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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1904)
"wTty&wtfywiK. T? fTr&W! ' Batl IFlebraefean fOL. tv J. J 20. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY APRIL 7, J904. PRICE 3 CENTS i H fm r V LOSE THE SECOND Leaguers Strike Their Gait and Defeat the Varsity Team. Yesterday the Omaha leaguers at toned for their showing of th day be fore, by defeatlrig tho University team by a score of 10 to 4. The experlenc" received from the drubbing that they received must have held them in good stead, as they certainly played the game yesterday as professionals might be expected to play It. Our team did not do badly by any means, as the pro portion of errors was not large, yet there was a noticeable falling off in team work, and some of the individual play ere did not keep up the pace that thoy started out with yesterday. But such things are bound to happen In baseball, and in tho account of the s rnrnn fh "fa" nro mit nf n1nrr Oraaha played league ball. They had to fight for the game and were forced ls i-lmr flinlf Hinlf Our fnnm nlnvnrl a good steady game, such as will place it a winner among other college teams, and at times brilliant pieces of play ing were consummated. The loys have speed and they all get into the game. Yesterday they were outclassed by a bunch of bronzed and hardened men, whose home is on the diamond From the point of view of a non-interested spectator the game was much more satisfactory than the one of the day before. The story of the game is an Interesting one, and tho sensational parts could not fall to leave an Impression. At the start things broke well for the Varsity boys, as they wero ahead up to tho fifth inning, when Henderson went In and showed himself to bo a bad genius for Capt. Townsend's colts, lie was in fine fettle and was exceed ingly parsimonious in allowing hits as he absolutely refused to allow a single one. Bender was obliged, however, to stop ono of his swift ones with the mid dle of his back and was Urns allowed to pass to first without being molested. The day before such an action on the part of any of the Omaha pitchers was regarded as a deliberate attempt to defraud ono of our men of a chance to fatten his battng average, but yes terday it was different. And now as to the actual events of tho game. The game was called at 3 o'clock mi ..i.i . .. A A flnnl 4k lm lvn4 on1 m. if v J. lie visitors wie mot lw mi- uhi. P"JA- - barton, went out at first. Plake struck out and "Dusty" Miller got hit on the arm and was allowed to take first, in order that ho-might feel no ill will. Later he scored1 on a grounder to right 'field by welch, who was forced out-by Downs, on a grounder to second. In the last half Townsend scored a home run in loft field. Tho next inning Omaha, got a goose egg as their share while our boys -wero more successful. Fenlon was hit and went to first. He was sent to second by Williams' hit to center and came in on Beltzer's hit to left field. Bender's fly was caught and olflo wns out.. K In tho third inning Carter was given a pass to Him ana1 was uiu i m-n "Dusty" Millor got onto one of Belt zer's curve and brought both of them in homo. Just to show the Omahogs that we were still in the game Steen "knocked a three bagger into left which Capt. Townsend duplicated, sending tho ball into centor garden. This was soon fol lowed by a liner by Fenlon netting two and tho last scores for Nebraska. The next Inning resulted in goose eggs for both sides. In tho sixth the visitors added two more with a couple of three baggers, and a singly. Williams mode a sensa tional catch of Thomas' liner in this lialf. Tho next inning Schiplce scored on Henderson's hit to right while in the eighth Miller lined out a three base Senior F'rom APRIL 8. LINCOLN HOTEL Walt's full Orchestra -----------------------rv,vw-,vwsvSi hit to left and scored on Welch's hit to the same place. Tho visitors mado three more scores in tho last Inning making a total of 10 for tho game. For Omaha tho pitching of Hender son was the feature of tho game. He was In splendid form and his curves invincible. Plaice and Schlpko played star ball, while "Dusty" Miller took in a few in' left and handled tho stick in fine style. For Nebraska Townsend, Steen and Fenlon did excellent work at tho bat. Williams mado some sensational stops at short. Today occurs the final game be tween these two teams. Adams will probably bo In the box for the home team if he Is well enough He has plenty of speed and promises to show the leaguers a "warm time." Tho visitors are getting down to work and today' s game will cer tainly bo tho best gamo of the series, and overy lover of the sport should be out to encourage tho University team. Score by innings: Omaha 10 2002 11 310 Nebraska 1120000004 Omaha. Nebraska. Carter rf Miller Plako : ss Williams Miller If Fenlon Welch cf Cook Thomas lb Townsend Schlpko 3b Steen Downs 2b Hammill Gonding c Bender McCarthy p Beltzer Henderson p Umpire "Billy" Wilson. Time 1 hour, 35 minutes. tho following to say in regard to th' coming contest: The girls' basket ball team will prob ably go to Nebraska. Early In the year Nebraska wanted to havo our girls go down to Lincoln and play them, but at that time President Northrop wns not In favor of tho idea. Since then, how ever, he has changed his mind. Yes terday ho received a letter from the director of tho Nebraska team, request ing that ho allow our girls to make the trip to Lincoln, and this morning he stated that ho would probably send a reply in the affirmative. If such is the case Nebraska' challenge will soon be forthcoming and as a contract can be easily arranged the gamo will be a certainty. DATE ANNOUNCED. Kansas-Nebraska Debate Will be Held Friday, April 29. vr V A RET JRNGAME. Minnesota Girls Will Play Basket Ball in Lincoln. The negotiations between the girls' basket ball teams of Minnesota and Nebraska, which have "been hanging fire for some time began to assume dofl nlto form yesterday when it was an nounced that arrangements had been made betwjnm the two teams for a game In Lincoln. Sometime near the end of the present month the game will be played. Tho actual date of tho meet has not been decided upon yet, It Is also reported to us on good au thority that negotiations' are under way wiith Missouri and perhaps one or two other Institutions for a girls' basket ball tournament In Uncoln (hir ing the visit of the Gophers. This would be a decided innovation in wo men's basket ball and would be watched with considerable Interest all over the country. Last Saturday's Minnesota Daily has Tho date for the big Kansas-Nebraska debate has at last been deter mined upon. It will occur Friday even ing, April 29, three weeks from to morow night, in Memorial hall. An enormous crowd. Is anticipated for the ovent, on account of the extraordinary relations that havo existed between the two schools for some time. Kan sas has adopted an entirely new style of argument, modeled after our own, and will do her utmost to retrieve past defeats at our hands and win new lau rels by defeating us this year. Practice debating has been going on hero with considerable vim for tho last month or so. Iast night Messrs. James, Lightner and Anderson supported the affirmative of tho question against Messrs. Levy, Sawyer and McReynolds. The members of the interstate debat ing squad will be announced either to day Or tomorrow. On account of the unusual effort that has been put forth by candidates for these positions, the announcement will probably create considerable Interest. The Kansas squad has already been selected, and is getting Into shape for the contest. Tho officials for the debate have not yet been decided upon, although cor respondence is being carried on with several prominent men welLcompetent to judge In each contest. No presiding officer has been chosen. ENGINEERS' DAY J. A..L. Waddell, Noted Bridge Constructor, Will Speak. Friday, April 8, will be Engineer's Day at tho University. Mr. J. A. L. Waddell, tho most prominent bridge engineer of tho west, will deliver an address nt S p. m. In tho Memorial hall. This opportunity engineers will not, x and other should not miss. Mr. Waddell has achieved lasting re nown not by saying or thinking, but by doing. Tho structures he has de signed exist as enduring monuments of his skill and aro tho connecting links In great commercial highways. In addition to his professional experi ence in this country Mr. Waddell was for several years professor of clviV en gineering in tho Imporlal Unlvorslty of Japan. Honce ho brings to tho platform an experience and breadth of opinion seldom equalled. That a man of so high reputation consents to in terrupts his professional duties to ad dress the studonts horo Is a compli ment to the University and a recogni tion of the high position its engineer ing departments aro assuming In se curing Mr. Waddell the engineering society feels It has mado a distinct ad vance In' the class of entertainments It has fiom time to time offered to tho student body. Nothing can so add to tho enthusiasm for and knowledge of a profession as the opportunity of hear ing the experiences of Its leading men. One thus acquires in a short time in formation which has cost years of study and work, and' which can not bo secured from text books. Tho Engin eers should hear this lecture. The engineering students of Nebras ka have tho opportunity of adding to their experience tho valuable advice of one of tho most successful men In their profession. Through tho courtesy of Mr. Kimball director of the school of jnuslc, the chapel has been secured and Mr. Wad dell will deliver his lecture at 8 p. m. Friday. A unique feature of advertising has been introduced by the engineers for this Mure. A largo electric sign has been placed on tho tower of University hall, composed of tho single word, "Waddell." Tho sign can le seen for a long distance down 0 street, and at tracted considerable attention last night. It will doubtless prove a most effective advertisement for -tho lecture. The engineers aro also doing them selves proud In the way of posters an nouncing the event. Sanderson has the swellest line of spring shoes you ever saw. Drop in and see thorn. Box. of cigars given away every day at Powell's Oliver theatre building. Lincoln Local Express, 11th and Tel. 787. Baggage hauled. Colorado Wants Tennis Meet. N. I L ?" BASE BALL TODAY University vs. Omaha Tickets 25c 3 O'clock. --Oolorado Is desirous of meeting Ne braska In tennis, a letter to tills effect having been received by Secpetary Ty ner yesterday. A meet with Colorado will be agreeable to us, If Colorado will defray the expenses of a trip by our representatives to Boulder this spring, with the understanding that wo recip rocate In like manner next fall. Tho courts have been moved to the south, and the rain will help to pack tho grounds, which havo lately been filled in. Several players were out for prac tice yesterday and the day before, and a number of now men havo promised to Join the association. Sam's Cafe. Tho only place In tha city to get the famous "Little Gem Hot Waffles." Special service fo ladies. Earl J. Woodward, M. D., treatm dls. eases of the eye. ear and throat. Rooms 207-08 Richards block, 'Phone GG6. Chapio ' .os,, FlorlBte, 127 So. 13th. 'Phonp itJ. Boston Dentists, best work and low prices. r i .j - r S i - J & ; .VCjVljIftjfefa fr temktt&.'U? a& Jtt;'v,j&i & j iViftVf iiiiAibiinvfflgftyofc&al4ifeivfafcbJ ;V . UP , W3f-i64i .V