Cbe Ba3fl? flclr0itAn mi ii i.i i.r --' r f1 m f it w v -1 fcl ?, i V B . !0m0mi00mtitA0mtm, sniMoiirH I & MUELLER THE BIG PIANO HOUSE f 135 SOUTH llth STREET OUR LEADERS Sttinway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B Chase Geo. Steck And 23 others. We sell new Pianos on $5 monthly payments MMWMwMmm mtwf Are You Going -to ST. LOUIS N. E. A. and the WORLD'S FAIR? Nerer before has tho N. E. A. arranged its mooting with suoh wonderful opportunities for the Teaohor, Instructor or Professor. The routo via tho Burlington will bo the farorito one. as It has been heretofore. 0. W. Bonnell Oily PatMngpr AgsM Burlington Routs Campus Qleanings. Fletcher Lane spent a part of tho vacation in Kansas City. Or. and Mm. Clapp spent the varn tlon with friends in St. Louis. Miss Gertrude Graves of Kearney visited with her brother. Elliott V. Graves. DwiglU Pierce left school to an-ept a position aH instructor in the stat" ag ricultural schx)l of Mississippi T B. King, an old1 Hetn of Denve: University, was visiting University frlcnds on the campus yesterday. The St. Luke's Choir club gave a party al VValeh hall yesterday evening, which was largely attended by Uni versity btudents. Mie Jennie Whitmore is ba( k in school again after an absence, on ac count of Illness, having returned from her homo in Vallej, where she went to recuperate The Western Philosophical af-socia-tloni lipid its fourth annual meeting with tho Unhersity of Missouri April 1 and 2. Thero wero about twenty members of tho association present. A card has been' received from Ur. and Mrs. Derrick N. Lehmer, announc ing the birth on March 30, of Helen Mitchell Lehmor, weight 7 pounds. Dr. Lehmor will be remembered as a dis tinguished alumnus of Nebraska, and a member of the mathematical- faculty of the University of California, at K iHTiteiey Dr. Moritz spent the larger part of tho ICastcr oration at Beatrice, where he. addressed' the Southeast Nebraska Education1 association, and incidentally advertised the summer session of the University. He reports the teachers greatly Interested In the work of the summer session, and indications point to a largo representation from the unitheas-L portion of the state The Shadow flE OLIVER 'Wllfm Typewriter flgv - : The Standard Visible Writer ft)ft $$ EXTENDS OVER ;VK ALL THF - 4wilSS EARTH JMPW ' , '- --'' . - - 1 - MMavaBM wmwhvs km DR. DAVIS AT CHAPEL. An Interesting Talk Given en the "Breadth of Power." An interesting talk was given at cha pel yesterday morning by Profesbor Davis on the "Breadth of Power." He emphasized the necessity of broaden ing our course so that we would not becomo narrow in our views. We were to become leaders' in the different sec tions of tho country and it would not be profitable for us to specialize too much on one subject. Of the different subjects that he btig gested' for tho student to become a broad and liberal thinker the study of history was the most Important, none other would lead a person to think more IberaJly and to see now ideals more quickly. He spoko of science as a mental trainer to develop tho fact method. Tho discourse was very instructive, and although a very' small number wqb present those who attended felt fully repaid. Wright Drug Co., 117 No. llth, 'phone .313. Boston Dentists, best work and low prices. COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OP LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL - - - $100,000.00 OFFICERS John Wrltht, Pros. J. H. Wescott, Vlc-Pr. Joe SnmueU, Snd Vlca-Fros. P. L. Hcdl. Cafhlar. W. B. Ryona. Aps't. Oaah. BEST LINE TO KANSAS CITY and ST. LOUIS THE WORLD'S FAIR CITY Two trains daily from Lncoln with Pullman Sleeper. To Kansas City every night. City Ticket Office, 3. W. Corner 12th and O Streets. F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A. imtt)wtta gMMiiM&lMlpMllltAiHVtAMM f ft. H. GILLESPIE I BOOKBINDER 524 O Street, o Lincoln PHONE 1140 J it it it a it it it it it it w n it a n it it it n it n it it it a a Cjolleg Baselbeill And all other college sport is fully covered in text and illustration by The Illustrated Sporting News which is the ONLY publication giving special attention to college subjects. Send Us One Dollar And we will send you The Illustrated Sporting News each week for 16 weeks which will cover the season of outdoor sports. Address ThelllustratedSportihgNeus West 22nd Street New York. !! it it if ii it it ii o n it it a u it a a u it x y . 7 4 ii i M I 'Fnl O t I t0ttmtt0tmtMm0tftM4vi'i . ) i .4&-?t 1 ,v v- rik.