IPpWS'T ' ""W'tT: T ' ,'??!'W!fr s w 7''WR ';. W?. ''-" 'V -!?"" xviS,,r,- ,i ". ?-. k- -C i 1 "jH i .'H She B) a , , Wcbraeiian pt i rv rr V s- m K l- r i'. It" t!. fc t ?.' " ' s.i S7i v T WWWWWWWWWMWiV. SCK1MI0LLER ! I I " & MUELLER THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET OUR LEADERS Steinway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo. Steck And 23 others. We sell new Pianos on $5 monthly payments Are You Going -to ST. LOUIS N. E. A. and the t WORLD'S FAIR? Never before has tho N. E. A. arranged its mooting with snob. wondoriHl6pportujnltiea for the ,Teaoher, Instrnotor or Professor. The routo'vla tho Burlington will bo the favorito one, as it has boon heretofore. 0. W, Bonnell City Paiiengor Agtat Burlington RouU !' V rzpiga y Campus Qleanings. Tho now term of tho law courts will begin April ICth. " John D. Brady lectured In Decatur last Saturday evening. Frank P. Smith returned yesterday from a short visit with friends nt Cheney, Neb. Tho City Y. M. C. A. and Academy teams will moot In dcbato next Satur day ovening. Miss Patricia Naughton has returned from Omaha, whero she has been ill with tho grip. Tho Academy baseball team will play tho Cotner baseball team at Cotner next Saturday afternoon. Mr. Blackman of tho State Historical society, has loft tho city for Blue Springs on an archaeological expedi tion. "Deac" Koehler, who Is attending tho University of Chicago, was among tho distinguished visitors at the gamo yesterday. E. H. Allen loft Monday to attend the Phi Kappa Psl grand arch council, at IndlanapollB, as tho representative of the local chapter. Clark Powoll, of tho Powell Auto mobile Co., of Omaha, and a brother of Doane Powoll, ex-'04, is visiting at the Phi Kappa Psl house. John Forsyth, ox-'05, of Broken Bow, Is visiting at tho Delta hoiiBe. Ho in tends to remain over for tho Senior Prom, tomorrow evening. All the furniture In tho Historical society rooms has been neatly rear ranged and the floor, is now undergo ing a thorough scrubbing. Tho finance committee of tho Fresh man class met yesterday morning at chapel tlmo to estimate the funds for tho basket ball players' caps. The Palladian Debating society re ports a gootWlebato for last Saturday evening, and 'an excellent attendance. President Balrdi Is now supervising the interests of tho debaters. The threo debaters who will meet Doane In tho annual contest between the Palladian Debating club and tho Doane club, are Messrs. Craig, Smith and' Mitchell all tried men and good logical thinkers, who will show how an argument Bhould1 be presented. "Ye Editor," while "piping off" tho curves of one of tho pitchers from an advantageous position behind tho catcher in the game yesterday, received the full effect of a foul tip, which ho was not "swift" enough to get out of tho way of. He Is able to get around, but is still repenting for his act of curiosity. Dress Parade Tonight. It wasannounced at drill last even ing that if tho stato of the. weather permits tho battalion will appear in white duck trousers for tho first dress parade of tho year this ovening. It Is feared that last night's rain will make it necessary to postpone thjs today but tho announcement of one of tho fea tures which gained so much popularity last year will bo greeted with consid erable Interest by University people. Tlvo unusual efficiency in battalion movement will doubtless make tho weokly dress parades even more bril liant than thoy were last year. Tho improvement in tho bandi is also ex pected to aid materially in tho suc cess of tho review. Unions Maxwell Debate. Tho Unions and Maxwells will meet In debate next Saturday evening. The question to be discussed is "Resolved, That 'the fifteenth amendment should bo repealed." Tho Unions .have'tlio af .flrmatlvo and will bo represented by PIfer, McReynolds and Paul. Tho Max well team has not been posted. Special rate to students at Hendry's. ti The Shadow OF- Tfr OLIVER Typewriter The Standard Visible Writer EXTENDS OVER ALL THE EARTH 'Y. m 'V',-.' , , ,r.W:raY i& 33&KIKiBBH&Y ' .- f)3JVDI.71ulurUiHBB(UMTJfjn.Ji r a ' - .- J BEST LINE TO KANSAS CITY and ST. LOUIS THE WORLD'S FAIR CITY Two trains daily from Lncolnvith Pullman Sleeper. To Kansas City eyery night. City" Ticket Office, S. W, Corner 12th and O Streets. F. D. CORNELL, P. A T. A. u H H H it it it H it t I And all other college sport is fully covered in text and illustration by The Illustrated Sporting News which is the ONLY publication giving special attention to college subjects. Send Us Ono Dolliar- And we will send you The Illustrated Snortinc News H t it it n it it n it it each week for 16 weeks outdoor sports. Address THeIllustretteci Sporting NoAi West 22nd Street, New York. it ttm 5 fy ART CATALOG PRUB ON APPLICATION J-'k' n $&$&! tri TfjO OLIVER TypArrj-tor OMAHA .NEB. which will cover the season of r . fcl i -! 1 3'1 '-! J v i - , . u , 'Pm a it H a it it it (- it it it u 4t . Mm rri .,."i 1 v wj r r vS( if it it n it it it n : i . "m l h " .. . a, r , .?.. "HV ' ,V " 'y& k-Ji?-aYk, J. I ' X - F'.HUaLA. 4 iJ i .. &.? r 7. A -' -:-jA;'i '-' iLJ'- t.f 1