataoriytlou Prlo, ff pw jrr. In draao. fcWrtd at the postoflloo at Ltnooln, Nbraaka n aeoond-clan mall matter. Editorial Remarks Three weeks remain, before the first dobato of the year. Our teams have been picked) and consist of the men who have shown themselves the most fitting to fill the positions to which thoy have aspired. They can justly feel proud of the reward that they have earned, and are to be congratu lated upon their success. They can feel assured that the University will take an Interest in them this year as its champions in debate, and their work will be closely watched from now on. If present Indications do not fail of fulfillment, Memorial hall will find all of its space fully utilized for at least onto in its experience. O Wo hope that the attention of all University students may have been di rected to the lecture by Mr. J. A. I,. Wadell this evening in Memorial hall. Ho is the most prominent brlge con structor in the west, having estab lished an enviable reputation as an able and skillful engineer. He Is a man of wide experience and the works that he has planned and perfected attest the genius of a man whose abilities havo been centered in rendering to his fellowmcn services of a permanent and enduring character. Memorial hall should be packed to Its limit this even ing, and if University people are ap preciative of this opportunity to hear a clearly drawn and Instructive lecture, ft certainly will be. O The School for Superintendents and Principals is to be one of the most Im portant features of the summer school work, and already wo are beginning to hear comments upon the wisdom of its introduction. It is Intended to develop this school into a great feature, as the possihjlltltes that It holds out are capa blo of development into substantial and and) tolling results. Here is a new field, and it will doubtless be worked to the best advantage. Many who are instructors or Intend to become such ought to welcome such an opportunity for good training, and the school should' find no great obstacles to over come, as it is something that is- really needed. It will be widely advertised, in order that attention may be drawn to It from many different quarters. The superintendents and principals of Ne braska will find' here an opportunity that accords with' their neons, and we look to Bee this branch of the slimmer school realize the fullest success. ZiffczpohkQirticHo; I Jewelry Items. Oold bead necklaces, also the heavy Roman neck laces, pearl, at 50c, $1.50 and up to $3.50. Real gun metal chains set with brilliants and pearlB, prices $2.50 up to $5.00. Solid gold brooches, stick pinB and rings, in all the ery latest patterns are here at $1.50 up to $10.00. Hat pins In sterling Bilver. gold filled and set with brilliants and real gun metal, also the Art Nouveau patterns. prW ed from 25c to $3.00. Dainty Neckwear A new lot of round style black spangled collars, dain ty embroidered stocks, Venise lace collars. Bulga rian embroidered stock collars of wash able canvnB, each 50c New turnover collars of u hite embroidery 2 for oc Novelty turnover collars oof white mull embroidered In delicate shades, at 30c to 50c GLOVES A New Pair For spring wear a new pair of gloves. That jb one of the the principal 1 ems nearly every woman has on her list If she's married she will have two pair on her list, one for herself and one pair for her husband. For Milady, choice from those mentioned here will surely result Fatlsfactorily. Two-clasp Victoria gloves, prime lambskin, come In black, white, mode, brown, gray, red d f( and navy; sizes 5 to 7 J1J la FayMte French kid gloves, Alexandre make, two clasps, come In black, white, mode, brown, gray, champagne, and red all rtj C sizes -...4I.c)U Three-clasp Adolfa gloves, made from first quality real kid black, white, brown, mode, champagne, pearl, navy, gray, red, green, pale blue, hellotropo this glove is usually sold at $2.00 J Oj our price is P 1 O J Courvolsler Suede gloves are here at $1.50 and $2.00. All gloves bought of us are guaranteed and fitted to the hand by experienced fitters. ( FOR PHYSICS BUILDING. Contract Will Be Awarded Next Tuesday. Bids for the new Physics building will be opened next Monday at a meet ing of the building committee of the Board of Regents, and the contract Itself probably awarded by the Regents themselves on Tuesday. There will probably be keen competition among the bidders on the construction, as over twenty firms from towns all the way from St.vl.ouis, Mo., to St Paul, Minn., have asked for specifications on the building. Actual work on the struc ture will commenco about ten days after the awarding of the contract, or somewhere in the neighborhood of April 22. It-will probably be possible for tho last ball games before the trip to be held before the structure Is begun, although It Is possible, of course, that the Omaha league will have to be played In the F. & M "park. Follow the Flag." Will Address Y. M. C. A. There Is a universal expression of regret, not only among our citizens, but especially among University people, over tho announcement in yesterday morning's paper that Dr. Fletcher L. Wharton, for four a.nd one-half years pastor of St. Paul's M. E. church, had accepted a call to a pastorate in Seat tle, Wash. Dr. Wharton has always shown deep interest and sympathy for tho students of this city, and especial- Ty for those connected with this Unl- L versity. Tho lost opportunity of hearing him before a University audience will be next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock In tho chapel, when he will give a fare well talk to college men. This Is tho last chance for those whom he has es pecially befriended, as well as those who have faith In him and his work, to show their appreciation of the man and his services to tho people of Lin coln and the state. This meeting will furnish a large number of men with the opportunity of meeting Dr. Wharton personally, of giving him a farewell handclasp. It is a University m'en's meeting, and every man is expected to turn out on this occasion. The Lincoln Academy and City Y. M. C. A. Debating cluba will meet In a debate at the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium Saturday evening, April 9. The ques tion under discussion is Canadian An nexation to the United States. The Academy has the offirmatlve of the proposition) and the Y. M. C. A. will support the negative. The supporters of both clubs are looking forward to a good debate. , Falls City Raises Guarantee. Captain Chase is still In correspond ence with several towns in regard to the annual cadet encampment. Falls City has already guaranteed the speci fied sum' necessary to secure the en campment), but Captain Chase wishes to hear definitely from all the towns before deciding on any one. This he oxpecui to do next week. f HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D Omaha, Neb. gf. Many Miles Shortest to St. Louis. The only line with its own Station at the main en trance of the World's Fair Grounds. Many special rates during the Exposition. All agents can sell via the Q Wabash. "HIGH ORAM CHDCDLATE5 BDNBDM5 Sold only by Harley Drug Co., nil p id O Street We will supply you with an en graved copper plate and 100 visiting cards, liv any size, for $1.00. We will print 100 cards from your own plate for 75c. The Lincoln Book Store. Box of cigars given away every day at Powell's Oliver theatre building. The Whitebreast Co., at 1106 0 St. is the place, to buy coal. Lincoln Local Express, 11th and N. Tel. 787. Baggage hauled. Wright Drug Co., 117 No. 'ohone 313. 11th, Snecial rates to students wishing typuwrlting done. 512 Richards block. TURPIN 1 0 I I ARROW COLLAR I 10 CENTS, 2 FOR 28 CCNTS I I CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. I MAKERS OF CLUETT AND MONARCH (HIRTS I April 30 is the date of tho Ladles' Minstrel. f 4. Il I, .. m-v. . . :